View Full Version : Amazing Recent Discovery

kingdom hoop
13/05/2007, 11:19 PM
My friends, I just happened upon a revolutionising tool for web browsing. It's called Cooliris. I'd rather it spoke for itself, so all I'll say is Google 'Cooliris', click on the first result and download it, watch the demo and prepare to be overwhelmed. The internet in general, and perhaps foot.ie even more so, will never be the same again. I promise.

I'm not sure if it works with Internet Explorer, but I'd hope everyone is cunning enough to have moved on to the Mozilla offerings already.

For those of you who have it, shame on you for not sharing it with your foot.ie brethren before!

Owing to my current rapturous state I feel impelled to do this :) :) :)

kingdom hoop
14/05/2007, 9:46 AM
Anyone try it out yet?

14/05/2007, 9:51 AM
here was i hoping for a scientific breakthrough :p

i've tried it before, its alright but it can get annoying after a while. now i use Google Preview (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/189) which has the same functionality but is restricted to google's search pages so you don't have to open them one by one.

as far as i know, nothing like this is available for IE, but then, what is? :)

kingdom hoop
14/05/2007, 10:01 AM
I guess you just use it when appropriate, definitely very handy I think.

I got the Ad Block Plus add-on there yesterday as well. No more ads, sweet!! Could it be ruinous for websites though?

14/05/2007, 10:03 AM
I guess you just use it when appropriate, definitely very handy I think.

I got the Ad Block Plus add-on there yesterday as well. No more ads, sweet!! Could it be ruinous for websites though?

you can select to disable it for sites you deem 'safe' or 'deserving'.

while we're naming handy firefox extensions, FootieFox (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/725) is superb.

kingdom hoop
18/05/2007, 5:42 PM
Did anyone else not try this out? As ever, my initial exuberance has waned somewhat but the product is still useful, a good addition to one's cyber life.