View Full Version : Funny things you have seen at work?

20/06/2007, 9:24 AM
going to start this off.....its definately the strangest/funniest thing i have seen at work.

Just started working at a new clients office today, went to the toilets to get some tissue for my cold then turned round to wash my hands and beside the soap pertruding from the wall was a machine, with a big sign, the sign read "we support...and we are providing these CONDOMS for free"!! :eek::D

20/06/2007, 1:22 PM
Funniest things:

This (http://bebo.com/watch/3542566476) and this (http://bebo.com/watch/3508212261). We were having a very productive day, needless to say, the manager had gone home early:D.

20/06/2007, 7:26 PM
Why didn't you snort the dip??

Funniest thing I can remember was when I worked in Lifestyle the security guard we had was a right nutter. He was this can guy from Birmingham. He's actually Wesley Charles' cousin. He was the best laugh ever. There was once he went up to one of the workers whose a bit slow. The security guard picked up the fire extinguisher and told him to bring it down to the fire station cos it needed refilling. Your man thought he was serious.

20/06/2007, 7:32 PM
Wow, superfrank, making fun of the retarded. Way to go. You da man.

20/06/2007, 7:36 PM
Wow, superfrank, making fun of the retarded. Way to go. You da man.
I'm highly offended by that. My brother is mentally handicapped and I would never make fun of any handicapped person. I don't know why anyone would do such a thing.

I meant slow as in not the brightest spark.

20/06/2007, 8:25 PM
Why didn't you snort the dip??Cos I wasn't stupid enough:D.

20/06/2007, 8:26 PM
Funniest thing I ever saw was when I was working in HMV on Cruises St in Limerick. Its a pedesterian street and it was around Christmas, so there was a photographer charging people a fiver to get their photos taking with a guy in a Santa outfit, and another guy in a Bob the Builder outfit for some reason. Anyway the photographer was taking a shot of a couple with Bob and Santa when some young fella ran up and grabbed the photographers polaroid camera and tried to leg it. I say tried because quick as a dart Santa and Bob ran after him and took him down with a rugby tackle. All well and good until Bob and Santa began kicking lumps out of the robber on the ground, funnier still was that the Bob character had a big foam head and big foam hands and feet and was stomping on the robber with those feet. Anyway whilst children had stopped to watch and cry about Bob and Santa pummelling some guy two cops ran over and pulled Bob and Santa off the guy and arrested the pair of them along with the robber. So the actual funniest sight I've ever witnessed was Bob and Santa being cuffed and put in the back of a police car, Bob still with his big foam head on whilst the children of Limerick weeped and weeped

20/06/2007, 9:00 PM
C'mon, admit it, you made that up didn't you :D

20/06/2007, 9:11 PM
You cant make that up

21/06/2007, 8:27 AM
are you sure you weren't witnessing a Trigger Happy Episode Jebus??

21/06/2007, 8:54 AM
thats what it sounds like shakermaker, that is hillarious.

i never knew they had cops in limerick.....

Bob still with his big foam head on

i couldnt stop laughing when reading that line, irish people have a great way of saying things :D :D

21/06/2007, 9:07 AM
A friend of mine was doing security in a supermarket , He spotted a young fella robbing a chicken , so he grabbed him and said what are you doing with that ...

The young fella replied chips and mushy peas , He was so stunned he let go of his grip and your man ran off

21/06/2007, 9:38 AM
That is pure class Jebus:D:D:D.The robber must have been so embaressed
explaining what happened to his mates.

21/06/2007, 1:26 PM
Funniest thing I ever saw was when I was working in HMV on Cruises St in Limerick. Its a pedesterian street and it was around Christmas, so there was a photographer charging people a fiver to get their photos taking with a guy in a Santa outfit, and another guy in a Bob the Builder outfit for some reason. Anyway the photographer was taking a shot of a couple with Bob and Santa when some young fella ran up and grabbed the photographers polaroid camera and tried to leg it. I say tried because quick as a dart Santa and Bob ran after him and took him down with a rugby tackle. All well and good until Bob and Santa began kicking lumps out of the robber on the ground, funnier still was that the Bob character had a big foam head and big foam hands and feet and was stomping on the robber with those feet. Anyway whilst children had stopped to watch and cry about Bob and Santa pummelling some guy two cops ran over and pulled Bob and Santa off the guy and arrested the pair of them along with the robber. So the actual funniest sight I've ever witnessed was Bob and Santa being cuffed and put in the back of a police car, Bob still with his big foam head on whilst the children of Limerick weeped and weeped
Jebus wept!

21/06/2007, 2:46 PM
Anyone who doubts that that story is true has obviously never lived in Limerick, the strangest things happen in this city, it's like eerie Indiana sometimes

21/06/2007, 2:49 PM
Any city that has drive-by shootings on horse back isn't far removed from the wild west alright.

21/06/2007, 3:23 PM
Any city that has drive-by shootings on horse back isn't far removed from the wild west alright.

At least we have champagne at our 'someone was shot' street parties these days, still I miss the bourbon

21/06/2007, 5:46 PM
going to start this off.....its definately the strangest/funniest thing i have seen at work.

Just started working at a new clients office today, went to the toilets to get some tissue for my cold then turned round to wash my hands and beside the soap pertruding from the wall was a machine, with a big sign, the sign read "we support...and we are providing these CONDOMS for free"!! :eek::D

were there condoms actually free or was it just a joke?

21/06/2007, 10:17 PM
one guy i used to work with came in one morning and at about 10 he shat his pants. He started crying and was brought into the toilet, cleaned up by the manager and was given a spare pair of trousers that the manager kept in his desk. His parents were called and they collected him and took him home.

Oh no, sorry, that wasnt work, it was junior infants... :)

22/06/2007, 9:55 AM
Not a funny thing I saw but a rather embarrasing thing I said at work once. A guy in a wheelchair came in for an appointment with the Solicitor I worked for and I said my usual "have a seat, I will let him know u are here".

I cringed for weeks after that.

22/06/2007, 10:11 AM
Similar to that, my buddy asked a child at the counter
"Are you having a nice time with your grandfather?" before he interrupted
"I'm her father actually."

Funniest i have but not as good as jebus was when i worked in a supermarket in town and there was a security guard, Jack in the mall always complaining that his job is boring and he never gets action. One night there was a few young fellas robbing slabs of drink so himself and the supermarkets guards dived on them, wrestled them to the ground and called the gardai. I looked out and while all the young fellas were pinned down, Jack was bouncing a walkie-talkie off his fellas head repetitively.
His manager came around the corner saying "What the **** are you doing?"
He said "this young fella was walking with a crate of drink."
His manager said "Get up, leave him go, go home and don't bother coming in next week."
It was funny watching the thief hang around while Jack protested his case.
After a while, the thief started strolling off with the drink and the manager said "What the **** do you think you're going?"
The thief said "It's alright I'll pay for it." and walked off towards the tills. They just barred the rest of them.
Didn't want any case against them i suppose.

22/06/2007, 10:12 AM
were there condoms actually free or was it just a joke?

Its not a joke, but I havent checked if the machine has condoms....yet :D

I havent got the opportunity to!

22/06/2007, 10:30 AM
Had plenty of funny experiences working in the states.

Among them "Where are you from?" "Ireland" "Do you know Declan?"
"Where are you from?" "Ireland" "Do you know my Granmaw?"
We were also supposed to ask every single person purchasing drink for ID (this was good in a way because the chicks were always flattered and it opened some doors in that respect) but one day this guy in his 70's or 80's orders a beer and my supervisor insisted I ID him. When I refused she proceded to do so and as he had no drivers licence on him she refused to serve him!

22/06/2007, 10:52 AM
ya its bloody stupid, but rather than it being on offense to serve over there, its an offense if you dont ask.....

22/06/2007, 3:25 PM
Among them "Where are you from?" "Ireland" "Do you know Declan?"
"Where are you from?" "Ireland" "Do you know my Granmaw?"

I got that (still do) in Yokosuka, a city with 20,000 or so US Navy on the local base.

I didnt mind it so much, but another Irish guy who used to work here really hated it.

His tactic was to say "No I don't, but wait, you're from America, right?" They'd comfirm they were, and he'd say "So do you know my cousin Tommy?", in a very excited, serious way.

It was great watching their faces as they thought he was serious, and obviously an idiot who didnt know the population of The USA. The irony, sadly, was lost on them most of the time.

22/06/2007, 3:58 PM
Happens all the time over here. My favorite response.
Them "Do you know Sean so and so from Kildare?"
Me "Wears glasses, sandy/brown hair, about 5ft 8 ?".( you have to be lucky here)
Them "Yes! That's him!"
Me "No, don't know that fella"

22/06/2007, 9:23 PM
Funniest things:

This (http://bebo.com/watch/3542566476) and this (http://bebo.com/watch/3508212261). We were having a very productive day, needless to say, the manager had gone home early:D.

Its Lunatic.

One of the lads at work is a big Ricky Gervais fan & looks very like him. He was watching the Office clip with David Brent in the chicken suit. Chinese lad walks past & being totally serious asks lad at work if that was him in the clip.

I did not witness this myself but one of the guys brought musical cup (i plays a tune when you lift or turn it) into a 2 hour training course. One of the guys visiting from other office could not figure out where sound coming from for the whole morning. :)

We have a Bewleys coffee maker at work. Guy from office who visits at least once a month admitted he did not know how to fill the tall cups with coffee as they don't fit under the dispenser. He even went to the trouble of showing how they won't fit only to be shown how to slide the dispenser upwards. :D

22/06/2007, 9:26 PM
We have a Bewleys coffee maker at work. Guy from office who visits at least once a month admitted he did not know how to fill the tall cups with coffee as they don't fit under the dispenser. He even went to the trouble of showing how they won't fit only to be shown how to slide the dispenser upwards. :D

Can't laugh at that, thats the type of thing I'd do! :o

Lionel Ritchie
23/06/2007, 8:46 AM
Not a funny thing I saw but a rather embarrasing thing I said at work once. A guy in a wheelchair came in for an appointment with the Solicitor I worked for and I said my usual "have a seat, I will let him know u are here".

I cringed for weeks after that.

Worked in a cafe a few years back. There was a breakfast bar type job running along one wall and the stools were tucked in under it. There was a knack to taking the stools out -they had to be tilted slightly to slide out or they'd jam against the edge of the counter.

One day, hung over and dozy, I spied an auld doll struggling to get a stool out from underneath the counter, went over to her and asked her if she'd like me to whip it out for her.