View Full Version : Ireland a Nation of Binge Drinkers

A face
15/03/2007, 10:34 PM
Given this recent report (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6451019.stm) about the Irish being the biggest binge drinkers in Europe, how you you class yourself?

15/03/2007, 10:36 PM
Wouldn't class myself as a binge drinker. Yes I drink to get drunk, and I believe most people do, but I don't "get rotten" too often.

15/03/2007, 10:47 PM
I go through phases...currently, no. Have hardly drank since new years.

pineapple stu
15/03/2007, 10:52 PM
Is this binge drinking based on some nonsensical European notion that man wasn't made to drink more than four pints at one go?

Just as well the Koreans didn't define binge drinking, or it involve coming within three foot of a pint.

Just back from four or five pints. European political correctness didn't cross my mind once. :)

15/03/2007, 11:39 PM
I drink about 4 pints every night...wouldn't class it as binge drinking though.

A face
16/03/2007, 12:03 AM
I drink about 4 pints every night...wouldn't class it as binge drinking though.

Every night? I'd normally drink about 4-5 maybe two nights a week, and maybe 3-4 cans another night maybe. Generally dont get sloshed anymore, barr christmas or work night out or something.

16/03/2007, 1:20 AM
I voted yes given the 5-pint criteria, but I fully disagree with those criteria.

Although I think most people seem to infer a negative image from the word binge, which isnt really the case.

16/03/2007, 1:22 AM
Given this recent report (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6451019.stm) about the Irish being the biggest binge drinkers in Europe, how you you class yourself?I class myself as someone that thinks the phrase binge drinking should be shoved up someones arse.

16/03/2007, 1:27 AM
I class myself as someone that thinks the phrase binge drinking should be shoved up someones arse.

Only the second post ever that has made me laugh out loud!!

16/03/2007, 2:25 AM
For me "Binge drinking" is when drinking leads to unprecedented chaos.You disappear off the face of the earth for a number of days and neither man nor beast can track you down.

16/03/2007, 4:38 AM
According to the criteria outlined in the report (>5 pints), I am a binge drinker...
Do I class myself as a binge drinker...no

Now, where did I leave that pint of tequila and lucozade...

16/03/2007, 7:24 AM
It's a whole heap of crap, isn't it?
5 alcoholic drinks in a sitting. So if I was out for twelve hours, and had 5 pints over that time I'm binge drinking? I presumed it was 5 pints per hour or something. And is this 3% beer or some 11% belgian stuff?

16/03/2007, 7:50 AM
This is probably my most rabid pet hate.
Some beaky c**t who's never been inside a pub in their lives has decided this totally arbitrary figure and then put a stigma-laden name on it. And the word does have negative connotations, all sorts. Have you ever seen one news report about 'the growing problem of binge drinking' that doesn't show some drunken oiks pulling and dragging out of each other or some boozed-up tart falling all over the place?

Basically, if I don't go out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, have 5 pints on Saturday, stretched out from 8 to half 12 say, and stay in Sunday, I'm a binge drinker.
B*llocks. What kind of nanny state are we letting ourselves become?

Lim till i die
16/03/2007, 8:09 AM
Voted yes because of the criteria but the criteria is nonsense

Rarely touch a drink during the week

At the weekend i'd probably average somewhere between one and two bottles of vodka

16/03/2007, 8:31 AM
I am a binge drinker. I mite not drink for weeks then go out and drink double JDs or loads of beer. I know its not a good thing to do. Also would sit at home and drink a bottle of wine the odd time.

Last nite had one can of cider to stop me from throwing the computer out the window while doing the riddles.

The reality of the situation is that it is healthier to sit and have a glass or 2 of wine every night with your dinner and leave it at that, not drink the whole weeks worth on one night.

16/03/2007, 8:35 AM
Wouldn't class myself as a binge drinker.

The first step is to admit you have a problem...:D

Lionel Ritchie
16/03/2007, 9:08 AM
I wish I was still a binge drinker. I really do.

But I've a 2 year old who'll be getting me up shortly after 7am so the price is too high.

I'm a consistent tippler averaging three to four bottles of beer an evening. Truthfully I'm too tired most nights for more.

When I go out -not often - I do find myself skulling the pints. I'll be 34 this weekend and I concur with David Grohl that at this age hangovers last for four days.

16/03/2007, 9:59 AM
My 2 cents worth

5 drinks in one session is a ludicrous criteria to be labelled binge drinking but there is a seroius problem both here and across the water regarding drink.

All the fun is getting drunk not being drunk, everybody nowadays wants to get drunk staightaway. People nowadays do drink more but only because they have more money. If we had of had as much money then we would of drank more.

Finally my solution to curb alcohol related problems ? slap 20euros onto a can of red bull. Previoulsy you drank a rake of pints until you couldnt take anymore, then you went on the shorts, then you fell asleep because you were too bollocked/drunk to do anything. Nowadays you spend money to try to combat the alcohol you have consummed by drinking red bull to give you more energy to continue drinking ? So you are now a drunk who has far too much energy and have also spent a fortune on the one hand pouring alcohol down your throat to get drunk and on the other hand mixed it with red bull to combat the effects of alcohol.

Didnt France try to ban red bull ?

16/03/2007, 10:12 AM
Didnt France try to ban red bull ?

It is banned there. Also banned in Denmark.

I think an important point is that the alcoholic strength of beer is Ireland is weaker than that on the continent. Must beers are around 4.3% in strength in Ireland, whilst on the continent the average 5%+.

16/03/2007, 10:13 AM
Well, yes, on a more serious note, no-one is denying there are drink problems in this country (but not exclusive to this country). Just the criteria for binge drinking is a little odd. Surely the term 'session drinking' might be more accurate.

16/03/2007, 10:21 AM
If I'm on a works bash I'll have 10-12 pints no bother but then not drink again for 2/3 weeks. I never drink at home and sometimes go without for weeks on end. At 6 4" and 16 stone I wouldn't even really notice I had 4 pints - how could that be labelled a binge?!

16/03/2007, 11:13 AM
Going by the 5 drink thing, yes I am a binge drinker.

I drink about 9 or 10 "drinks" in one night when I'm drinking yet I only ever drink when I'm going out.

16/03/2007, 11:54 AM
A load of tosspot - i hate hate hate the term. Were a social breed. We like a drink - we always have, its no more complicated than that. Drink has been around for donkeys years. People have been drunk for thousands of years.

Picture it - Youd kill a bear, drag it back to the cave, make sweet love to your cave slag, drink some distilled grass, fall over and **** in your lioncloth and vomit on your bow and arrow and when you wake up the next day youd look at the bear tied up spread eagled against the wall beside you and wonder what the fupp you did last night- Human kind has continued to flourish despite all this.

Binge Drinking is just another phrase made up to keep some underworked social commentators busy for a while until the next big thing comes along.

Over the post
16/03/2007, 4:37 PM
It's strange the survey fails to establish what it means by a "drink". As some posters have pointed out, five shandies are a far cry from five G&Ts. You'd think a Europe-wide survey would take into account the difference between measures in different countries too. Five whiskeys in Spain would be equivalent to about ten in Ireland. It's true that binge drinking is a problem in Ireland and the UK and among young people in general but it's by no means the only one. In Spain it's common to see people (particularly construction workers) start the day with a large brandy, have wine with lunch followed by another chaser and then head for the pub after they finish of an evening. In my humble opinion the latter group have a lot more to worry about.
As for myself, like Mr Ritchie I have a young lad who leaves me with no time/energy for more than a glass or two of beer after work or a drop of wine with dinner.

16/03/2007, 10:30 PM
Picture it - Youd kill a bear, drag it back to the cave, make sweet love to your cave slag, drink some distilled grass, fall over and **** in your lioncloth and vomit on your bow and arrow and when you wake up the next day youd look at the bear tied up spread eagled against the wall beside you and wonder what the fupp you did last night- Human kind has continued to flourish despite all this.

Best to knock Kilkenny off my list of places to go for a beer I think.

16/03/2007, 10:42 PM
used to drink everyday when I was younger but nowadays? not at all. Have only been out this year twice and only had about 5 or 6 pints on both occassions.:(

16/03/2007, 11:18 PM
Didnt France try to ban red bull ?

Thats it not movin to France now...how else am I meant to drink Jagemister??

17/03/2007, 1:49 AM
answered 'yes" to this poll. Under Jack Charlton would have answerd ' no". under mccarthy 'no" under kerr ' no" .

Under staunton - any fookin substance or liquid I can get me paws on in going down the hatch, and I can still stomach most of it better than listening to that gobb-shiite.

serioulsy though - love a few pints on the week-end nights, and of a sunday afternoon. Would go stark ravin fookin mad otherwise.

A face
17/03/2007, 6:42 PM
Thats it not movin to France now...how else am I meant to drink Jagemister??

On its own, love the stuff. Have never actually mixed it to be honest, actually it might be fun trying.

Tasty tack !! (http://www.thecross-photo.com/images/Jagermeister-Bottle.jpg)

17/03/2007, 11:29 PM
I cant handle it on its own and I hate Redbull but if you take a can of redbull & split it between 2 glasses, then get a shot of jage and drop it into the redbull and skull. Wicked stuff. Caused an ex of mine to kiss me,and bout 6 other women at a wedding including too wives of his mates!

Handle with care!

17/03/2007, 11:31 PM
you just know whoever came up with the idea that 5 drinks is binge drinking is a lightweight

17/03/2007, 11:33 PM
but if you take a can of redbull & split it between 2 glasses, then get a shot of jage and drop it into the redbull and skull. Wicked stuff. Caused an ex of mine to kiss me,and bout 6 other women at a wedding including too wives of his mates!

The Jaegerbomb...mmmm:)

17/03/2007, 11:35 PM
yeah....been told its even better if you have a shot of vodka in your redbull and then drop the jage in. I like my liver too much to try that one tho!

17/03/2007, 11:42 PM
Your liver will forgive you once or twice...:)

17/03/2007, 11:59 PM
yeah will do it sometime when I really have something to celebrate or have sorrows to drown!

Just working up the nerve for it!

18/03/2007, 9:19 AM
Were a social breed. We like a drink

no we're not, and thats why we need to drink a week's worth of alcohol in one night in order to have some form of social life.

Raheny Red
18/03/2007, 6:07 PM
Are last orders 11 tonight as it's a public holiday and not a bank holdiday tomorrow?

19/03/2007, 3:47 PM
By that criteria I am, generally I'm not the worst, normally have times where I go over board, and times where I don't drink at all.

That said Ireland as a country does have a problem with drinking, one of them being that we can't handle it. I mean just because we can drink a few Brits and Americans under the table doesn't mean we should be classed as great drinkers, from my experiences our Europeans friends can handle their drink a lot better than we can, basically they can go out, have a good amount to drink, and not make a total arse out of themselves

Marked Man
19/03/2007, 5:45 PM
no we're not, and thats why we need to drink a week's worth of alcohol in one night in order to have some form of social life.

I'd feel that way too if I were from Cork.