View Full Version : Liam Murphy manager next season

21/01/2003, 5:18 PM
Well how will you feel if he is standing alongside the bench come first game of next season?

21/01/2003, 5:22 PM
numb. my shock and fury would cancel each other out. i don´t know if my blood pressure could cope with any more of him, and I´ve hardly been in the country for most of his time in charge!


21/01/2003, 5:46 PM
i think my initial shock and suspicion , would be overcome by a deep numbness, which would later turn to depression
so a mix of 4 of dem options

21/01/2003, 6:03 PM
IMO one of my best polls yet :D

Maybe we need a similar one for Deccie :D

btw me thinks this poll gonna be messed up my non-leesiders.

i think my initial shock and suspicion , would be overcome by a deep numbness, which would later turn to depression

Sounds like that quote from the Simpsons of the doctors diagnoses of Homer when he got 24 hours to live :eek:

21/01/2003, 6:53 PM
I believe he will not be the first team manager next season, so my overwhelming feeling will be relief I think !!.......:p
(so I voted for suspicious !!)

21/01/2003, 7:35 PM
consider it stuck conor

21/01/2003, 10:24 PM
where's the 'not in the least bit surprised' option?

22/01/2003, 7:50 AM
has to be depression. i really hoped he would step down this year (then again I also hoped my girlfriend would get her PHd done and that ain't going to happen either) so in both cases I'll just plough along until something does happen:(

22/01/2003, 11:14 AM
Hey,there are 6 votes for "Delighted" !!!
How come goalside gets to vote as often as he can ??:D :D :D

22/01/2003, 12:23 PM
That would be a disaster if he stays on as manager, but if he does it is a sad indictment of this club. I said from the start that i was suspicious of the Lennox takeover, as being just cosmetic. If LM is still manager next season ill be proved correct as they seem happy with the status quo.


22/01/2003, 1:04 PM
Originally posted by pete
btw me thinks this poll gonna be messed up my non-leesiders.

I think it's getting that way... delighted I'd be but didn't spoil my vote... I could delegate it...

Real ale Madrid
22/01/2003, 1:22 PM
The poll is no good beacuse it is missing the words:
Etc Etc

However if we get into Europe he will probobly stay on.

I know the question was asked before but which would you choose:
1 Qualify for Inter toto or
2 Sack LM

22/01/2003, 1:31 PM
well in all fairness the poll is kinda unbalanced as it is without including more negative emotions
surely if the poll was as someone suggested to be sent into the echo as a representation of city fans feeling then the poll should have say as many negative as positive outcomes as well as one neutral / sit on the fence type response

as it is its weighted very much to the negative

former market research student :D

22/01/2003, 1:36 PM
Originally posted by Real ale Madrid
However if we get into Europe he will probobly stay on.

I know the question was asked before but which would you choose:
1 Qualify for Inter toto or
2 Sack LM It would be much better if you didn't qualify. To make sure, you better lose to UCD on Sunday. :)

Apart from my obvious bias; if I was in your position, I'd rather a better manager next year to playing in a 2 bit competition which will probably lose the club money.

Real ale Madrid
22/01/2003, 1:41 PM
Maybe there should be a 3rd option
3 Get rid of the students (from the eL, not in general!):D

22/01/2003, 1:42 PM
Originally posted by Schumi
playing in a 2 bit competition which will probably lose the club money.

yeah but think of the away trip?
its not only about the club u know :D

think of cheap eastern european beer / food and cheap eastern european women with questionable moral values :)

22/01/2003, 1:56 PM
Originally posted by James
as it is its weighted very much to the negative

former market research student :D

Was hard to think of positive sides to the question but i thought Delighted would be the most positive, Suspicious less positive & Numb Neutral...

Maybe i should have had Don't KNow or Neutral in the middle selection?


also former market research student


22/01/2003, 3:58 PM
Definitately depressed.

Having watched yet another away day disaster on Friday, I am sick of watching rubbish. just glad the season is nearly over so I have time to regain my senses before next season!!

22/01/2003, 4:11 PM
Originally posted by niamh
Having watched yet another away day disaster on Friday, I am sick of watching rubbish.

sure wasnt that a home match 4 u niamh?
living in the pale like :D

22/01/2003, 6:23 PM
if murphy stays on i'd be dlighted. remenber when he was appointed city were very bad after dave barry. liam somehow managed to get the team into europe. if liam went many people would never go to a match again. liam is a real nice guy and a great trainor.

Shed End John
23/01/2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by pete
Well how will you feel if he is standing alongside the bench come first game of next season?

I gave my vote to shocked, which I would be, but, I'd also have to break out a couple of packets of Prozac. This season should have provided more than enough evidence to condemn him long ago. Just out of interest, anyone reckon he'd still be in a job if City were great away, but, had only 6 points at home all season?

Murphy Out Now!!!

24/01/2003, 4:25 PM
Originally posted by Real ale Madrid
I know the question was asked before but which would you choose:
1 Qualify for Inter toto or
2 Sack LM
I have no interest in the intertoto anyway, it´s a waste of time really, good laugh for a trip etc but no advantage to the club in it. 2 no doubt about it.

Originally posted by goalside
if murphy stays on i'd be dlighted. remenber when he was appointed city were very bad after dave barry. liam somehow managed to get the team into europe. if liam went many people would never go to a match again. liam is a real nice guy and a great trainor.

:rolleyes: TOTAL BEWILDERMENT :confused:

24/01/2003, 5:44 PM
Originally posted by Éanna

Originally posted by goalside
if murphy stays on i'd be dlighted. remenber when he was appointed city were very bad after dave barry. liam somehow managed to get the team into europe. if liam went many people would never go to a match again. liam is a real nice guy and a great trainor.

:rolleyes: TOTAL BEWILDERMENT :confused:
Ah Eanna, Don't you know that Liam adds at least 13 people to the gate, and is Mr. Soccer to that bakers dozen!!!!!!!:D :D

27/01/2003, 10:02 AM
Who let Noelle vote 8 times?


27/01/2003, 11:48 AM

*out love* :D