View Full Version : Advice on working in Uganda

01/06/2007, 9:27 AM
I have a friend going out to work with children who have AIDS in Uganda in October, and naturally, I suggested that I know several thousand people, of which some one may have some advice, tips, suggestions or whatever.

You are those several thousand people, by the way.

Anyone have any experience of visiting Uganda, or have worked out there or near there in similar situations? Any tips on what to bring, what needs to be done in preparation for travel, etc.?

01/06/2007, 10:05 AM
bring lots of money!

01/06/2007, 5:34 PM
A friend of mine is going to Kenya in a couple of weeks. I know it's a different country, but may be similar enough, I'll find out off him how he got on and let you know.

kingdom hoop
01/06/2007, 10:40 PM
I can beat that Sligoman!! My friend is female for a start(makes me appear cooler:cool:), and secondly is shortly going to Uganda to work with kids. I'll pass on the info when I get it. Strange point of amusement that just occured to me, my friend is a close relation of Bob Geldof.

02/06/2007, 12:06 AM
I can beat that Sligoman!! My friend is female for a start(makes me appear cooler:cool:), and secondly is shortly going to Uganda to work with kids. I'll pass on the info when I get it. Strange point of amusement that just occured to me, my friend is a close relation of Bob Geldof.

How did a wee kerry gaelgoir end up with Peaches Geldof? :p

Raheny Red
03/06/2007, 12:26 PM
A friend of mine is going to Kenya in a couple of weeks. I know it's a different country, but may be similar enough, I'll find out off him how he got on and let you know.

Is his name Anthony by any chance :confused::eek:

03/06/2007, 12:28 PM
Is his name Anthony by any chance :confused::eek:No,:confused:

Raheny Red
03/06/2007, 12:34 PM

Forget it, just know someone who doing the exact thing. Costing €300 for all of his vaccines :eek:

Block G Raptor
25/06/2007, 6:31 PM
Advice for anyone going to work in Uganda? em let see ............DONT!!

26/06/2007, 1:06 AM
I've spent a few weeks working in Uganda.
Great place and very friendly. I'd have no problems with going back... Although the political situation does change from week to week but while I was there it was happy times for them.

You can walk around the streets of Kampala in the daytime and feel safe enough. Didn't do much walking at night but I'd imagine as long as you stick to the busy parts your ok.

The service is like it is in any African city, rubbish!! but as long as you take it for what it is and don't get too stressed out you'll enjoy the place.

Theres even an Irish bar to keep you entertained!!

You just need to get your shots and take the Malaria tablets and you are ready to go. Am sure they have trabsfers to and from the airport ??? The airport as you'll know from your history books is not actually in Kampala so you do have to travel along some dodgy roads.

As with any place in Africa. NEVER STOP the car!! Just keep driving no matter what you see or what wants to slow you down. Except for the army of course!! :)

They will soon get used to people walking around the streets with rifels over their shoulders too !!

26/06/2007, 1:06 AM
I spent a month travelling in Uganda in Octover of last year.

It is a great country, and if you friend wants to know what to expect watch the first 15 minutes of the Last King of Scotland(he can watch the rest as well but the first 15 minutes epitomise what it is like to be a white person there).

Get used to being called a "Muzungu", which means white person.

Bluebeard, what part of the country are they going to and I might be able to offer more specific advice?

26/06/2007, 1:13 AM
What is the term again that they use to refer to the white man ?? Gone out of me fecking head!!!!

By the way the Last King of Scotland is a rubbish :)
but you will get a feeling for what it's like from the first few scenes.

also the equator runs through Uganda so you can stand on that which is entertaining for all of about 2 mins :)
And if they get a chance then go visit the Queen Elizabeth national park. It's a bit of a trek from Kampala but worth it for the experience. Theres also the source of the nile, or so they claim!!

Interesting place.

26/06/2007, 1:25 AM
See post above Higgins.

Could be worse, the kids had never seen someone with freckles and the lads I was travelling with told them it was chocolate, so I had kids licking my arms and legs!

Agreed about the LKOS!

Essential Ugandan experiences
- Raft the Nile at Jinja
- Visit the Mountain Gorillas
- Get a bora bora and a matatu

26/06/2007, 2:07 AM
The Gorillas are way down the south west if even!
Kinda tricky when your in Kampala but I do agree that you should try do that if you can. Theres also an island in the lake with a few monkeys on it if you wanna take the easy option :)

mazungu ,,, yeah !! :)

its all coming back now

You can get a bit of a laugh and a joke out of the locals too. There well able to take some light hearted slagging over their country. I remember when I was there they had a competition on the radio giving a prize for the ugliest looking person they could find!! they wouldnt let Irish people enter!! :)

I also remember being in the airport with a lot of other people from spain, south africa, england france etc. All waiting to hand over the 30 or 40 euro for the visa. When I walked up and said to the guy I was Irish he waves me and another fella on and says 'ah yeah Irish are ok!! He was stopping everyone else ... very funny

26/06/2007, 3:26 PM

In 17 African countries I only had to pay visas for Kenya and Zimbabwe. Everywhere else I got in free!

Thanks to all them missionary priests.....

29/06/2007, 1:45 PM
Bluebeard, what part of the country are they going to and I might be able to offer more specific advice?
My mate is going to an area near to Kampala called Mukono - if that is of any use.

How is the Chile - Venezuela Copa trip going?

01/07/2007, 8:38 PM

Don´t know the area.

However a few general pieces of advice.

Tell you friend to take the oldest clothes they have. They will be able to exchange their clothes for souvenirs as all the locals want western clothes and are more than willing to accept clothes rather than cash for presents.

I dunno what anti-malari tablets they are taking, but I have real problems with Doxycline. It makes you more photosensitives and I burnt to a crisp despite high factor sun cream.

As mentioned, Chimp Island is near Kampala on Lake Victoria and you can get a boat out there.