View Full Version : Woods

11/01/2003, 8:59 AM
Billy Woods is a player with brilliant technique and can come up moments of genius..... BUT..... the man badly needs to be dropped.

Last night (same as last two months) he wandered around in an inside left position for most of the game. Rarely helped Hoggie in defence. And he looked unfit.

What does Gunther do? Takes off Warren who was having a great game and leaves Billy on! :confused:

Nothing against Billy Woods. I hope he's with City for a long time but he needs a good kick in hoop!

11/01/2003, 11:24 AM
From what I´ve seen of him this season he seems to be getting worse with every game. I think a game or two on the bench would do marvels for him.

11/01/2003, 12:46 PM
Eanna try a game or ten!!
useless pr***!

11/01/2003, 7:31 PM
bull from a Jackeen? (

13/01/2003, 9:47 AM
Billy has never tracked back this season which shows you how good Hoggie is that he can cope on his own. At home games city have more possession so not noticed so much.

Billy along with a few others in the team are untouchables & are never dropped barely let alone subbed by Gunther.
