View Full Version : Ramblers Promotion Officer

16/03/2007, 3:17 PM
Prevyet, Hello Dobry Dyen, Paul Reidy is my name and I'm the new promo officer at Ramblers. basically my job is to get people back to watching the team, promoting what is good about the club and hopefully give the fans some valu for money. Now that nice stuff is done with, how about you the fans get behind the team. Its easy to slag them off, were all experts!! This is a bloody good club, the facilities and work going on at the minute will make it even better, now its up to you to make the most of it and turn up for games. If you have suggestions let me know(within reason!!) Hopefully a bus will be organised for the Harps game, but when the new stand opens I want this place rocking!!! like the old days when I watched Franco, Paul Keating, Paul O'Neill Wilshaw, O'Sullivan etc packing this place week in week out. Show ur support, bring ur friends, anyone got some large ramblers flags that bring them. The Harps game kicks off at 3pm on Sunday 25th,at the Cross. I will be running competitions etc for tickets to various games. Thanks lads ... Paul Reidy(not the good looking one!)

don ramo
16/03/2007, 4:29 PM
hey paul good to see you posting here, well as far as i know everyone here is a regular attender to the rams, and travels to the away games when possible, cant wait to see how your affect on the non playing side of things go, was wondering if you will be putting up signs between cobh the city and middelton announcing games, as the last one im sure were stolen by the circus:D seriously they were, what kind of competition will you be runing, the list is endless of questions your gonna be asked and sorry if i repeated any of them.

17/03/2007, 8:43 PM
would be appreciated if the club made from flags available in the club shop for the supporters to buy, big decent ones like.

20/03/2007, 11:17 AM
Hey don, firstly i must get permission from the powers that be to put up signs, but thats in my plans, I will have them up down as far as Youghal Midleton Little Island etc as far as the comps are going 96fm are running one today for tickets to the Ireland games in Croke Park. Should be on this afternoon.As for matchdays I hope to get 5 a side schools game on at half time. hit the bar dancers etc where possible. All suggestions appreciated.

20/03/2007, 3:35 PM
Marco welcome, best of luck in your new post ... how about a competition in the secodary schools to design a mascot for the rams..hopefully get a sponsored prize like an x box or something.. for the national schools the competition could be to name the mascot.. again a sponsored prize for the winner... how about a supporters suggestion scheme best suggestion gets a season ticket..... agree with getting the kids to play a mini league at half time....I'd assume that the accompanying adult would get free admission....

20/03/2007, 4:57 PM
Great Idea with the schools, the club could do with a mascot, it would look cool at half time, promo's etc. What would the mascot be? Anyone interested in a bus to the Harps game, saves the grief of train time etc. I will let you know about cost, time etc. Anyone with kids, nieces or nephews with birthdays in April, we will be printing these on website.

20/03/2007, 5:51 PM
Bring secondary level schools along to matches for free!! Its a fantastic idea and would increase interest in the club

20/03/2007, 5:54 PM
:) great to see someone with a pair of balls taking on the job , best of luck i would love to go to a rams game with a big passionate crowd it would be a massive atmosphere and would make a difficult place to play. i think amascot is a great idea but definetly think big but start small out of small acorns grow large oaks

A face
25/03/2007, 6:54 PM
Prevyet, Hello Dobry Dyen, Paul Reidy is my name and I'm the new promo officer at Ramblers.

Paul, do you have an email address?

25/03/2007, 7:05 PM
Well all I can say is you need to make an impact and quick there was what 100 people at the game today a very poor turnout.

Maybe now we have one a game we might get 150 at the next game football has such a fickle following.!