View Full Version : Lowlands Anyone?

13/07/2007, 10:26 PM
Heading to Lowlands festival (17,18,19 August). Both Pearl Jam and Radiohead are headlining (my top 2 bands) so I made it a must and managed to rope some others in also.

Anyway, has anyone ever been? Any info or tips would be appreciated because I know nothing about it and havent met anyone who's been.

Lionel Ritchie
14/07/2007, 11:35 AM
Any tips I'd give you would be a bit stale as I was at Lowlands in 1993!!!

I'd a great time and resolved after it never to go to a festival in Ireland again. It had everything Irish festivals (Feile at the time and I'm told Oxygen still) didn't have like proper professional security rather than hired goons out on licence, adequate facilities, reasonably priced food and beverages, secure camping and reasonably located car parking.

1993 was a very wet summer in The Netherlands -I should know I lived in a tent for most of it as I was working "on the bulbs" over there -yet somehow Lowlands Festival managed to have ample car parking on a polder (reclaimed bit of land several meters below sea level) that didn't submerge making it neccessary to park many, many miles away and join a five hour queue for a hopelessly inadequate shuttle bus service ala Irelands best effort.

There's an old saying comes to mind "If the Dutch had Ireland they'd all be rich and if the Irish had Holland they'd all drown"

14/07/2007, 4:13 PM
My brother, his wife and some of their mates are going. He is selling me his EP ticket to go. I want to go too but since promised to take kids to EP cant afford to do both.

Would love to tho, Radiohead are my 2nd fav band of all time and I love Holland. Would stay in my Aunts if it was wet and take the train each day.

20/07/2007, 9:46 AM
Any tips I'd give you would be a bit stale as I was at Lowlands in 1993!!!

1993 was a very wet summer in The Netherlands -I should know I lived in a tent for most of it as I was working "on the bulbs" over there

Freaky I spent Summer of 93 in a tent in Holland too and it rained constantly, I was worried about catching trench foot at one point, where about's were you because if you say Emmeloord you are either Mikey or his mate.
That said I went to U2 in Nijmegen in 93 and it was pretty good weather, we slept under our tricolour :o

Lionel Ritchie
21/07/2007, 4:45 PM
Freaky I spent Summer of 93 in a tent in Holland too and it rained constantly, I was worried about catching trench foot at one point, where about's were you because if you say Emmeloord you are either Mikey or his mate.
That said I went to U2 in Nijmegen in 93 and it was pretty good weather, we slept under our tricolour :o

I'm guessing you were further south than me.

I was in a place called Andijk which is near Hoorn in Noord-Holland -about 40 miles north east of Amsterdam on the Zuider Zee.

All things considered a very, very bad patch in my life interspersed with a few memorable good times. I can concur about the trench-foot, gout, hoof rot and god knows what else I had real concerns would rub me out. That nobody became very seriously ill on my site was nothing short of a miracle.

Just thought of a single piece of advice for Beavis -if like Irelands most popular effort (that I'll not name as the promoters are legatious ;) ) the same bands are playing year upon year then you might want to give Stone Temple Pilots a miss as they sucked:D

Rage Against The Machine are one-trick-willys too.

24/07/2007, 1:30 PM
Heading to Lowlands festival (17,18,19 August). Both Pearl Jam and Radiohead are headlining (my top 2 bands) so I made it a must and managed to rope some others in also.

Anyway, has anyone ever been? Any info or tips would be appreciated because I know nothing about it and havent met anyone who's been.

Beavis , i was there last year and it was effin' brilliant , easily the best organised festival that there is.

brilliant hot showers , loads of toilets with loads of bogroll !!

only problem is you need to get into the tent early of your favourite band , if its raining you'll get lashed on outside, if its sunny then no worries at all the acoustics are pretty good. theres loads to do and the food and drink are easy to get loads of varieties,

anything else you want to know ask me.

24/07/2007, 5:20 PM
Beavis , i was there last year and it was effin' brilliant , easily the best organised festival that there is.

brilliant hot showers , loads of toilets with loads of bogroll !!

only problem is you need to get into the tent early of your favourite band , if its raining you'll get lashed on outside, if its sunny then no worries at all the acoustics are pretty good. theres loads to do and the food and drink are easy to get loads of varieties,

anything else you want to know ask me.

Sounds good, we're flying in by Charleroi and then training to Amsterdam and then to the Lelystad station where you get a shuttle bus (I think). Is it fairly handy to get to the site from Amsterdam? eg signage or announcements etc to indicate where to go (given that, despite best intentions, we will probably be on the beer from 7am including the traditional bottle of Malibu on the flight so may not be in optimum navigational mode:D).
Have to be in Eindoven airport by 5 on Monday, is there any problems with getting out like being stuck in traffic for hours around Oxegen?

Is there any rules about bringing booze? Do you know are glass bottles allowed or particular beer types? Lowlands is sponsored by Grolsch and I was just envisaging problems like when the Dutch fans had to cover the Bavaria logo on their orange suits at the World Cup because it was sponsored by Heineken.

Thanks for help.

25/07/2007, 8:54 AM
1 Is it fairly handy to get to the site from Amsterdam? eg signage or announcements etc to indicate where to go.

2 is there any problems with getting out like being stuck in traffic for hours around Oxegen?

3 Is there any rules about bringing booze? Do you know are glass bottles allowed or particular beer types?

1very easy to get to , the organisation of the whole thing is second to none and its well signposted.

2i left on the sunday so cannot help you there , i reckon it might be difficult as the road out is narrow and there are loads of cars and camper vans. if you are in public transport you should be ok though.

3 I didnt bring any booze and I'm not sure if you can , you are checked pretty throughly on the way in , perhaps you can bring it into the campsite but deffo not into the concerts.

Lionel Ritchie
25/07/2007, 1:21 PM
3 I didnt bring any booze and I'm not sure if you can , you are checked pretty throughly on the way in , perhaps you can bring it into the campsite but deffo not into the concerts.

Back in my day :eek: you couldn't bring booze into the arena so I can't imagine they've liberalised that any. It was all pogs.