View Full Version : Grand Draw

29/06/2007, 8:48 AM
This draw took place last Sunday. Why has the club not put up the names of the winners on the website? People I sold tickets to have asked me who won, and I tell them I haven’t a clue. This is another unprofessional aspect of our club.:mad:

Rory H
29/06/2007, 9:52 AM
it didnt take place last sunday. they postponed it to try and sell more. even more professional:p

29/06/2007, 10:16 AM
It's been put back by two weeks Redzer.

29/06/2007, 10:16 AM
Thanks for the info Rory. So any idea when it will take place? Wouldn't you think the club website would have put up this information?
I didn't see any mention of the postponment on any of the local papers either.

29/06/2007, 10:43 AM
Can someone please bring a few to the game tomorrow. I could try and sell a few. Rory H if you have a few could you bring them to the game.

Rory H
29/06/2007, 10:47 AM
i sold all mine.....sorry. go up to the press box and the powers will give you some

29/06/2007, 10:50 AM
Oliver Davey will have a few, approach him. He's not as scary as ya think:p

29/06/2007, 10:51 AM
I tried to contact the club to get some but never got an answer.
Anyone else have any that they can't sell and i will get them sold for you. I could sell up to 9-10. There must be a few spares lying around.

Rory H
29/06/2007, 10:52 AM
well go back to them and get them! they wont ignore you in person

29/06/2007, 12:27 PM
why is this not on the website ? the club need to realise some of us are intersted in supporting everything they do but need to know about it first. cant believe someone didnt get back to midgit, a person willing to bring money into the club by selling a few.

29/06/2007, 2:38 PM

i have 5 spares here im strugglin to sell, already sold the first batch i got, you can have them if you think you can sell them off.

30/06/2007, 4:05 PM
Tuesday July 10th is the new date for the draw.

1 9 2 8
30/06/2007, 5:03 PM
. Why has the club not put up the names of the winners on the website?
What about videos and photos on the website whats the story with them?

02/07/2007, 8:52 AM
re draw - the club didnt send me the info on the draw - i like many here am selling the tickets, but i didn't have any graphics or anything and unfortunately i don't have time any more to go chasing around looking for graphics / stories etc.

re videos - theres' a thread at the top here for all videos with a link from main site -

photos - still having tehcnical problems with upload.

02/07/2007, 12:57 PM
re draw - the club didnt send me the info on the draw - i like many here am selling the tickets, but i didn't have any graphics or anything and unfortunately i don't have time any more to go chasing around looking for graphics / stories etc.

re videos - theres' a thread at the top here for all videos with a link from main site -

photos - still having tehcnical problems with upload.

Ye still have to update the league table aswell