View Full Version : Mons Match

24/04/2007, 8:21 PM
Hope we can keep it going and get another good result. Defence are playing out of their skin in fairness. If we could get a few more goals we would definatly be contenders though won't be complaining if we win all remaining matches 1-0

25/04/2007, 8:11 AM
I know this is a silly question but will any of you be making the trip up?

25/04/2007, 9:34 AM
Will probably go myself but would'nt expect more then 10-20 to be honest.

25/04/2007, 9:44 AM
Well I will be doing the PA system so please please come up and introduce yourself as I dont know anyone from Cobh bar Paul Reidy!

25/04/2007, 10:34 AM
Nice one...looking forward to it

25/04/2007, 10:38 AM
Then I can add you to the people from Foot that I have met.

The Rebel Ram
26/04/2007, 9:50 PM
does anyone have any team news?????

The Rebel Ram
26/04/2007, 10:37 PM
I recon a 2-0 win for the Rams. Hopefully keeping the clean sheet and getting a few goals to get the difference up!

27/04/2007, 6:13 AM
Predicition? Last time we headed for border country we battled out a 0-0 in Dundalk, may be the same story again? Mind you, the formbook says we'll sneak a winner in injury time :D

By the way, must say how good the website is looking these day. Using the menu to its fullest and sticking most of the photos on a separate page makes it a much tidier job. Brilliant. ;)

Rams Mc 7
27/04/2007, 7:36 AM
i reckon its goin to be a tough game..there down at the bottom like and they will be desperate for a win but i think we will beat them 1 or 2 nil..keepin the clean sheet:D :D .after dundalk winin last night we will have to close the gap at the top...come on the super rams...........

28/04/2007, 12:52 PM
it will definitly be a tough one id say, hopefully we get just get the three points. im going for 2 nil, davin and nolan

29/04/2007, 7:19 PM
Oi Rambler 1 if u were there u didnt come say hello!

30/04/2007, 11:08 AM
Must apologise for that. Didnt make it due to unavoidable circumstances...How was the game. Looks like it could easily have been a draw. Will catch up with ye if I can make it up for the 2nd One.

30/04/2007, 12:17 PM
Or you could be polite and say hello to me when I am down in Cobh! I will be the stressed out lookin mammy with 2 boys & my teenage sister!

30/04/2007, 12:53 PM
Will do.