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View Full Version : Poll: Is O'Callaghan worth his place?

Gone Away
28/12/2002, 6:46 PM
Maybe a mod could make this a poll.

Idf personally say no at this point. He goes missing far to easily and seems more interested in complaing all round him. Id far prefer see a grafter play, ie Colin P up front and Warren on the left in place of Woods.

28/12/2002, 9:10 PM
hmm, tough one.
i think yes he does. he can turn matchs. however if hes yapping like last night he should be taken off immediately. He might get the message then.
city played really well after he was taken off yesterday.
i think this is one time that Gunther needs to be strict otherwise he'll cause friction.

btw i asked this before. how does he get on with other players off the pitch?:confused:

29/12/2002, 11:15 AM
as requested...

29/12/2002, 11:19 AM
yes, anyway. Needs to watch his temper though and buckle down when the going gets tough.

29/12/2002, 12:12 PM
Having George AND Billy Woods in the same team is too much of a luxury IMO. But I'd prefer to see George in there. George's MOMENTS are usually better than Woods's.

I'd play Warren on the left and George on the right with CPOB up front.

30/12/2002, 1:57 PM
A couple of substitute appearances would do George no harm. I'd prefer to see Dave Warren get a run for awhile.

30/12/2002, 3:28 PM
In general I would say Yes. He has more good times than bad.

30/12/2002, 7:28 PM
foget about callaghan hes s**t. he is notting compared to willie bruton. COME ON RAMBLERS

30/12/2002, 7:30 PM
Originally posted by scottyshedender
As much as I do think oddboy and colm have good point of views i do think that we are all over reacting over george (playing sh!t wise)............come on give him a season to understand the irish game!
They gave Murphy 2 years, Give George 1!

Jaysus drink makes me Shakesperian!
I have no problem giving George 2 years, but surely if you are playing like sh*t and all you are doing is moaning and blaming your team mates, you should be dropped. We ahve playerss who can play in midfield or as a striker, and I think it would be better for the team to have someone there who is really trying.
George has lovely tricks etc, but imho Dave Warren would be a better first choice.
Woods and Daly are also playing sh*t, but they don't mouth off as much as O'Callaghan, and I think it's his lip more than anything that should see him on the bench.
He has scored 6 decent goals, has shown a bit of style and skill, but it's hard work thats wanted now.
I don't want him out of the squad or anything like that.....

30/12/2002, 8:26 PM
definately worth his place imo

tra la la la, and all that

31/12/2002, 2:41 PM
Originally posted by scottyshedender

As much as I do think oddboy and colm have good point of views i do think that we are all over reacting over george (playing sh!t wise). Scotty, when have I ever said anything about dropping George, I am one of the people who thinks he should be in the team, he might need a kick up the arse every once in a while but he is worth his place as far as im concerned.
If anyone should be dropped for a couple of games I'd be looking in the direction of Mr. Woods.

02/01/2003, 10:33 AM
Yes, Without a doubt.

After years of watching muckers hoofing the ball around in the national league, it's an absolute joy to see Georgino's creative approach football. The same goes for Rennie by the way.

George O'Callaghan tra la la la la...

08/01/2003, 8:00 AM
nah the man is a waster and a mouth. good riddance to him and woods

08/01/2003, 10:07 AM
Of course he's worth his place.
At least he has some degree of skill.
Makes a change to watch good football after some of the rubbish we've put up with in recent years.

08/01/2003, 6:46 PM
hes an excellent player, probably the most skilled player in the league, but he doesn´t work hard enough, and he moans too much. I´d like to see him told to knuckle down, and if he doesn´t he should be dropped.

09/01/2003, 8:10 AM
Originally posted by liamon
Of course he's worth his place.
At least he has some degree of skill.
Makes a change to watch good football after some of the rubbish we've put up with in recent years.

what is the point of having skill if he doesn't use it to win games. the man is a plonker followed closely by woods

09/01/2003, 9:51 AM
Originally posted by liamon
Of course he's worth his place.
At least he has some degree of skill.
Makes a change to watch good football after some of the rubbish we've put up with in recent years.
He is worth his place when he shows that skill. Unfortunately, for a good few games, he is guilty of producing rubbish as bad as any seen over the last few years. I don't want to see him go from City, but if he continues simply showing up on the pitch and moaning and arguing with his team mates, then what use is he ?
Friday night is the type of game that is made for George. Big game, big crowd, so how about a big performance ?

I'll be the first to congratulate and cheer him if he does his stuff.

09/01/2003, 10:24 PM
I'll be the first to congratulate and cheer him if he does his stuff.

"But I'd bet you'd be the first person to jump on his back if he has a bad game"

09/01/2003, 10:55 PM
It does seem to be the general opinion that George is a skillful player, it's obvious when you see him play. It's also obvious that he is not a team player and all too often blames his own poor performances on others. It's great to see tricks and skills but surely there should be a greater end product. I think he is certainly worth his place but needs greater application, commitment and just plain old hard work. Maybe playing him in the middle with Rennie is his best position and put Colin O'B up front with John O'. Let's just hope Georgie gets it right for Friday. C'mon City....

09/01/2003, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by applehunter
"But I'd bet you'd be the first person to jump on his back if he has a bad game"
I might'nt be the first, but I certainly do complain when he plays as badly as he has been.
Is there something wrong with that?
He is a full-time pro with City, so when he plays well he gets the praise and adulation, when he plays sh*te he gets criticism.
For a good few games now, he hasn't pulled his weight, done his stuff and has contributed sweet f*ckall except moans.
If, against the scum, he shows us all the skills he undoubtedly has, I won't have any grounds for complaint.

BTW, applehunter, do you think Gerge is above criticism?

12/01/2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by dalo
the man is a plonker followed closely by woods

dalo OUT

12/01/2003, 7:08 PM
And just as I said on another thread, when Geroge keeps his mouth shut like he did against the scum, it's better for himself and he can show us all what a great player he can be.