View Full Version : Children of Lithuanian immigrants feel unsafe

08/06/2007, 8:53 AM
Read this article on the way to work this morning with some alarm. It is from the UK Times and as we know what stable is from it is not adverse to hyperbole. However, worrying to some degree if this is anyway accurate.

Anyway have a read and see what you think.


08/06/2007, 9:25 AM
Sounds like sensationalism to me. The fact that she couldn't answer Donal Denham, says it all. Perhaps there was one unfortunate case of a child being bullied for being beautiful but I'm certain it would have been publicised, in Ireland, if it was an ongoing problem.

08/06/2007, 9:31 AM
where does it say she "couldnt answer donal denham"?

Yer man saying because they dress well?! i mean i could understand with the dirty smelly dubs but in the rest of ireland i cant imagine that being true. it even sounds stupid.

08/06/2007, 9:55 AM
What nonsence there is no evidence to support the claims the eastern Europeen women are more attractive than our home grown short arse ,over weight, loud mouth ,pasty skined, gammy toothed freckled beauties . :D

08/06/2007, 10:37 AM
anto, have ye a problem with "s" and "c"?

08/06/2007, 11:14 AM
anto, have ye a problem with "s" and "c"?

Yea and ie :D Mildley Dyslexic you ll see loads of ign's aswell instead of ing !! . or ill go off on wild tangents trying to explain sometime quite simple and end up making it more complicated than it ever needs to be and ends up having no relevence to the conversation .

Normally ill write a post out on word then spell and grammer check it then cut and paste it over , other times i cant be arsed :D

I constantly get it on forums . but ive been given out to about it all my life so im used to it at this stage doesnt bother me .My english teacher said id never amount to anything but where is he now ?? Dead thats where , from cancer !!

Cant spell but at least im pretty :D

Lionel Ritchie
08/06/2007, 11:17 AM
“In one Irish town Lithuanian children are beaten only because they are more beautiful than Irish ones,” Ms Salasevicuite told Lietuvos Rytas. If that was a line out of BORAT you'd break your ass laughing.:D

My guess is ...Cobh. Though wait she did say one Irish town.

08/06/2007, 11:37 AM
If that was a line out of BORAT you'd break your ass laughing.:D

My guess is ...Cobh. Though wait she did say one Irish town.

you have to beat the ugly into them

08/06/2007, 12:36 PM
Anyone notice the comment within the "Have you're say on this article" bit within the link?

"Let's face it, given the attractiveness of the average Irish person - there was always bound to be jealousy".

Frits, Frankfurt, Germany

A racist remark intended to take the moral high ground on an article about supposed racism.

Heard the one about the Irishman, the Lithuanian and the German!!!!!!

08/06/2007, 1:19 PM
"Let's face it, given the attractiveness of the average Irish person - there was always bound to be jealousy".

Frits, Frankfurt, Germany
Yeah, I'd be highly indignant if he didn't happen to be entirely correct (present company excepted.)

08/06/2007, 1:20 PM
This is a change from the ugly kid getting bullied or the kid with the big teeth.
In fairness they are a more beautiful looking race, same with the Polish.

08/06/2007, 2:31 PM
Support your own!
Shag Irish girls! :D

08/06/2007, 2:39 PM
Support your own!
Shag Irish girls! :D

Shouldnt guys be trying to shag ALL the girls - Irish, Polish, Lithuanian..........that way the levels of beauty will all eventually even out in a couple of generations.

08/06/2007, 2:40 PM
i dont know about that, the eastern europeans have big square heads on them, women included, and a lot of them are thin with elongated bums and no tities, built like young boys ( the women i mean ) a lot of them!!

"I like big butts and I cannot lie" :D

08/06/2007, 2:41 PM
Shouldnt guys be trying to shag ALL the girls - Irish, Polish, Lithuanian...

Hey, I don't want to be with a girl and for her to get jumped by a load of mingers, just because she's hot! I'll stick to the the plain Jane, Irish girls, thank you very much. :p

Erstwhile Bóz
08/06/2007, 2:51 PM
Jesus. Good-looking kids are taking the flak for all kinds of things (http://foot.ie/showpost.php?p=695806&postcount=865) these days.

09/06/2007, 6:46 PM
im engaged to a croatian chick. She's hot AND she has a big booty. And i beat her cos shes beautiful.

Get em used to it young. Future generations of irish males will be thankful for the bullying these girls get as it is bound to make them less confident and therefore easier to score. :D

10/06/2007, 11:04 AM
But sure bullying as a result of jealousy is common place in primary schools in general.