View Full Version : Ultras

11/01/2003, 7:21 PM
'Ultras Ste' is threatening violence over here. ( Scum.
Them bastrds have to banned from the X.

12/01/2003, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Casegrande
'Ultras Ste' is threatening violence over here. (

I've met many Rovers fans in my time and the Ultras are a very visible bunch of lads. Their aim is to create atmosphere at Rovers games. This is something that we want to do ourselves.
They are well known in eL circles and I'd be very surprised if anyone associated with them was threatening violence.

We all know that there's a certain "element" in Turners Cross so lets get our own house in order before we go pointing the finger.

I'd also like to add that the Horseshoe Inn would want to take a serious look at their security measures or else don't open during big games like this.

Counting Crow
12/01/2003, 10:45 AM
Have to agree with Peadar here. I was in there and there was a mixed bag of supperters from oth sides.

There was a lot of bantar back and forth but it was getting a bit heated towards the end. I saw one Rovers fan being pulled back by one of his own after one particular jibe at the "2-0 down 3-2 up" song.

It could have gotten nasty. Plus there were kids sitting in the corner. No escape - no cops - no chance.

12/01/2003, 4:03 PM
Originally posted by Peadar
the Horseshoe Inn would want to take a serious look at their security measures or else don't open during big games like this.
City have had 5/6 bigger games than this already this season without any trouble. It's no coincidence that the only trouble that ever happens in Turners Cross is when Rovers are in town.

They have an element of scum that no other club attracts, so don't bother blaming the Horseshoe for the fact that Rovers 'fans' stormed into the area where City fans were drinking at half-time looking for a fight.

It's as simple as that. Some Rovers fans are scum and ONLY look for trouble at games.

12/01/2003, 5:37 PM
I was in turners cross on friday and i had a great night with all the cork lads. they were all very welcoming and freindly bar a few.
I completely disagree with any sort of violence at football matches but i just want to make a point and its just an opinion.
With rovers reputation (in some respects deserved) all the scum of every side are out to prove a point when rovers come to play them. in this case the cornerboys. i was threatened myself which i ignored and walked away at which stage i was hit with various things such as stones etc. fair play to some lads on this board defending us real hoops and i really enjoyed myself

12/01/2003, 5:42 PM
Originally posted by hooper
With rovers reputation (in some respects deserved) all the scum of every side are out to prove a point when rovers come to play them.
With respect, this does not change the FACT that some Rovers supporters ran into a CCFC pub and started throwing glasses and ashtrays, does it?

Glad you enjoyed your stay 'hooper'. Hope your back again. just don't bring the scum.

12/01/2003, 6:04 PM
my point was that there were other incidents not as serious but you cannot simply draw attention to what you like to and ignore that it takes two sets to have a fight. i am in no way condoning any violence by rovers or cork fans but thats just my opinion

12/01/2003, 6:26 PM
Originally posted by Conor74
Didn't see much of the "banter". Just saw a few Rovers fans bursting in to the side where the corner boys drink and suddenly everyone was being pushed to the back of the pub and there was a lot of glass breaking - was in the next table down and 4 elderly people had only just left, thank Christ. That scum element shouldn't be allowed out of Dublin. Banter was what happened with fans of other clubs, but it appears that some Rovers fans are more interested in aggro than football.

I was standing near Conor and thats pretty much what I saw aswell. There were a group of old people still in the pub when it happened and they were absolutly terrified. There is no denying the fact that a bunch of Rovers scumbags burst in to the City side of the Horseshoe and started throwing glasses etc. They were responsible for the incident occuring and now if you look at their message board they are acting like victims and are threatening retribution. It is worrying that innocent City fans could be targeted the next time we play Rovers in Dublin.

Hooper, I take your points on board and I love when Rovers bring a good crowd down because having a good number of away fans adds to the atmosphere. Its just a pity that your Scum element travels with you. You must also acknowledge that it's clear that the only real trouble we have in the Cross is when we are playing Rovers. Conincidence? I think not!

12/01/2003, 7:29 PM
Originally posted by Neil
It's no coincidence that the only trouble that ever happens in Turners Cross is when Rovers are in town.

They have an element of scum that no other club attracts, so don't bother blaming the Horseshoe for the fact that Rovers 'fans' stormed into the area where City fans were drinking at half-time looking for a fight.

That really is an objectionable load of ****e. 'only trouble' and 'no other club'. Have you just forgotten that Bohs 'took' your shed a couple of years ago ? And I've heard accounts from Shels, Pats and Sligo fans of trouble in the cross ? I'm still not clear just what the **** are the 'corner boys' ?

12/01/2003, 7:53 PM
It is a FACT that all reports of trouble at this seasons el games were games involving SR. Most SR fans are decent people, but there is a large element consisting of scumbags and neanderthals attached to the club.
Rovers have done f*ck all to get rid of these c*nts. So get your head out of your hole and face up to the fact that SR are known as "The SCUM" for reasons obvious to the rest of the league.

12/01/2003, 8:09 PM
this subject is getting fairly boring but the truth is if a rovers fan looks at someone crooked it s publicised as an act of hooliganism. There has been trouble in recent years between other sides and cork as tommy t pointed out. look at the bohs casuals who have a message board to chat about violence and also your own cornerboys who are famous for violencs. Rovers have a big problem but what we need is an all round effort by all clubs to end the problem not just us. otherwise great game with a good atmosphere and i look forward to many more great trips to the x

12/01/2003, 8:29 PM
Originally posted by hooper
and also your own cornerboys who are famous for violence. To be honest I don't think it's fair to say the Corner Boys are "famous for violence". You shouldn't be going around making accusations like that. Is it possible that you are trying to give other teams fans a bad name to take away from your own clubs reputation???

The fact remains that there is only one set fans in Ireland that are "famous for violence" and that bring trouble everywhere they go, and that is your club Shamrock Rovers. You may not like to admit it but a sizeable amount of your support are complete and utter SCUM!

13/01/2003, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by oddboy
It is a FACT that all reports of trouble at this seasons el games were games involving SR.

Eh no, Pats V. Bohs a couple of weeks ago, plus constant complaints here re the behavior of some of your own fans

13/01/2003, 2:24 AM
Originally posted by hooper
and also your own cornerboys who are famous for violencs

for a start it is spelled VIOLENCE
have been in the corner all season and there is a good crack in there. dont know where ye r getting this idea from that the corner boys are famous for violence as i have not seen one ounce of trouble over there

A face
13/01/2003, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by TommyT
Eh no, Pats V. Bohs a couple of weeks ago, plus constant complaints here re the behavior of some of your own fans

To be honest .... i have to agree with thecorner there, there was the tony o'dowd incident but that was it ... the rest was banter. Bohs (if i recall correctly) had the biggest away support at the cross this season and there was not trouble. Shels and Pats no incident. Derry no incident. Tommy ..... in fairness i am hard pressed to recall and incident of trouble, there was trouble last year with Rovers and i was in the pub for that (my friends younger brother 8yr was there too :mad: ) I saw the whole thing and it was Rovers fans that started it. The totaled the train on the way back to Dublin aswell.

Tommy ..... i have to stop you there my friend, the only trouble in recent times has been Rovers. we all know it is a select few and it is a pity it is your favoured club they support but no the less, they are Rovers fans.

Also i just want to add that on having read this thread and others on other boards, no one has tried to address the problem, everyone is avoiding/awarding the blame and that for the most part wont solve a thing. I can only speak for City, great efforts have beeen made this year to adopt a family atmosphere at the cross and the game in Cork can do without this kind of crap. If the shoe fits then wear it ... address the problem and let all get back to football, but dont sherk or shy away from responsiblity, if it is broke ... then it needs fixing.

Shed End John
13/01/2003, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Conor74
but it appears that some Rovers fans are more interested in aggro than football.

Agreed, Conor. And it's NOT the first time those c**ts have caused trouble down here.

Murphy Out Now!!!

13/01/2003, 10:27 AM
There was no trouble afaik at the first match between the two sides this season, but few travelled. There is always a better atmosphere when Rovers bring fans, but most people on both sides do not want trouble.

All eL clubs have a few people who are looking for trouble. I was in the Horseshoe at half time, and neither set of fans are blameless for the incident. However considering incidents have happened in the past, it is time for the Gardai, the pub in question and CCFC to make sure it don't happen again.

For the non football fans in the HS at the time, they are fairly unlikely to go to a match if they think that this sort of stuff goes on.

And as for the Rovers fans, short memory or what. Look what happened in Dalymount Park a few weeks ago. It did not involve all your club's fans, but some of your lot are no angels.

13/01/2003, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Casegrande
'Ultras Ste' is threatening violence over here. ( Scum.
Them bastrds have to banned from the X.

casegrande you r actinglike a right tosser on the Ultras site. take it easy.

if some city fan did a rovers fan in the face then that same city fan deserves a good kicking.

also some city fans should hold the head bit and grow up.if rovers fans are going to be singing like prats in a pub then leave them be.

there seems to be two stories here. can anybody tell what really happened.

the rovers fans claim they were attacked by some city guys and the city fans claim it is the other way round.

personally i would stop all rovers fans from entering the ground as well as get the club to address some of the morons who are city supporters in disguise.

i mean rovers fans must be bad when the assiant manager calls them scumbags. i have seen them in action a few times and he is right

13/01/2003, 11:05 AM
there just total scum they cause trouble at nearly every game even there one in europe where they trashed another bar:mad: :mad:

13/01/2003, 8:20 PM
rovers fans and i've seen it with them moreso then any other set of fans no matter what the venue (cause they got no home :))
are more often then not SCUM

granted there are a few normal jackeen fans amoungst them but too few not to call them SCUM imo

and to the ******s that set fire to a cork city scarf last season and then threw it at my face.. how dare you young man :D

13/01/2003, 8:20 PM
Why is there a quote from me on your post, none of it contradicts my assertions thet what neil and oddboy posted were way wide of the mark in suggesting ONLY Rovers fans cause trouble.

BTW it seems clear from Conors posts that the Rovers fans did start it and I haven't seen a post anywhere that says otherwise. What Rovers fans are complaining about is the 'ban Rovers and/or their fans from the league then there'll be no trouble' type posts. The fact is you have an element of your own, although I've asked here before and been told it's not the 'corner boys'.

14/01/2003, 9:54 AM
Originally posted by TommyT
Why is there a quote from me on your post, none of it contradicts my assertions thet what neil and oddboy posted were way wide of the mark in suggesting ONLY Rovers fans cause trouble.

Can you read ?

14/01/2003, 6:25 PM
I can what are you talking about ?

care to read these ?



14/01/2003, 7:34 PM
Originally posted by TommyT
I can what are you talking about ?

care to read these ?

A bunch of jackeens having a bitch fight?
That seems to be your level allright.

A face
14/01/2003, 8:47 PM
Originally posted by TommyT
I can what are you talking about ?

care to read these ?



Tommy .... i dont have the time to read them right now (i'll try and get back to it) but the reason i included a quote from your post was to defend the cornerboys .... because i haven't heard of any trouble from them (they might stand out a bit, singing dressing up, etc. but not fighting) I actually can't talk about last Friday cos i wasn't there but i was referring to games previous to it.

To be honest, and this is not taking a dig at you, There is normally not hassle in Cork (fighting) recently the was a bit of hassle in the shed between Cork fans (even though the hassle was only coming from one side) and stewards were called in to resolve it, the messed it up and it dragged out a bit but that was it. this incident had nothing to do with the corner boys at all.

Tommy .... the short of it.

Hassle like fighting, It doesn't at the cross, very rare occurance, we are talking blue moons here. Thats why it is so easy to isolate incidents. they are so few and far between. The one biggest problems recently was bottle throwing, but that was at people toward the front of the shed, bottles didn't make it onto the pitch. Young lads acting the maggot.

Tommy ... Dont defend people who dont deserve it.

14/01/2003, 11:23 PM
A face...both your posts are fair enough but in neither do contradict my statement that Rovers HAVE NOT been involved in all the trouble this season. The links I posted were for oddboy to read since he said it was a fact that Rovers WERE involved in all the trouble at eL games this season. In spite of being proved wrong he doesn't seem to want to admit it.

A face
15/01/2003, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by TommyT
A face...both your posts are fair enough but in neither do contradict my statement that Rovers HAVE NOT been involved in all the trouble this season. The links I posted were for oddboy to read since he said it was a fact that Rovers WERE involved in all the trouble at eL games this season. In spite of being proved wrong he doesn't seem to want to admit it.

Sorry Tommy ..... **Penny drops** ..... I get you now. Jeeze i think we know that, there are elements in other clubs aswell.

Tommy ... i dont want to get into naming actually, i dont think finger pointing on messageboards will resolve alot. But those clubs should be sorting out their own camp aswell.

** For the record, i think this "casuals" crap is a bunch of lads watching too much telly. seriously .... It is a small league and these so called "firms" look out of place, even sad and really pathetic, but the kind of people that are attracted to this stuff would no doubt be at the same lark if it were a table tennis club, or they'd be muggin' grannies or something. Idiots will be the same no matter where they go or what ever shirt they put on, it is just a pity they picked football **

Just going back to the "barr Rovers from the ground" lark. I would hate to see it as Rovers are one of the best clubs for supporters getting involved, wearing colours, singing, creating atmosphere and probably have the best away support in the league. I would hate to see something like that happen. A serious loss if it ever did happen but i could safely say we are nowhere near that happening yet.

15/01/2003, 2:19 PM
Originally posted by scottyshedender
I brought a college mate (ROVERS FAN) to the game (Wearing a hooped hun top)and he got abuse from a city fan (Who posts here) which was totally uncalled for

one second you're calling him a mate
the next he was wearing a "hooped hun top"
good friend then eh, surely thats an insult there calling him a hun scooty ?:confused:

and at the time, i remember that city fan, who posts here :) only called him a "hooped hun" which was the words you yourself just used to describe him

i duno

15/01/2003, 2:31 PM
Originally posted by TommyT
A face...both your posts are fair enough but in neither do contradict my statement that Rovers HAVE NOT been involved in all the trouble this season. The links I posted were for oddboy to read since he said it was a fact that Rovers WERE involved in all the trouble at eL games this season. In spite of being proved wrong he doesn't seem to want to admit it.
Well fair play to ye. You found trouble at another club.
Well thats that then, isn't it?
I most humbly apologise.
I was wrong.
It is not all the fault of SR.
Here is another interesting fact.
At all home games I normally go for a pint after the match on the way home.
I can to any of the four pubs, near the ground, which I pass.
NONE of them ever have bouncers on the door.
Except of course when SR are playing, then they have 3 bouncers on the door.
Now of course, the publicans could be wrong. They could be wasting their money on un-needed security. Or they could simply have learnt from past experience, that when SR are in town, scumbags follow.
And thats a FACT !

15/01/2003, 8:44 PM
oddboy no need to be an ars.ehole, your early posts in this thread and the general forum were obnoxious stupid and mistaken. It's very easy to find events involving trouble at other clubs so there's no big deal there, which is precisely why Rovers fans should't be singled out and barred from away grounds. Congratulations on finally finding a true fact.

16/01/2003, 8:34 AM
Originally posted by TommyT
oddboy no need to be an ars.ehole......... obnoxious stupid and mistaken.
All conditions a pr*ck like you would be more than familiar with.