View Full Version : Constitution

14/03/2003, 2:57 PM
With all the stuff that Pats fans have warned us about Dolan trying to take over everything in the Club and then the scéal with Noelle and Jim Murphy and now Grogan IMO Cork City FC should really have some sort of a constitution, like Barca do.

A simple doucment stating the aims and aispriations of the club which also outlines who's job it is to do what. It really wouldnt be difficult to prepare and would help with Sponsors and Investors to know what will happen to and who will handle their donations. Perhaps some official recognition of what the fans contibute to the club also.

Just a thought that keeps me awake at night:D

14/03/2003, 4:43 PM
That's not a bad idea actually. Might help control the power hungry. I don't think it is a good idea that one man have
some much to do and so much control.