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View Full Version : cause for concern

25/04/2007, 10:16 AM
hi all just lookin at the league table and note despite some decent signings this season we have one of the worst defence's in the league when it comes to goals against, also very low goals scored. although its early i'm concerned that we might end up struggling again this year, watching the game last fri i couldnt help notice the contribution of Fox ...he did nothing but stand around and dish out orders he looks very heavy and cant run yet we have franco on the bench who, despite his current form, can pull a goal out of any situation he was our top scorer last year and saved us from the drop so whats goin on??????? apart from the fact foxy and edddie are best buddies can someone shed some light on the situation

25/04/2007, 12:47 PM
Imo Fox has been one of our best players this season. He seems to get a lot of unfair critasism, just as Skippy does too. Ok, he didn't have a great game against cork but he has been in good form so far. We really missed him against ucd and he had a massive impact when he came on in the cup v bohs.

On the defensive aspect, yes we have been leaking goals but it isn't as bad as last year where it was just a lack of effort and talent, more down to silly errors whisch hopefully will be ironed out. Honestly can't see it being close to as bad as last year.

bray boy
25/04/2007, 3:42 PM
i reckon we'll improve as the season goes on ........ far far better then last seaon neway......i thought that skippy did great against cork luks much safer then williams ...foxy does luk a bit slow but hes de only striker that can hold up the ball.........we do however need a striker that does nothing but score and if you take away 9 mins against pats the defence has done ok

25/04/2007, 10:34 PM
Jonboy, I think you hit the nail on the head when you said Foxy dishes out the orders...that's exactly the type of player we need on the pitch! I haven't been at the last couple of games, but I felt against Rovers we were sorely missing someone to take the lead in such a manner. I tell you another thing I like about Foxy, he's ALWAYS the first to come over and applaude the travelling support.

27/04/2007, 9:35 AM
that makes him a great player so who's goin to save our season.....look i like foxy and he's been a good servant over the years but lets face it we all get old and lose the pace, just sayin we have more pace and perhaps talent on the bench,