View Full Version : Singers United

Pat MacGroyne
03/02/2003, 6:51 PM
Whooooh my big debut here it goes.

As all true city fans have noticed the atmosphere ie singing has become crap at best in the cross during the last 3-4 years. I am not going to blame the young scuts entirely for this although their actions have been a disgrace especially when City score.

I myself am only 17 and me and my 4 friends always go to the shed and have done for the last 4 maybe 5 years since our fathers decided we were " mature" enough to leave the security of Derrynane. The shed was a thing of mystery back then with so much noise coming from that part of the ground. Now adays the only atmosphere is us (me and my friends) Eannas friends and Lord Muck himself Moses trying to sing although at the last game we had to leave because some fella told us to shut up because Cork City had nothing to do with Bishopstown!!!!!!

He was only 13/14 and drunk. We said that day that as long as the yobs were present we would never go to the Shed again. We believe ALL singers in the ground should unite and in 3 months time we intend on singing in ST. Annes end

Please join us if ye want because the shed has now become The Sun's Equivilent of the Family Enclosure.

03/02/2003, 11:44 PM
I'm planning on heading to the st annes end as well. see yedown there lads- SING UP FOR THE CORK CITY!

Real ale Madrid
04/02/2003, 12:36 PM
Forget about 3 months time, what about congregating there on Friday night for the U-21 match. Give the lads some support.

04/02/2003, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Real ale Madrid
Forget about 3 months time, what about congregating there on Friday night for the U-21 match. Give the lads some support.
good idea. I'm still tryin to get off work :eek: :(

04/02/2003, 1:04 PM
could be good for the bit of banter with the away section. they'll have to switch the family enclosure to the middle though!

Pat MacGroyne
04/02/2003, 5:28 PM
I thought the Under 21 game was on Sat????
Crappy cheap Sun. I will try to go.
The family enclosure should move agreed. Perhaps it could move to the Shed as most of the young fellas that go there probably have dads and/or siblings in the family enclosure.

05/02/2003, 11:49 AM
Sorry to burst your bubbles lads but the St Anne's End is dead and will never come alive.

Over the course of the last year myself and my friends (****ed off with the agro in the shed and the "Murphy out" after 5 minutes of the second game) have made several efforts to get them singing down there... vs Shels, Pat's, Rovers, Bohs.. all big games with plenty of people around. We even brought a drum and got more friends and their friends to join us. Each time the people around us (the Prawn Sandwich Brigade, for want of a better term) looked at us like we had ten heads each and even started complaining that we were blocking their view (coz we stood up when City were in on goal etc) and making too much noise!

I think the support City get at home is shocking ... with the exception of when we're 3-0 up. They get no support at 0-0 and absolutely none at 0-1 down. Bohs and Rovers sang us off the park this year. It's up to us all to get behind them all the way through each game. I'll be down St Anne's End with you to try and get it going but don't be disappointed if all you get is stick!!

All together now...

05/02/2003, 2:53 PM
Originally posted by Pat MacGroyne
Now adays the only atmosphere is us (me and my friends) Eannas friends

Christ I'm relegated to just being "Eanna's friend" now! :mad: :D

05/02/2003, 3:41 PM
Originally posted by Pat MacGroyne
Now adays the only atmosphere is us (me and my friends) Eannas friends

Christ I'm relegated to just being "Eanna's friend" now!

At least you exist. Christ all those hoarse throats throughout the season didn't mean much. I think I'll get me coat. :(

On the subject of the St. Annes end. I can see some serious problems.
1. There is no roof.
2. It's next to the family enclosure.
3. It's next to the away fans section. Where are they going to go? The other end is mainly filled up with season ticket holders.
This will lead to major security issues for the club.
4. All the lazy arse, zipped mouth, prawn sandwich brigade that frequent the place.

The only way I can see it being resolved is
1. Put a roof on it and increase the capacity by lengthening the back of it.
2. We all buy season tickets in the middle near the back of the stand.
3. They build the new stand and let the away fans have one side of it.
4. Move the family enclosure to the middle of the derrynane stand(this may lead to problems with the regulars who sit there)

05/02/2003, 6:01 PM
Originally posted by NorthoftheLee
On the subject of the St. Annes end. I can see some serious problems.
1. There is no roof.
2. It's next to the family enclosure.
3. It's next to the away fans section. Where are they going to go? The other end is mainly filled up with season ticket holders.
This will lead to major security issues for the club.
4. All the lazy arse, zipped mouth, prawn sandwich brigade that frequent the place.

They are problems but we'll find a way around them. I'm off down the st annes end next season and I presume my "gang" will join me- as I already said anyone who wants is welcome to come too and we WILL make some noise. People can stare at us as if we have 10, 20 or even 30 heads, doesn't bother me much.

05/02/2003, 6:22 PM
Fair play lads tryin to get the bit of atmosphere back. I thought it was lacking in turners cross this year. Its a great trip and i am lookin forward to it next year with hopefully a bit more noise. Now i didnt see the shed but in fairness i didnt see to many little knackers(although i wasnt really lookin). There is a great buzz round the cross it really feels like a proper football ground and to get the atmosphere back would be just what it needs. fair play to ye and roll on next year!

05/02/2003, 6:43 PM
Originally posted by tommyb
Each time the people around us (the Prawn Sandwich Brigade, for want of a better term) looked at us like we had ten heads each and even started complaining that we were blocking their view (coz we stood up when City were in on goal etc) and making too much noise! I think we should definately give the St. Annes End a try, I mean it has to be better than what the shed has become. If people start throwing dirty looks in our direction all we need do is remind them that we are not sitting in front of the tele and that we are in fact at a football match where it is quite a good idea to create an atmosphere.

We should occupy the section of seating directly behind the goal and if there are enough of us standing up, making noise combined with the big flags and the drums we should be able to create quite a good atmosphere.:)

05/02/2003, 7:12 PM
the main problem with the st.annes end is the lack of a roof, so your shouts disappear upwards into the night while the away fans shouts bounce down off the roof and seem much louder. i'm all for giving it a go,
remember the lausanne game when the shed was closed, we gave a good showing. agree with tommyb though, people up there go to avoid us shed types, not to sing along.

05/02/2003, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by tiktok
the main problem with the st.annes end is the lack of a roof, so your shouts disappear upwards into the night while the away fans shouts bounce down off the roof and seem much louder. i'm all for giving it a go,
remember the lausanne game when the shed was closed, we gave a good showing. agree with tommyb though, people up there go to avoid us shed types, not to sing along.
Fair points. As you said yourself we managed a lot of noise at the lausanne game and with the addition of drums and the arrival of the corner boys and the family enclosure - should all combine to help the noise.

If people in the st annes end don't like singing they can go home and watch sky for all i care. football matches aren't somewhere to go for a bit of piece and quiet. :rolleyes:

Shed End John
06/02/2003, 2:45 PM
Originally posted by Pat MacGroyne
We believe ALL singers in the ground should unite and in 3 months time we intend on singing in ST. Annes end

Funnily enough, I was going to post a thread similar to this. It's a good idea to use the St. Anne's end in future, especially seeing as our beloved Shed is out of action for next season.
This may/may not cause some controversy, but, anyone think it's time for the Cornerboys and the Shedenders to reunite on the St. Anne's? At least there'd be a few songs and some bit of atmosphere at the games.

06/02/2003, 5:46 PM
Ya it might do good if the cornerboys did go up in to the st anns end but there is one thing the corners boys are in thet corner for about 3 years now and they might not want to go it is a good place to watch the game but could give it a go and see what happens.May be we could try it if we have a frindly match.

06/02/2003, 7:17 PM
thats an idea. I understand the corner boys reasons for not wanting to go back to the Shed, but if some of us are going down the st annes end maybe we could all get together again and make some serious noise!

Pat MacGroyne
10/02/2003, 6:04 PM
Originally posted by NorthoftheLee
Christ I'm relegated to just being "Eanna's friend" now!

At least you exist. Christ all those hoarse throats throughout the season didn't mean much. I think I'll get me coat. :(


Sorry bout that and I am glad to rectify the problem by stating there are more singers in the Shed and Eanna has no friends:D :D (only messing)

My friends and I will be glad to sing with ye all in St Annes.Hopefully 4-5-1 will give us a flag and a drum perhaps.
It's worth a shot cos at away games we all sing together anyways and we all have a laugh.

Sorry bout the fellas I forgot to acknowledge again and I agree we should take the area behind the goal.

All together now:


15/03/2003, 10:33 AM
They are even suggesting it over here (http://www.peoplesrepublicofcork.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=6784)

Something needs doing.