View Full Version : Which is the Holy Trilogy? (LOTR -V- Starwars)

Block G Raptor
29/03/2007, 11:04 AM
was watching Clerks II the other night and the scene where they debate the LOTR -v- Starwars got me to thinking. which do people think is better

2. Starwars(original Trilogy)
3. Starwars Saga(episode's I-VI)

I'll get the ball Rolling with a vote for all things in a galaxy far far away (thats the Starwars Saga for all you non-believers)

Or indeed if any one thinks another trilogy/series of movie is worthy of a mention in this hallowed company please feel free

29/03/2007, 11:09 AM
Has to be the Starwars original Trilogy. It has everything. Great story, groundbreaking special effects and some really memorable lines.

Leia-"I'd just as soon kiss a wookie"
Han -"I can arrange that. He could do witha good kiss"

Block G Raptor
29/03/2007, 11:13 AM
my personal favorites have to be "get in there you big hairy oaf I don't care what you smell" Han to Chewie when he pushing him down the garbage shoot on the Deathstar
"You came in that? you're braver than I thought"
Leia to han on seeing the Falcon

the whole trilogy is packed with double meaning and innuendo

29/03/2007, 11:14 AM
Star Wars 4-6 definitely.
It has everything is true but that also includes an extra 3 films.

Block G Raptor
29/03/2007, 11:17 AM
Poll anyone?

29/03/2007, 11:18 AM
I'm gonna go for Lord of the Rings, the story is brilliant, special effects amazing, and the acting was top notch.

As for Stars Wars, well I'm a big fan of the original trilogy, but I honestly think that the new trilogy has taken a lot away from it. It's made the Star Wars galaxy seem very small, and has made Darth Vader look like garbage to be honest. I remember thinking that Vader was a powerful, evil Sith that came good in the end, now he's just a spoilt brat, who is not at all powerful, and has led a pretty pathetic life

29/03/2007, 12:02 PM
Star wars original without a doubt.

Never liked LOTR. Books sent me to sleep with the style of writing(thought he story is amazing) and the movies werent much better

29/03/2007, 12:08 PM
I'm gonna go for Lord of the Rings, the story is brilliant, special effects amazing, and the acting was top notch.

As for Stars Wars, well I'm a big fan of the original trilogy, but I honestly think that the new trilogy has taken a lot away from it. It's made the Star Wars galaxy seem very small, and has made Darth Vader look like garbage to be honest. I remember thinking that Vader was a powerful, evil Sith that came good in the end, now he's just a spoilt brat, who is not at all powerful, and has led a pretty pathetic life

i agree. Star wars was great, but the recent 3 films really took the gloss off the originals for me. Lord Of The Rings is quite simply breathtaking. I got into it from the start and then moved on to the books (which are better). Amazing films all round, so it's gotta be LOTR

29/03/2007, 12:10 PM
Of the ones mentioned, the original Star Wars for me.
But I would have to say the Godfather. Even with a weak third installment.

29/03/2007, 12:20 PM
Has to be the original stars wars, LOTR is terrible I can believe I wasted so much of my life on that tripe. Terrible story, poorly acted, poorly written about 9 hours too long. Battle scenes are ok I’m just not impressed with good time keeping and what you can do with a computer.

The film equivalent of an Enya song….. painful

Also clerks 2 was ****e as well, kevin smith should either give up or go back to what he knows best , Jersey girl and clerks 2 have been very very poor

29/03/2007, 1:54 PM
Original Star Wars Trilogy, by a country parsec!

Others that could be considered for a poll could be Mad Max (Second one is brilliant), Indiana Jones (opposite to Mad Max), the three Superman films (don't consider the fourth), Jurassic Park or Jaws (not that I fgive a damn for the last two).

29/03/2007, 2:00 PM
I believe Kevin Smith will be working on the imminant Star Wars TV series.

LOTR is great when it gets going but theres too much walking about and advertising the New Zealand tourist board for my liking. As for the prequel SW trilogy, The first one is a steaming pile of cack but the pod race is worth watching for the special effects and the three way sabre fight at the end is kick @ss.
AOTC is better. Still not a great movie but watchable and good in parts. Jango Fett is pretty cool as is the big battle at the end.
I really liked ROTS though it still wasn't a patch on the original trinogy.

the three Superman films (don't consider the fourth)

One and two but not three.
Gene Hackman is great in the first one.

Block G Raptor
29/03/2007, 2:07 PM
I believe Kevin Smith will be working on the imminant Star Wars TV series. .

Yes Yes Yes there is a God (infact She looks remarkably like alanis morrisette)

29/03/2007, 2:22 PM
the "Three Colours" trilogy by Krystoph Kieslowski.

Block G Raptor
29/03/2007, 2:38 PM
the "Three Colours" trilogy by Krystoph Kieslowski.

Ah I wondered when this would pop up here. My second favorite trilogy

Blue was the best IMO

29/03/2007, 2:39 PM
Ah I wondered when this would pop up here. My second favorite trilogy

Blue was the best IMO

na. white all the way.

Anto McC
29/03/2007, 3:16 PM
Die Hard Trilogy.

29/03/2007, 3:25 PM
Can we have a poll please mods?

29/03/2007, 3:39 PM
Indiana Jones trilogy?
Back To The Future Trilogy?

29/03/2007, 4:14 PM
Would put the original Star Wars ahead of LOTR as I grew up watching it and LOTR can be a bit slow moving at times.

But my fav of all time is The Godfather Trilogy(well not so much with no.3).

My top 5 would be:
Star Wars(Original)
Indiana Jones trilogy
Die Hard

29/03/2007, 4:32 PM
Back To The Future Trilogy?
Great. Got them on DVD at xmas watched them over and over.

Poor Student
29/03/2007, 11:04 PM
Block G, do you consider the recent Star Wars trilogy as part of your ultimate trilogy of trilogies (not sure what the correct plural is)? I thought they were quite poor, particularly the third one.

30/03/2007, 7:51 AM
particularly the third one.

Third one was the best of the prequels.

30/03/2007, 9:29 AM
Third one was the best of the prequels.
That's my feeling onit too - I thought it was generally agreed. It seems not!

Poor Student
30/03/2007, 9:40 AM
Off the top of my head the scene to explain how the Emperor looked all wrinkly and decrepit was woeful. I thought it was a really really bad movie.

30/03/2007, 10:25 AM
Personally I thought Ian McDiarmid was a class act in the third one and more or less saved the prequels.
Other plus points of episode 3 - Anakin turning on Padme. Anakin killing the padewans. The lightsabre fight with Anakin/Vader and Obi Wan. Dooku getting killed early on. Way overrated character and Lee's performances were hammy in the extreme. Little or no Jar Jar.

30/03/2007, 12:32 PM
would have to throw in Sergio Leone's "Man with no name" trilogy

30/03/2007, 2:45 PM
The Exorcist triolgy

1- ahead of its time but dated now
2 - absolute ****e with richard burton
3 - not bad at all with George C Scott

30/03/2007, 3:22 PM
The Exorcist triolgy

1- ahead of its time but dated now
2 - absolute ****e with richard burton
3 - not bad at all with George C Scott

Dead right

31/03/2007, 3:54 PM
I'd go for

Star Wars
Back to the Future
Alien (first 3, not really a trilogy i know)

LOTR is rubbish and is only slightly outdone by the steaming pile of cack that is Eps I to III

31/03/2007, 4:52 PM
would have to throw in Sergio Leone's "Man with no name" trilogy

What are they?
Is the High Plains Drifter one?
I'm not big into cowboy films but thought that was amazing.

31/03/2007, 5:46 PM
What are they?

Fistfull of Dollars, a Few Dollars more and The Good the Bad and the Ugly

02/04/2007, 1:11 PM
How could I forget the Leonies!

I will also add to that the Once Upon a Time trilogy: Once Upon a Time in the West, Once Upon a Time in America, and, eh, Once Upon a Time: Life (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2h1jUpqzcc).

02/04/2007, 3:20 PM
Since this has branched off into the best Trilogys of all time I'll go with this

1. The Leone Trilogy
2. Lord of the Rings
3. Star Wars Eps 4-6
4. Back to the Future (let down by the 3rd part, thought it was okay, but given what went before it was poor, had it been stronger than BttF would have topped my list)
5. Indiana Jones

Biggest letdowns have to go to the Matrix Trilogy (first part was very good, the second and third parts not so much, and the Jesus references were out of place), and the Prequel Star Wars (agree that the Eps 3 was better, but it was still someway off the original 3. Although my favourite character in the Star Wars universe came from Eps 1, the criminally underused Darth Maul)