View Full Version : Irish Mail lacks originality shocka!

11/06/2007, 10:52 PM
Slightly off-topic (I didn't think it deserved it's own thread) here's what the Irish Mail had to say about our season so far;

The club that nobody wants in the league are still proving that they are there by right. They have frustrated their opponents, and their own supporters by the regularity they play out scoreless draws, but they have already scored 12 goals this season. For a team that only managed 26 during the whole of last season, that's quite an achievement.

Crowds are still a problem at Belfield, even with the good weather. The club has started to going into the areas surrounding the campus, the likes of Clonskeagh, to try and drum up a decent crowd - but it's a struggle that will forever be uphill for them.

WHAT THEY NEED: A good cup run

WHAT THEY WILL GET: The petering-out of their good early-season form
__________________________________________________ _____________

Such a load of crap, lazy journalism at it's best.:rolleyes:

12/06/2007, 12:45 PM
How many 0-0 draws have we had this season? Three - four if you count the league cup game against Kildare (which I don't). Yeah, I'm frustrated. :rolleyes:

Schumi, can we split off my and Detc.'s posts and make this a thread on its own, called "Lazy Journalism, or Another Reason Not to Buy the Mail".

12/06/2007, 12:48 PM
Also says we've scored 12 when we've scored 17. Also seems condensending the way we were praised for it.

Poor Student
12/06/2007, 5:22 PM
I think it was written by Mark Gallagher, who is actually one of the better eL journalists, it's a pity he'd write such clichéd nonsense this time.

12/06/2007, 9:46 PM
These club-by-club reviews/previews are always the same. UCD: hard to break down, Belfield's a hard place to get three points, Pete Mahon's done a great job, pity they can't get better crowds, will make it difficult for everyone. :rolleyes:

It's probably the same old $hite for other clubs too but I rarely read them.

15/06/2007, 7:13 AM
Isn't any publicity good publicity for the EL? At least they try to treat it seriously , the Premier Division anyway.
My issues with the Mail is shag all coverage of the First Division ! It's probably due to lack of people to do it. Aberdeen Stu maybe they need someone to cover Shelbourne for them? :D

15/06/2007, 1:08 PM
Isn't any publicity good publicity for the EL?
No. No publicity is better than bad publicity IMO.

16/06/2007, 9:09 PM
No publicity leads to nobody knowing what time the games are on and therefore nobody going to them... do you honestly think that's good?

17/06/2007, 4:28 PM
I don't think you can consider this lazy writing to be bad publicity. Clubs going broke and the like are bad publicity but this is just publicity, and is definitely better than just being ignored.

17/06/2007, 5:23 PM
No publicity leads to nobody knowing what time the games are on and therefore nobody going to them... do you honestly think that's good?
That's not publicity, that's advertising. That's a separate issue.

I don't think you can consider this lazy writing to be bad publicity. Clubs going broke and the like are bad publicity but this is just publicity, and is definitely better than just being ignored.
I agree that it isn't bad publicity, I was responding to the point that any publicity is better than none.