View Full Version : Cat Laughs

06/06/2007, 9:00 AM
So, anyone else at it?
Just went the Friday, saw Reginald D Hunter and he was fan-****ing-tastic, if he's not right at the top of tree in very short order then truly there's no justice. The bit he did at the end was simply pure genius!
Lee Mack was a pleasant surprise, Not seen the chap do much stand up, if any, and you always think that someone coming from comedy presenting or acting is going to really struggle if their name's not Gervais, but he went really well.
Not a duff comic amongst the seven we saw in fairness, all top notch.

06/06/2007, 10:06 AM
In fairness to Lee Mack he's a stand up first and then a presenter/comedy actor

Unfortunately he's involved in the worst sitcom in recent history so

I've always said I'll go one year but something always crops up...

06/06/2007, 3:07 PM
I was at the same gig as you Stann so - enjoyable enough. Cat Laugh's isn't what it used be though. At the start (mid ninties) the gigs would go on much longer and there would be impromptu appearances. Its much more by the book now - shame really.