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View Full Version : Do it for your country !!

A face
01/02/2003, 9:18 AM
Irish drinkers are being ripped off. A report conducted last September indicates as much. Prices for alcoholic drinks are a staggering 59% (and rising) above the EU average according to a major international study. Irish pubs and nightclubs, especially those in Dublin, are churning out incredible profits. These profits, earned from the toil of the Irish consumer, can be explained by none other than total greed. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?

You have a choice. You can put up with this ludicrous profiteering and continue to whinge about prices being too high, OR you can take action.

We propose a "National Boycott of Pubs/Nightclubs Day" throughout Ireland for Friday 28th/Feb/2003. It is about time the Irish consumer striked back. And if this doesn't get the message across, we'll strike again with something even more drastic. It will only work if everyone co-operates. And it can be done ...

Please pass this on via email . Thanks