View Full Version : Wexford V Rams

18/03/2007, 3:36 PM
Wexford have taken the lead on 55minutes!!!

Wexford 1 Rams 0

fc hammer
18/03/2007, 4:20 PM
me thinks you lot could struggle this season!!

18/03/2007, 4:52 PM
Id be mortified for you if only we didnt have to play them in 2 weeks!

don ramo
18/03/2007, 8:36 PM
boys the game was a disgrace, the weather was joke high winds cuttin through everyone, at one stage the wexford keeper kicked the ball out and it went out for a corner, we took the lead inside 3 mins from a freekick that was ruled offside, we dominated the first half were all over them, the second half we were good at the start but missed 4-5 great chances, no lethal finnish to be seen, mccarthy was s***e when hes suppose to stay on his line he comes out when he suppose to come out he doesnt, idiot, i hate criticising i said i wouldnt do it this year but ive been forced, that was shocking keeping for the goal he came out and missed the ball with our defender next to the player and he forced his own defender to stop, muppet,

the faciltie at wexford look great but there s***e they need either a big wall our some terraces for the moment it just a pitch for playin notin more, i was forced to park behind the enclosed training pitches with enough space for three cars to fit so i pulled into one side only to find out all three lanes were used for parking bumper to bumper side to side, it took 40 mins to get movin and another 10 to get out once we were movin after the game, mostly cause they allowed certain idiots go join the celebrations in the clubhouse, the event controller should be fired that was the worst display ever and made the day worse,

nearly blown away by the wind f***ing rain, sleet, a 1-0 loss and that bloody event controller

new blue
18/03/2007, 10:06 PM
Sweet victory.
I suppose losing brings out the best in us!
This is a magnificent facility which is obviously still a work in progress.
I was at the match - a few minor teething probs. that's all. Left after a short delay. What do you expect with the biggest attendance of the week!!

19/03/2007, 1:00 AM
Don Ramo, I'm sorry if the weather was a joke, I'm sure Mick will have that fixed for the next match......

And ye were all over us for the first half because you had that gale force wind at your backs! To be honest I've never seen it so windy out there - and I train out there at least once a week.

As for the event controller, cut him a litle slack - there was a massive crowd to deal with and it was his first event.

I'm sure the organisation levels will improve as the season goes on, just like the team will aswell!

don ramo
19/03/2007, 1:39 AM
fair enough on most points but the parking was brutal, even a monkey would have seen that problem happein, you had id say 5 acres of parking spaces available and you cramed them in, even thought it was bad i will more than likely go there again in the summer to rid me of the bad expeierience, and to retrive my body heat i left behind,

and new blue it was more than a short delay i wuld have been hame at seven, instead it was eight i didint get out till and hour our so after the final whistle which was roughly six o clock, they need improvment and to hire gardai to control traffic all season is a definate nono,

Tir Oilean
19/03/2007, 10:58 AM
What were the attendance figures like?

19/03/2007, 11:02 AM
2130 tickets sold. And you're right don ramo, the parking arrangements left a lot to be desired.....and on top of that you were unlucky enough to be parked in the worst possible place out there i'd say!

don ramo
19/03/2007, 11:32 AM
i dont think the atendance figures would be exact, as anyone could simply walk around the pitch and watch for free, i heard one group of about ten people sayin they just walked around the barrier with ease just something to sort out for yer next game the end opostie is to the clubhouse is totally open to pepole like that, i could have doen it myself but wanted a ticket and program, could have saved myself E13:D.

id say wallace coud do with linking the ground right to the main road, considering its on the opposite side of the fence to where i was parked, saw it on my way down the road, just a suggestion if ye see him

19/03/2007, 3:02 PM
what an absolute disgrace that team arent fit to wear the jersey, they looked like they didnt give a damn what happened they have no pride no passion or no will to succeed, wexford/limerick may not have great teams but they both were organised and had the spirit to help each other and fight to win. when it came to it rams lacked ideas when they had space , the keeper seems to think he is barthez and as for brian mccarthy, you would be better sticking george mccall up front he would do a better job.and thats sayin somethin .something has to be done is that the manager is causing the players to not give adamn or is it the players have takin a wage drop and now dont care why give it your all for less money

19/03/2007, 4:42 PM
No I would definetly say its the Manager.

He has rolled out the excuses all ready, No money,Young team etc etc.

What you need in the league is an organised team and we dont have that.

Henerson could not do it when he had money he definetly wont be able to do it now he has none.

Rams Mc 7
20/03/2007, 7:58 AM
looks like its goin to be a bad season...dont ask me how we didnt win on sunday..had about 20 chances.the weather was shocking..nearly froze to death:D :D .the wind was terrible...but fair play to wexford cause they stuck at it for the whole game..id say other teams will take advantage of wexford this year and take the points.especially teams like dundalk..they could have a very hard season to and they will do well to stay away from the bottom half.hope they do well tough cause that mick wallace seems to be a legend..

20/03/2007, 6:05 PM
i really believe the manager needs to be held responsible here it is no good him criticising the players in the echo he needs to grow a pair of balls and take control. i dont think he is up to the job the players dont want to play for him which is evident by all the departures it is not all to do with money. hendo is more worried about his hair and how many of the mellericks are sitting in the stand than how his team players and tactics are doing. the game on sunday was a disgrace there was no spirit no fight no will to win we have a tiny squad that should be filled up with munster senior league players who are hungry and willing to fight. look at when th elikes of rory oconnor and richie hyde were around even seanie hegarty they were not great players but they gave it there all they didntt just show up. look at wexford they have average players but they are well organised disciplined and willing to fight plus they a great coach

time for hendo to go and barry walsh to follow him soon if he does not get his act together:mad: :confused: