View Full Version : Skin of our teeth

Counting Crow
11/01/2003, 1:11 AM
We deserved the point and I think we will get a result in Longford

The Echo had 2 very interesting points tonight:
1. J O'F had signed an extension to his contract - yesssssssssss!
2. Dan Murray wants to sign a full time contract for City - yesssssssssssss!

Do not underestimate how important these 2 bits if news are. It could be the difference between a successful seasson an an ordinary season in the summer.

By the way I thought Greg, J O'F, Murray & Renno played well tonight.

The goaln was worh waiting for - whaat a sickner to give up such a jammey goal at the death - yeah - brilliant!

11/01/2003, 9:00 AM
i reckon we will only get 3 more points this season-u.c.d. at home and that wont be enough to get us european football. hopefully the lads will prove me wrong

11/01/2003, 9:13 AM
I'd say we could draw with Longford, beat Pats and draw with UCD. I'd love if we could be the ones to send UCD to a relegation playoff though!

11/01/2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Counting Crow
The Echo had 2 very interesting points tonight:
1. J O'F had signed an extension to his contract - yesssssssssss!
2. Dan Murray wants to sign a full time contract for City - yesssssssssssss!
Saw a bit about Murray in the Sun, apparently he´s trying to negotiate a release from his contract at the Posh, but he´s just after taking out a mortgage on a house in England, so......
Great news about O´Flynn if it´s true- how long was the extension?

reckon we´ll beat pats and lose the other two- still, that could mean sending pats into the playoff :D :D that would be SWEEEEEEET :)

Counting Crow
11/01/2003, 7:53 PM
The Echo said he had extended it by 1 more year - i.e. he will be on our books for 2 more seasons...........they better be right!

He was so exciting last night - every time he got near the ball there was a buzz around the ground.
I was watching him in the warm ups before the game and his ball skills are outstanding.
His pace is frightning also - he must be a nightmare to mark and he has a real striker's instints - what a talent.

Murray has been really impressive also. He is a really big man but has tremendous skill and vision.

Next to Deccie the contrast in styles are a panic to watch.

Did anyone see Mick Devines smirk to the Shed end when Deccie played two delicate little touches through the legs of 2 Rovers players legs in the second half - it was like " Wow I never saw him do that before ". The ironic cheers were nearly louder than that for the goal itself.

One BAD note however - those idiots who cheered when Deccie was taken off should be banned for life in my opinion. Fair enough he has seen better days but no one, and I mean no one, wears his heart more on his sleeve for City than Deccie.

He is one of City's greats.

To Moses and those others who piled on the abuse last night on him - "You should be ashamed of yourself"

11/01/2003, 8:29 PM
Originally posted by Counting Crow
The Echo said he had extended it by 1 more year - i.e. he will be on our books for 2 more seasons...........they better be right!

Where in the Echo does it say this??
Was it Friday or Saturday nights Echo ?

12/01/2003, 12:59 AM
didnt even see moses in the shed. is he after returning after he said he wont be back til murph is gone

Counting Crow
12/01/2003, 10:31 AM
Sorry Oddboy - it was Friday's Examiner not the Echo - my mistake, but they did say it.

The Corner - Moses was there and was quite irritating at best ( with the same old cliched lines ) but was pathetic towards with the abuse he was showering at Deccie.

12/01/2003, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by thecorner
didnt even see moses in the shed. is he after returning after he said he wont be back til murph is gone
Yeah he was there all right. As usual sweet f*ckall to say and very loudly saying it.
He is entitiled to his opinion, but he is like Deccie, his time is gone.
Retire to the Shed out your back garden boy!