View Full Version : Agadir-Morocco

24/05/2007, 7:20 AM
Anyone here been there? If so whats it like and whats to do.
Heading there with Mrs Ash for a week in July.

24/05/2007, 8:03 AM
I was there for a week about 6 years ago and enjoyed. We just chilled out for most of the week but did do the day trip to Marrakesh (sp?) which was good. The massive markets there are class, and towards the end of the day be sure to sit in the little cafe overlooking the main square and you will get a great view of an empty square being quickly filled up by hundreds of stalls selling all sorts of food.

24/05/2007, 8:23 AM
I wouldn't normally be in to the sun holiday thing, mainly cos I get sun burn
in 8 degrees, even if I'm indoors, wearing factor 50 and a jumper!, but we
got a 2 for 1 deal so we said we'd give it a go.

Also, I'm not able to relax and sit by the pool all day so I'm on the look
out for sightseeing activities etc.

Is the Marrakesh an over night drip or can it be done in a day there and back?
The tour operator we're with offers it as an overnight stay but it looked a bit
pricey just to go to see markets.

Lionel Ritchie
24/05/2007, 8:36 AM
I wouldn't normally be in to the sun holiday thing, mainly cos I get sun burn
in 8 degrees, even if I'm indoors, wearing factor 50 and a jumper!, but we
got a 2 for 1 deal so we said we'd give it a go.

Also, I'm not able to relax and sit by the pool all day so I'm on the look
out for sightseeing activities etc.

Is the Marrakesh an over night drip or can it be done in a day there and back?
The tour operator we're with offers it as an overnight stay but it looked a bit
pricey just to go to see markets.

I was there about 10 years ago -january and it was still plenty warm -and blistering when we went inland to Marrakesh for a couple of days.

Agadir was fine but try and go into the old town a little for something a bit more genuinely Morrocan if you're interested in seeing something other than a spanish style holiday destination.

Also - I dunno if you're into hash or if that's part of your itinerary but you'll have all sorts offering to sell you hash/grass on the beach. Don't deal with them. They'll promptly tell the cops they saw someone else sell you blow and try to pick up a reward for busting you.

I'd a great time there.

24/05/2007, 8:46 AM
I wouldn't normally be in to the sun holiday thing, mainly cos I get sun burn
in 8 degrees, even if I'm indoors, wearing factor 50 and a jumper!, but we
got a 2 for 1 deal so we said we'd give it a go.

Also, I'm not able to relax and sit by the pool all day so I'm on the look
out for sightseeing activities etc.

Is the Marrakesh an over night drip or can it be done in a day there and back?
The tour operator we're with offers it as an overnight stay but it looked a bit
pricey just to go to see markets.

We did a day trip, it was an early start and got back late but I really enjoyed it. It will get hot though (bring a wet suit - the sun can't get through that!! :D) and watch out, even when it seems cloudy you will still get burnt big time, which I found out to my cost!