View Full Version : Capitalism's newest member!

21/06/2007, 11:57 AM
I would like to welcome LTID to the 'right' side of life. After many years in the socialist wildernest he has finally seen the light (and Euro signs) and has agreed in his own small way to help the American/Israeli bid for world domination. One has to wonder though, how many games will be missed due to this 'change in side'?

21/06/2007, 3:08 PM
Another comrade/tax dodger has fallen....it's a sad day for us far left Nazis :(

Lim till i die
21/06/2007, 3:22 PM
Another comrade/tax dodger has fallen....it's a sad day for us far left Nazis

We need the money to bring the struggle to the people

Besides I'm taking it down from the inside, I even here my boss is a "JOO" ;):eek:

how many games will be missed

The bi-annual Craptown massacres

That is all :)

21/06/2007, 3:24 PM
Monkfish is your boss?

Lim till i die
21/06/2007, 3:34 PM
Monkfish is your boss?

I'm sure he's a major kingpin somewhere along the line in the Zionist NWO conspiracy.