View Full Version : Paisean Faisean

Lim till i die
21/05/2007, 2:35 PM
An odd topic for Current Affairs I hear you cry??

Well according to todays Irish Mirror they had to scrap plans to do a gay show due to presenter Aoife Ni .................. feeling it was against her religious beliefs.

Does anyone else think that in Ireland in 2007 she should have been told to take a running jump?? :mad:

21/05/2007, 2:54 PM
TG4'S Paisean Faisean dropped plans to do an all-gay show for its series after its host Aoife Ni Thuairisg (pictured) expressed reservations about it because of her beliefs.

Ms Ni Thuairisg is a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, who believe homosexuality is wrong. When the idea for doing an all-gay show was being considered, she brought her concerns to the producers.

While confirming that the glamorous host had said she wasn't comfortable with the idea, the producers said it was not the only reason for the show not going ahead.

The show is not made by TG4 but by an independent production company Magma Films Ltd, which said last night it intends to do an all-gay show if commissioned to do another series.

Speaking to the Sunday Independent yesterday, show producer Clodagh Freeman said: "During the course of our discussions, the idea of doing an all-gay show was brought up. Aoife made it known that because of her background doing such a show may be difficult. In the end we ran out of time and it was that reason why the show hasn't happened yet. But we would still like to do that show sometime."

The highly-popular show normally involves three boys buying clothes for a female blind date who chooses her suitor based on the clothes he picks out.

According to sources at the show, the series, which has run for three seasons, had intended doing a whole range of more ambitious shows including an all-gay show and doing a show in the US, but the plans for both were dropped. It is not clear as to whether TG4 will commission a fourth series.

In a statement yesterday to the Sunday Independent, Ms Ni Thuairisg said: "My main concern was the show, I felt the show was strong enough and didn't warrant any change to the format.

"That the idea was taken off the table along with many others doesn't mean that the show wouldn't be done or that I wouldn't be presenting it."

Aoife Ni Thuairisg was born in Inverin in Connemara and started working as a presenter on TG4 in 1997, after she did a screen test for the station. She has become something of an iconic figure in the station.

A spokesman for TG4 said yesterday that it was normal for ideas to be put around but ultimately it was a matter for the independent production company, Magma, which makes the show for TG4.

21/05/2007, 3:20 PM
It was in yesterday's Indepdent before the Mirror - they probably just copied the story.

Homophobic beliefs do not have any place in society, I don't care what religion a person is. Any religion that teaches hatred and intollerance for a person's belief deserves to be belittled - that includes Christianity.

I hope her career goes down the toilet - not that its far from it anyway.

21/05/2007, 3:42 PM
Only seen a few minutes of that show flicking between the channels but Aoife Ni Thuairisg seemed very energetic & outgoing presenter. I would never have thought she was a Jehovah Witness & I did not even know what their beliefs were. Given the nature of the show theres got to be good odds there must have been at least one gay contestant?

IMO religious belief does not excuse is no excuse for bigotry.


21/05/2007, 3:44 PM
Aparrantly the Jehovas don't vote in elections as they are neutral. I was told this on the doorstep by a memebr of their community who told me she gives her vote to God. I told her I was sure he wasn't running in Dublin North. In retrospect I should have asked her for her second preference.

21/05/2007, 3:54 PM

While confirming that the glamorous host had said she wasn't comfortable with the idea, the producers said it was not the only reason for the show not going ahead.

God help TG4 if she is their idea of glamorous!

22/05/2007, 12:22 AM
I told her I was sure he wasn't running in Dublin North. In retrospect I should have asked her for her second preference.
Are things looking good for Clare Daly, Partisan?

P.s. If necessary, you can put the "The reaction on the doorsteps has been unanimously positive" stuff here and pm me the truth?;) :)
Best of luck.

Lim till i die
22/05/2007, 12:30 AM
Are things looking good for Clare Daly, Partisan?

P.s. If necessary, you can put the "The reaction on the doorsteps has been unanimously positive" stuff here and pm me the truth?
Best of luck.

Socialism is sooooooooooo 1980's :p

This thread on the otherhand is super important

How dare you :p

BTW BP, any chance of that Clare Daly update PM too?? :)

22/05/2007, 7:31 AM
God help TG4 if she is their idea of glamorous!

This is Ireland a nation of mingers, by Irish standards she's gorgeous !

On the subject of mingers... Clare Daly :D

kingdom hoop
22/05/2007, 7:38 AM
Is this her election poster? :) http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00005UF5D.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg

22/05/2007, 7:43 AM
A gaelgoir who's a backwards ideologue? No Way!

kingdom hoop
22/05/2007, 7:49 AM
Gavin, you'll find that the Jehovah's Witness religion was founded as recent as late 19th century. ;)

22/05/2007, 7:57 AM
The reaction on the doorsteps has been unanimously positive! :D

But seriously Its looking good. The calibre, or lack of it of the people we are up against is a real bonus. Don't want to get complacent but at this stage its hard not too. I think we will substantially increase our first preference votes - which we need to do as the constituency has grown but also I think we have carved out a hell of a lot of 2nds which is where we fell down the last time.

22/05/2007, 8:55 AM
Everyone is entitled to their religious believes but when they use them to prejudice others that is breaking the law. I think the Gardai should investigate and I think "the Gays" should bring a case against TG4 for homophobia.

Am soooo fed up of small minded sh*te in this country. Cant wait to move to France!

22/05/2007, 9:13 AM
Cant wait to move to France!

But what about the mons? :eek:

22/05/2007, 9:19 AM
Did you not hear that they are moving with me? They will be renamed Le Magic Moi!

22/05/2007, 12:50 PM
The reaction on the doorsteps has been unanimously positive! :D
What about Higgins, is he safe or in danger of getting squeezed out?

22/05/2007, 1:23 PM
What about Higgins, is he safe or in danger of getting squeezed out?

Hard to tell for me as I only get snippets of whats going on over there. I wouldn't be complacent as the quality of candidate Joe is up against is better than what Clare is up against, however I think he will retain it. Personally I feel it will be as you were in Dublin West.

22/05/2007, 1:43 PM
You'd think in this day and age she'd be open to the idea.

She shouldn't be fired for expressing her views but if the company want to go ahead with this episode of the show they should get someone else to stand in for her in that show.

22/05/2007, 3:39 PM
Aparrantly the Jehovas don't vote in elections as they are neutral. I was told this on the doorstep by a memebr of their community who told me she gives her vote to God. I told her I was sure he wasn't running in Dublin North. In retrospect I should have asked her for her second preference.

Thats what I tell all the Socialist Party candidates that knock on my door too.
Im a Jehovah, Im agoraphobic, I have an allergy to pencils, I cant hear you,
I cant open the door is stuck, Go away or I will release the dog. That kind of thing.

22/05/2007, 5:40 PM
Aparrantly the Jehovas don't vote in elections as they are neutral. I was told this on the doorstep by a memebr of their community who told me she gives her vote to God. I told her I was sure he wasn't running in Dublin North. In retrospect I should have asked her for her second preference.

Ami I the only one who spent five full minutes chuckling at the thought of a Jehovah being doorstepped by someone else for a change?

22/05/2007, 9:48 PM
Ami I the only one who spent five full minutes chuckling at the thought of a Jehovah being doorstepped by someone else for a change?

No I got the irony there and then, I was thinking of trying to sell her a copy of our paper but alas I had to sacrifice j(eho)viality to get on with the canvas. :D

23/05/2007, 8:06 AM
Ha. God I love you Partisan! I always let the Jehovahs have their say and then tell them that I am a witch. Its great to see their faces.

23/05/2007, 11:12 AM
Ami I the only one who spent five full minutes chuckling at the thought of a Jehovah being doorstepped by someone else for a change?Its the equivalent of running after a dog and biting it in the arse.

23/05/2007, 11:15 AM
We haven't had Jehovah Witnesses around in years.
Canvassing has been very disappointing.
we've only had two around and they're the two bankers in the constituency (5seater)

23/05/2007, 3:19 PM
You'd think in this day and age she'd be open to the idea.

She shouldn't be fired for expressing her views but if the company want to go ahead with this episode of the show they should get someone else to stand in for her in that show.

I think the problem with that approach is that it would not work if applied to other jobs. She does work in tv so I am guessing it has more than its fair share gay persons?

How would your company react if you said could not deal with customer because he/she was gay/black/yellow/white etc...?

I suppose if a gay person applied to be on that show & was turned down he/she would have legal case?

kingdom hoop
23/05/2007, 3:35 PM
I suppose if a gay person applied to be on that show & was turned down he/she would have legal case?

I wouldn't think you'd have a right to appear on a TV show. Like, who goes on a show is always left to the discretion of the producers, whereas getting into a pub or that should be open to all comers(no pun intended).