View Full Version : Can you find the missing person?

12/07/2007, 9:18 AM
I was wondering could I pick the brains of the foot.ie community if you don't mind. There's a local radio competition over here where you have to identify 4 different people who all have a connection and each name is worth £500. It's not necessarily the money although £500 is always nice but it's bugging me now as it has been ongoing for a while.

So far 3 correct names have been Claire Sweeney, Boris Becker and Annie Lennox. They all have a connection although what it is is anyone's guess and obviously the 4th name is connected too. Any ideas? If someone gives the name and I manage to get through I will gladly go 50/50 on any winnings but it's more to do with the fact that I'm sick of it on at this stage!

12/07/2007, 9:22 AM
They're all ginger?

12/07/2007, 9:30 AM
thoght it was celeb big bro but no.

12/07/2007, 9:49 AM
My hunches would be,
Tax evasion/avoidance, I know Becker got done and I'm pretty sure Annie Lived overseas to avoid paying tax in the UK
Charity work, Annie is a big greenpeace/Amnesty supporter, not sure about the other 2 but I guess it's the type of thing Boris would be into, don't know much about Claire Sweeney.....

12/07/2007, 9:55 AM
I'd imagine it's a charity thing alright...

12/07/2007, 9:58 AM
if you put all three names into google together you come up with this
dunno if its true though

12/07/2007, 10:17 AM
Cheers for ideas lads, keep them coming. You can register with the radio's website and look at answers that they have had but my e-mail has been down for 3 weeks at work so I'll have to get one of my colleagues to register to check the names.

I've just been told as well that's it's £500 per name but if you correctly give all 4 it's about £3,000 so that ups the ante a little!

Rovers fan
16/07/2007, 12:19 AM
I have it

they all have the letter "e" in their names.;):p

16/07/2007, 4:27 PM
It went today, the final person was Jeffrey Archer and the link was that they all have holiday homes in Majorca or something. What sort of ****ing link is that!? I mean they are hardly the only celebrities to have holiday homes there. ****ing local radio hicks!

16/07/2007, 5:45 PM
Your wan Sweeney does ads for those holiday homes

16/07/2007, 5:56 PM
thats fairly sad alright but how were ppl able to link the other 3 though in that case?

17/07/2007, 12:48 PM
No idea, as far as I'm led to believe they don't even give you a clue for the first one so it's probably weeks until someone happens to mention one of the names by chance in their 4 guesses.

They give clue's every now and again like yesterdays one for Archer was "he has a name like he should be involved in sport". I was thinking Gary Player and people had phoned in saying Michael Ball and David Schwimmer before she got it. Was probably concentrating too much on linking them together, I'd have been better off saying any names that came into my head :D

17/07/2007, 1:04 PM
thats so obscure its so stupid. It reminds of a thing that a local chemist does at home at christmas and gives a 500 euro voucher for.

Its like this

64 the W of R in K

now that could be anything but the supposed answer for this last xmas was 64 the width of roscommon in kilometres.....how stupid? THe worst part is there is about 40 of them to get right to win it....