View Full Version : First Managerial Casualty

16/01/2003, 3:54 PM
With the end of the season coming up any guesses who'll be the first Premier Manager to be sack/resign/leave his manager job?

Suppose Devlin, Dolan, Murphy, McCue be top of the list?

Shed End John
16/01/2003, 4:11 PM
Originally posted by pete
With the end of the season coming up any guesses who'll be the first Premier Manager to be sack/resign/leave his manager job?

Suppose Devlin, Dolan, Murphy, McCue be top of the list?

The heart says Murphy, but, the head says Dolan will beat him to it, assuming that Murphy doesn't outlast the whole bloody lot of them!

Murphy Out Now!!!:mad:

16/01/2003, 4:29 PM
Makings of a great Poll... I wouldn't include Devo tho... He's Bray thru and thru... so if he leaves it will be because he's finished...

Made up financially... he's Damian Duff's agent...

Shed End John
16/01/2003, 4:35 PM
Originally posted by Xlex
Makings of a great Poll... I wouldn't include Devo tho... He's Bray thru and thru...

Funny, most fans can't wait to see the back of a manager after they've been relegated, no matter how much he loved the club. I'd be the same way if City were the club in question.

Murphy Out Now!!!:mad:

16/01/2003, 5:16 PM
McCue generally has the support of most of the public in Drogheda and I'd doubt that they'd want to rock the boat even more. They're in a bit of a storm as it is.

16/01/2003, 6:37 PM
Its gotta be Dolan. Although he might baulk at the prospect of having to sack himself.

17/01/2003, 11:01 PM
don't see harry going

18/01/2003, 11:13 AM
I´d say Murphy will be the first to go, but he won´t be sacked

20/01/2003, 9:00 AM
Originally posted by Xlex
Makings of a great Poll... I wouldn't include Devo tho... He's Bray thru and thru...
Devo's a ***** - more concerned at feeding the talent drain to england than the eircom league - Devo OUT!!!!!

Dolo must stay! :D

20/01/2003, 9:05 AM
Originally posted by Macy
Devo's a ***** - more concerned at feeding the talent drain to england than the eircom league - Devo OUT!!!!!

Dolo must stay! :D

That's right... he's a Newcastle scout....

20/01/2003, 9:06 AM
Originally posted by Xlex
That's right... he's a Newcastle scout....
didn´t know that- DEVO OUT :mad:

20/01/2003, 9:09 AM
actually he was a newcastle scout... he's a King Kenny Daglish scout...

Why do you think Blackburn have the few Irish...

20/01/2003, 9:22 AM
I knew he was duffer´s agent and now that you say it I remember a few other things- just never put 2 and 2 together I guess

21/01/2003, 2:10 PM
Robbie Doyle

27/01/2003, 1:32 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
I´d say Murphy will be the first to go, but he won´t be sacked

27/01/2003, 3:57 PM
I'd say most people be surprised how quickely he left although as pointed out to me yesterday was almost certainly a fact that the club will essentially close down for the next 2 months that made the decision so quick.

27/01/2003, 5:36 PM
Originally posted by pete
I'd say most people be surprised how quickely he left ......................... that made the decision so quick.
Pete, this was a done deal for a while, even if we had got the european spot. He was not going full-time and that was that.