View Full Version : Professionalism at City?

27/01/2003, 2:07 PM
Amidst the joy and the rapture at the long-awaited departure of Liam "they know nothing about football" Murphy from his post as "manager" of City, I think there may be something more important happening. Murphy has stepped aside and taken up a role as "technical director" while the club has been advertising in the papers for a General Manager. Is this the stride towards professionalism and competing with the dub clubs that we have long called for and Lennox has been hinting at? How many other eL clubs have either technical directors or general managers, never mind both? Are we witnessing a a sea-change in cork football which will put to an end our unenviable record of always finishing second, third (or sometimes fourth-thanks gunther), that means we will really be able to compete. Does this mean that the largest county and second largest City in Ireland will at last have the team it deserves?

My natural cynicism makes me suspicious: we had a full-time manager in Mountfield, we had a commercial manager in Cantillon and it didn´t work. Is Brian Lennox the man who will make it work? Is he prepared to stick at it, and not just revert to the statues quo (give the job to a long serving player) the minute things get sticky? I think he is that man, I hope he is that man. He´s been in the job less than a year, he said it would take time to see results- I think he´s about to deliver and it can only be a good thing.


27/01/2003, 3:34 PM
i think that Mr. Lennox is being very posative in the way he is running the club.

27/01/2003, 3:47 PM
don't think jimmy mulligan would agree

27/01/2003, 4:35 PM
Strange Mulligan would "leave" the club & then the manager who effectively made him leave would also depart...

AFAIK Bohs & $hel$ both have Club Managers although they may have different titles. Reality is that Clubs Manaher would probably combine the roles of Commercial, Financial & Office Manager as well. If any appointee can bring in enough extra cash into the club in Year 1 to pay his own wages i';d say would be a good start

27/01/2003, 5:11 PM
Eanna I too would truely love to believe that Lennox is the man to take us onwards & upwards but Gunther's departing salvo that he was asked to become full time manager would leave me very suspicious that anything at all will change.
If Lennox was really the man we both hope he is I think he would need oversee a REAL clearout of certain "city clowns" known to us all. Instead Lurphy is going "upstairs" and there's idle talk of a club manager coming in along with obviously a new team manager.

I remain hopeful but doubtful. Mr Lennox please prove me wrong.

27/01/2003, 5:26 PM
Originally posted by dc.
I remain hopeful but doubtful. Mr Lennox please prove me wrong.
Spot on. Talk in the Echo tonight is of Patsy Freyne applying for the job! Is that really a step forward?

Even though people like Gunther, Patsy, Deccie, and Noelle and the "gang" have done great stuff in the past, until we get rid of the lot we're not really going anywhere fast.

Let them operate the till in the Club Shop and give them free passes to the ground but as regards running a Professional Club - stepaside.

27/01/2003, 5:42 PM
Originally posted by Neil
Even though people like Gunther, Patsy, Deccie, and Noelle and the "gang" have done great stuff in the past, until we get rid of the lot we're not really going anywhere fast.

I think it might be a little unfair 'getting rid of people' - maybe reassigning might be a better way forward?

27/01/2003, 6:23 PM
it is a right decision for murphy to go up stairs he has been at this club years and stood by city even when times were bad he has the club at heart he'll defend cork till he is blue in the face,ok he knew his time was up so a new maneger will come in and to be fair has a very good canvas to work from. murphy got good players in.to be fair it cork were never going to win the leauge with such a young and new team it takes time?if you ask george jonh o f dan murray they tell you leauge of Ireland is a different ball game than the english game they need to adjust. so be positive for the next season lennox im sure will get the right man to manage city,he does listen to to the fans!!!