View Full Version : Refereeing question

23/06/2007, 2:26 PM
Just saw an incident in a rugby match, and wondered about the football equivalent.

If a player has been substituted - paperwork has been done, he is jogging off, shakes hands with the substitute, then spits at the referee/assistant referee, or some other offence which normally results in a red card - what punishment can be given?

Obviously, the player who has been substituted can be sent off......is that it?

23/06/2007, 2:38 PM
Still get sent off just like sending off a coach or sub (seen a sub get sent off recently cant recall who for, think it was in la liga).

As hes been subbed the team isnt down to ten.


23/06/2007, 3:25 PM
Sevilla sub got sent off warming up

The player who came on stays on. Guy who got sent off likely to get lengthy ban

23/06/2007, 3:30 PM
At what point is a substitution complete?

23/06/2007, 3:33 PM
Suppose when the substituted player is off the pitch and the new one on

24/06/2007, 7:53 AM
On a point of information a referee can send a player or official off at any point from the time the teams leave the dressing room before the game right until they return there long after the final whistle. I know of an incident where a player was sent off after the final whistle once.

24/06/2007, 9:40 AM
Its complete when the sub crosses the line .

Ive heard of a player getting sent off in the car park after the game :eek:

25/06/2007, 10:05 AM
I know of an incident where a player was sent off after the final whistle once.

it happens quite often. was it cork who had players sent off in cyprus following a tunnel incident recenltly !!

another famous one was cantona in istanbul.

25/06/2007, 10:39 AM
Still get sent off just like sending off a coach or sub (seen a sub get sent off recently cant recall who for, think it was in la liga).

As hes been subbed the team isnt down to ten.


First time I saw it happen was on the Italian Football programme. Last match of the season in the early 1990s - AC Milan vs. Foggia (8-2) which was a featured game on Network 2, or perhaps the following season Fiorentina vs. Foggia (6-2), which may have been live on Channel 4. Anyway, the sub starts roaring on at the ref over another goal conceded, and over he comes and reds him. Prior to this, Foggia had received 99 red and yellow cards that season - this was the ideal way to get the ton!

25/06/2007, 1:18 PM
Ive heard of a player getting sent off in the car park after the game

I've heard of a supporter being shown a red card by a ref in a
Roscommion League game before.

The offending spectator was shown the red card for giving out about
refereeing decisions. He hopped over the other side of the chest high
fence and continued to shout abuse at the ref from there. :D

25/06/2007, 8:24 PM
The offending spectator was shown the red card for giving out about
refereeing decisions. He hopped over the other side of the chest high
fence and continued to shout abuse at the ref from there. :D

my manager did that in Nighthawks league in 3 rock, walked behind little fence and continued to shout at the ref.



26/06/2007, 12:48 AM
At what point is a substitution complete?

soon as they cross the white line

01/07/2007, 2:36 PM
ok. first: the referee can send a player off from the moment the referee enters the stadium, to the point in time when he leaves the stadium. once off the field however it is not 100% necessary to show the red card. and the substitution is complete once the player leaves the field of play. and about the supporter being shown the red card, thats disgracful refereeing. the referee is only allowed to show a card to a player, not even a manager. he is meant to inform the manager to remove the supporter. how do i know all this- i am a referee
now any more questions that need to be officially answered

02/07/2007, 8:30 AM
- i am a referee


02/07/2007, 9:51 AM
the referee can send a player off from the moment the referee enters the stadium, to the point in time when he leaves the stadium.
That would make refereeing in the First Division (and much of the Premier) a bit problematic, what with the absence of stadia recogniseable as such.

02/07/2007, 12:11 PM
What would happen if you had some guy annoying you so instead of hitting him lashed the ball at him hittin ghim in the nuts then when he went to hold them smashed it back into his face . Could you get booked for that you could claim you were trying to clear it ?

02/07/2007, 1:07 PM
by stadium i mean the area around the pitch and dressing room. and to answer anto1208's question: you would probably get away with hitting him in the nuts, but after that the ref would probably rule it as intentional and you would be booked. if it was your free kick, however, and he was hit while standing too close, the ref could book him if he didnt make enough effort in getting out of the way. and if he wasnt booked then hed be in pain anyway and you'd get to hit the free-kick again.

02/07/2007, 1:33 PM
do you think video assistance should be available to referees? Why do some referees not seem too keen on the idea?

02/07/2007, 2:40 PM
do you think video assistance should be available to referees? Why do some referees not seem too keen on the idea?

Power trip ? :D

They dont like the idea of someone else being able to over rule them . i know im messing but ive played in games where the refs are just ignorant idiots on a power trip shouting things at you like walk away now or ill book you , treating you like a kid and im not one for mouthing off to refs .

02/07/2007, 4:24 PM
im all for them bringing in TV assistance. although it will probably greatly slow down the game like it can in rugby. but if they can be sure that it wont take any pace out of the game then it should be brought in. the only problem is ireland wont see it til about 2032. and anto, ur about 95% right. the majority of refs who dont want it just dont want any of their authority taken away. its pure daft i know but thats the way some refs are. i know some who just want to dictate on the pitch, i do it because i like watching football

02/07/2007, 4:37 PM
I think it should be given a go nut i dont think it can work , i dont think it would slow the game down , will a video ref really take that long to view the replay , will Gary neville have even finished giving out to the ref by the time the verdict comes back .

Any game you watch on tv sky have shown the replay 5 or 6 times and then it goes back to the game and the players are still moaning .

But i cant see it working there is just not enough cameras out there to monitor every game if you think about it you will need a camera on the goal line ( 2 ) following the ball so thats a min of 3 per pitch . Thats ok in the prem league when sky have cameras at every ground but what if the camera does nt have a good angle or misses the incident , What happens if the ref calls for the vid ref then he comes back and says i dont know !!! there is no way it would work in say the Irish league where most first div games have no camera's at the game at all .

What if players start looking for it for everything you could claim and offside is just as important as a goal mouth scramble , what if he is onside and the ref gives it offside then the vid over rules him does the attacker get the free kick ? its hardly the same to have a one one reduced to a free kick .

I just think it would lead to more problems than it would solve , No harm looking into it though .

03/07/2007, 11:52 AM
they are talking about bringing it in but only for goals. it wont be used for offsides or freekicks or punch ups or anything else.

Marked Man
05/07/2007, 6:30 AM


08/07/2007, 2:50 PM
Something similar happened last night - a Hammarby sub was booked, never coming on. he swang at billy woods.

10/07/2007, 10:22 AM
he souldve been sent off for that. that would just mean he wasnt allowed to be used. bit **** really, it should also take away a sub nuber, ie: if 3 subs arepermitted to be made, this should use up one of them

10/07/2007, 10:55 AM
they are talking about bringing it in but only for goals. it wont be used for offsides or freekicks or punch ups or anything else.

I cant see how they can decide that a "ball over the line" incident is any more important to the out come of the game than a onside goal ruled offside .

I dont think it can work , id like to see the if the ref has ruled on it rule thrown out , you know where someone stamps on a player but the ref only books him nothing more can be done after the game .

10/07/2007, 11:35 PM
id like to see the if the ref has ruled on it rule thrown out , you know where someone stamps on a player but the ref only books him nothing more can be done after the game .

il agree with you here. it is pure daft. if we miss an incident in the game that a camera picks up, then disiplinary measures should be enforced. it should not be down to the ref to change his mind in his report because most refs are such arogant b*****ds that they wont accept that they made a mistake. for some reason they see themselves above everyone else, which i dont understand seeing as it takes a one hour course to become one, although you are continually assessed.

13/07/2007, 4:24 PM
Power trip ? :D

They dont like the idea of someone else being able to over rule them . i know im messing but ive played in games where the refs are just ignorant idiots on a power trip shouting things at you like walk away now or ill book you , treating you like a kid and im not one for mouthing off to refs .

Most players act like kids so why shouldn't refs treat them so?