View Full Version : Question....

Lev Yashin
19/03/2007, 5:33 PM
I was in dublin for paddies weekend and needless to say i had a few drinks was in a merry auld mood...untill....i was in a burger bar waiting on food when a fight between two girls broke out behind me....which alot of people tired to stop...after i turned around i heard another rucas behind me and this time a guy was on top of a girl..trying to hit her..agian a few people were trying to get him of her so i went over and lifted him off...as i did he turned and hit me on the jaw and then again above the eye(second was a good punch)

But im not a fighter never have been..and drunken fighting is best left to scumbags as far as im concerned...so i just turned and left, watching him trying to clamber over people to get to me....

but later as i was talking to my friend who was with me he said it was my own fault and i shouldn't have got involved.....but i couldn't just stand there and watch a girl get throttled by a guy.

anyway question is..should i have just turned my back or was i right to get him off her??

19/03/2007, 5:43 PM
IMO, you would have been better off minding your own business. As difficult as it is seeing a girl getting a few slaps, you just don't know what or who you're dealing with. I learned my lesson about twenty years ago. Similar situation, with a lad knocking the stuffing out of a girl. Wrestled him off of her, then both of them turned on me.

Lev Yashin
19/03/2007, 5:51 PM
i can understand where your comming from but at the same time its very hard to turn your back on a girl pinned to the floor while some little scummer tries to strangle/hit her....

Raheny Red
19/03/2007, 9:37 PM
I was in dublin for paddies weekend and needless to say i had a few drinks was in a merry auld mood...untill....i was in a burger bar waiting on food when a fight between two girls broke out behind me....which alot of people tired to stop...after i turned around i heard another rucas behind me and this time a guy was on top of a girl..trying to hit her..agian a few people were trying to get him of her so i went over and lifted him off...as i did he turned and hit me on the jaw and then again above the eye(second was a good punch)

But im not a fighter never have been..and drunken fighting is best left to scumbags as far as im concerned...so i just turned and left, watching him trying to clamber over people to get to me....

but later as i was talking to my friend who was with me he said it was my own fault and i shouldn't have got involved.....but i couldn't just stand there and watch a girl get throttled by a guy.

anyway question is..should i have just turned my back or was i right to get him off her??

You should have left them to it. Last year I did the same thing kinda, as a result I lost a couple of teeth and a hefty dental bill!

19/03/2007, 9:42 PM
Never get involved unless your 100% sure they don't know each other. Never get involved in a domestic fight. I've learned from experience that the only people you defend are friends and family. Otherwise, it's not worth it

19/03/2007, 11:09 PM
Never get involved unless your 100% sure they don't know each other. Never get involved in a domestic fight. I've learned from experience that the only people you defend are friends and family. Otherwise, it's not worth it

Sad but true.

19/03/2007, 11:27 PM
If both girl and guy look like filth don't get involved, I know a guy who got knifed in the neck for trying to break up one of those. If it looks like the girl is getting a beating off some random scumbag I'd say smash his face in with whatever you can find, the more you mess him up the better!

20/03/2007, 12:13 AM
a lad knocking the stuffing out of a girl. Wrestled him off of her, then both of them turned on me.Have heard of that happening plenty of times. You help her and she'll turn on you then cos she wants to protect her boyfriend.

Stay clear of it imo.

20/03/2007, 11:24 AM
I think fair play to you too many people will stand back and say its not my problem as it all kicks off , but in saying that you have to make the call if it’s a random bird that gets attacked then go straight in , but if it looks like an domestic argument that gets out of hand you have to leave it as the others have said the 2 will turn on you then you will not only have to fight off him but also be reduced to hitting a bird ( something I don’t have a problem with if she is attacking you )

I have been in 2 fights one was against 10 travellers who decided to just start throwing digs cant say I won that one . the other I got jumped in town case of mistaken identity got a punch to the back of the head and as he was wrestling me to the ground I spun him and pinned him on the ground then kept him pinned with my left and thumped the **** out of him with my right . left him up and about 10 yards up the road he attacked someone else . he was then kicked to the ground a gang of about 4 blokes an 6 women started stamping on his head so I had to dive in and save the guy that attacked me from getting killed .

I should add im 6 foot 2” and about 14 stone and well able to handle myself but im also quite a pacifist so trouble doesn’t normally find me & as I never go looking for it explains only the 2 fights

20/03/2007, 12:35 PM
I was in dublin for paddies weekend and needless to say i had a few drinks was in a merry auld mood...untill....i was in a burger bar waiting on food when a fight between two girls broke out behind me....which alot of people tired to stop...after i turned around i heard another rucas behind me and this time a guy was on top of a girl..trying to hit her..agian a few people were trying to get him of her so i went over and lifted him off...as i did he turned and hit me on the jaw and then again above the eye(second was a good punch)

But im not a fighter never have been..and drunken fighting is best left to scumbags as far as im concerned...so i just turned and left, watching him trying to clamber over people to get to me....

but later as i was talking to my friend who was with me he said it was my own fault and i shouldn't have got involved.....but i couldn't just stand there and watch a girl get throttled by a guy.

anyway question is..should i have just turned my back or was i right to get him off her??

An honourable stance, Shannonman, but most peoples general rule is not to jump in - sometimes from bitter experience.

That said, certain specific situations dictate that giving the helping hand is the thing to do. Depends on the situation and possibly the back-up you have yourself.

There's a lot of deranged and hammered people knocking around Dublin City Centre, particularly on the likes of Paddy's Day - and many gravitate to the Burger Belt after the boozer.

Myself and my mates spent years socialising in and around Temple Bar and the lunacy I've witnessed involving scraps over the most trivial thing wouldn't encourage you to hop in.

Sometimes all the thanks you'd get is a Stilletto in the neck.

20/03/2007, 2:00 PM
I must say, asides the point i find dublin grand, I have lived here for 18 months and have not seen a scrap..I go home to Navan on any saturday night and im almost certain to see one.....Granted i never drink in temple bar anyway!!

20/03/2007, 2:48 PM
I must say, asides the point i find dublin grand, I have lived here for 18 months and have not seen a scrap..I go home to Navan on any saturday night and im almost certain to see one.....Granted i never drink in temple bar anyway!!

The small towns are way worse for fighting than the cities I don’t know why , inbreeding is my guess

20/03/2007, 3:05 PM
The small towns are way worse for fighting than the cities I don’t know why , inbreeding is my guess
Nah, it's just that all the Dubs are moving down the country!:D

Lev Yashin
20/03/2007, 3:31 PM
Have'n read the replies i think i wont be getting involved from now on..its not worth the slap in the face or what else could have happened if i didn't walk away.

Ill stick to just looking on and laughing from now on...still think any man hitting a woman is a disgrace.

20/03/2007, 3:48 PM
The small towns are way worse for fighting than the cities I don’t know why , inbreeding is my guess

You forgot the smiley..........

20/03/2007, 4:06 PM
...still think any man hitting a woman is a disgrace.

Don't think anyone would disagree with you there, unless it was Kelly Osbourne!:D

Raheny Red
20/03/2007, 6:42 PM
A typical night in TB:

Maybe NSFW (http://youtube.com/watch?v=YbWgM9NvTik)

20/03/2007, 7:01 PM
A typical night in TB:

Maybe NSFW (http://youtube.com/watch?v=YbWgM9NvTik)
The cops ran yer man down pretty quickly. Deserved to get a battering, trying to sucker punch a Garda like that.

21/03/2007, 12:57 AM
A good job your man's mates weren't around or 'Moichal' and the guy with the camera would have got some pucking I'd say...

As the theme of this thread seems to be, keep your head down unless your family or friends are involved or if some fella is totally out of order with some girl...that guy with the camera was just looking for trouble with his comments...

21/03/2007, 9:28 AM
still think any man hitting a woman is a disgrace.

Cant agree with that ,women have fought long and hard for equal rights they shouldnt get to pick and chose . Its wrong to hit anyone but if its in self defence id slap a woman no problem .

You forgot the smiley..........

did I ?? :D :D