View Full Version : Club Promotions Officers should join Siptu

10/03/2007, 7:52 PM
I genuinely fear for this crew because of the sharks they are working for by this i mean the fai not the clubs. The one measure they can be judged on is increased attendances at games. Without adequate gate processes the gate figures will be guestimates and this is a big danger. Every promotions officer should fully understand the gate process and the reconciliation of monies to tickets they should get advice of an accountant and be sure because this is what will ultimately decide their fate. I witnessed an FAI controlled intl u21 game in terryland a few years ago when the fai delegate said he hadnt time to do a reconciliation because he had to go and just took the money.

I thought because of the new super duper fai run league that the gate thing would be measured tightly but what i witnessed at Terryland and from guesstimates of gates here it seems no gate reconciliation process is in place at club home games. The gate last night in galway was called at a rounded 3300. The process looked tight and is one of the tightest in the league but cracks appeared when season ticket holders objected to long ques at 1 turnstile and just demanded to be let thru the away turnstile which hadnt the ability to catch the season ticket numbers going past. The club promotions officers should at least form a representative organisation and get their facts and figures compiled acurately to ensure they get a fair hearing when they knock at delaneys door in the future. Otherwise they will be hung out to dry or used as scapegoats at some point

night one and i havent seen any major difference between the fai run chicken league and past years

10/03/2007, 7:59 PM
and that was that we were unable to play our new goalie Gary rodgers because someone at the new super duper fai run league was asleep and was unaware of the registration issue with fifa

chicken league 1 point

super duper fai run league no points

10/03/2007, 8:08 PM
On the registration issue, in all fairness, clubs are equally at fault. KCFC watched their signing as they knew that the rule was in place. The rules have been in place a while and are freely available to all clubs. The FAI didn't tell them their players couldn't play coz of the rule two days before the league. The told them what players could legally play. Its up to clubs to lnow the law they're bound by.

Just trying to look at it from a different perspective here.

10/03/2007, 8:14 PM
True, any idiot who's played football manager (like myself) knows the rule.
I think though the clubs had faith that they would be allowed to break the rule by the fai. Any placing of trust in the fai though is laughable.

11/03/2007, 2:16 AM
and that was that we were unable to play our new goalie Gary rodgers because someone at the new super duper fai run league was asleep and was unaware of the registration issue with fifa

chicken league 1 point

super duper fai run league no points

this time the league aint to blame

11/03/2007, 11:20 AM
First of all if you are a Siptu shop steward or similar you should declare your conflict of interest & not pimp for new business.

The Promotions officers took the jobs so they can look after themselves.

If Galway have problems with lack of turnstiles or lack of ticket counting then that is Galway Uniteds problem & not the FAI.

Clubs need to take responsibility & stop expecting the FAI to so everything for them. :rolleyes: