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02/03/2007, 9:30 AM
some words of wisdom from our leader in today's Indo: http://www.unison.ie/sportsdesk/stories.php3?ca=12&si=1786638

Jerry The Saint
02/03/2007, 10:09 AM
some words of wisdom from our leader in today's Indo: http://www.unison.ie/sportsdesk/stories.php3?ca=12&si=1786638

Like I said from day one as manager, it's going to take time and there is nothing you can do.

But definitely it is going to happen again because that is the cycle of sport. It goes around. Who knows when the wheel turns again?

He's quite the inspirational speaker isn't he? Reminiscent of the likes of Martin Luther King or Abraham Lincoln. Really surprised he doesn't do more media work and public appearances.

02/03/2007, 10:10 AM
stevie you f*cking tw*t just in case you dont realise or have the memory of a f*cking goldfish here is a list of the premiership players you have at your disposal (including those who are out injured)

Bolton - Joey O'Brien
Everton - Lee Carsley
Sheffield United - Alan Quinn
Stephen Quinn
Paddy Kenny
Derek Geary
Reading - Kevin Doyle
Stephen Hunt
Shane Long
Newcastle Utd. - Steven Carr
Shay Given
Damien Duff
Portsmouth - Andy O'Brien
Spurs - Robbie Keane
Blackburn - Steven Reid
Charlton - Andy Reid
Liverpool - Steve Finnan
Man City - Steven Ireland
Richard Dunne
Wigan - Kevin Kilbane
Man Utd - John O'Shea

Also take into consideration Darren O'Dea and Aiden McGeady who are getting invaluable Champions Leage experience.
Also some fringe players like alan o'brien and eddie nolan who are being slowly introduced by their clubs along with cillian sheridan.

Thats an almost 23 man squad who when fit are playing at the top level.

Now add in the up and coming players in the championship etc and its fairly obvious that with a manager in place we have massive potential. This bulls*it about rebuilding is only a smokescreen. The nucleus is there already.

Stan please go away and sort youself out for the sake of us all

02/03/2007, 10:48 AM
matchday squad off the top of my head from the premiership:





andy o'brien
stephen quinn
alan quinn
stephen hunt

granted the 2 reid's are currently injured, but that starting xi is fairly strong,
I'm aware andy o'brien on the bench doesn't play much, but he is still in the premiership
that's still not including the likes of McGeady, O'Dea, or Ian Harte.
next season could see any number from McShane, Stephen Kelly, Stokes, Miller, Connolly, Murphy, Elliott, Keogh, Ward all added to that list

just went through your list greendeiseboy, I forgot long, kilbane, carsley and carr!

02/03/2007, 10:48 AM
"A lot of our squad is coming from the Championship, which I'm not saying isn't a high standard, but there is a big jump from Championship to Premiership to international football.

I don't understand comments like this. How is there a jump from Premiership football to games against nations like San Marino and Cyprus (or for that matter from Championship football to those types of games).

"Will it be an inspiration to us? Well, I hope it doesn't work against us. I know the Welsh will be hoping for that," Staunton admitted.

Well that's the next excuse lined up. After getting outplayed by the Welsh and losing he'll tell us that there's nothing a manager can do when the opposing team is fired up to play in a world class venue, and that it didn't help that his own side had never played at Croke Park before so it wasn't really a home game.

02/03/2007, 10:56 AM
whatever he's smoking I want some!

02/03/2007, 10:59 AM
Lets just hope theres still something to play for come September lads. If you fancy chancing your arm for the Czech game check out the following...

[ASTROTURF DELETED (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing)]

02/03/2007, 11:00 AM
He's not a leader or an inspiration to the team. If it's such a big jump from championship to international ,what sort of a jump is it for somebody that handed the bibs out and set up the cones at walsall to international manager in one swoop.

02/03/2007, 11:25 AM
Lets just hope theres still something to play for come September lads. If you fancy chancing your arm for the Czech game check out the following...

[ASTROTURF DELETED (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing)]Please ignore posts by binsman, he's a pimp for a marketing company called Cybercom. If you object to this kind of behaviour, please email corporatecitizenship@diageo.com and ask them not to employ pimps to advertise their brands.

02/03/2007, 1:25 PM
When i saw the edited part, I thought he'd been trying to get us playing Astroturf on Tuesday nights in the hope of making Stans squad.

02/03/2007, 1:29 PM
I actually cringe now reading his interviews. the **** he spouts is unbelievable.Every Irish manager has struggled to have top class strikers at their disposale. Staunton has at the moment. Also IMO he has a stronger squad than McCarthy ever had.

02/03/2007, 2:08 PM
i reckon if we lost the two next games and the clamour for him to leave reached mega proportions , he still would not resign.

02/03/2007, 2:10 PM
He's a dunce. The man has been making excuses from day one trying to cover the mistakes he knew he was going to make. There is nothing wrong with our current squad it's better than anything McCarthy or Kerr had to work with.

Ginger tw*t.

02/03/2007, 2:13 PM
Please ignore posts by binsman, he's a pimp for a marketing company called Cybercom. If you object to this kind of behaviour, please email corporatecitizenship@diageo.com and ask them not to employ pimps to advertise their brands.
Just cancel his membership or get one of the other mods to do it if you don't have the rights.

02/03/2007, 2:28 PM
Just cancel his membership or get one of the other mods to do it if you don't have the rights.Haven't you worked out who is in charge around here yet?

02/03/2007, 2:53 PM
Haven't you worked out who is in charge around here yet?
:D I had a feeling youngirish would be in this thread. Any excuse to use one of those asterix he uses in every post. :D ;) He's worse than Colin Farrell.

02/03/2007, 4:29 PM
or yourself and that yellow smiley.....

02/03/2007, 4:40 PM
or yourself and that yellow smiley.....
I'm a smiley person. :) Smilies are there to express your emotions. If I post a smiley obviously my sentence is a little light hearted, I don't know. I only use them for good reason. Take the smilies out of my above post and it looks like I'm having a go at youngirish.

Anyway, swearing in every post just comes across as very aggressive.

02/03/2007, 5:13 PM
Everyone swears I know in everyday chit chat all the time there's nothing aggressive about it. Most Irish people I know converse that way. It distinguishes us from the Queen.

Noelys Guitar
02/03/2007, 6:46 PM
What do clowns like Delaney and his spinmasters think of Stans gibberish? It is just offensive stuff at this stage. And I agree with one of the earlier posts that Stan will never resign. Or Delaney for that matter. Both will have to be forced out by the fans and media.

03/03/2007, 9:52 AM
Great confidence booster for all the Championship players. Well played Stan!!!

03/03/2007, 11:07 AM
"We are not blessed with the biggest or strongest of squads. But over the next few years it will get stronger because these players will mature together - if allowed.It remains to be seen if Staunton is allowed oversee that maturity."

I can only hope he isn't in charge though as stated above how bad will we have to get before he is got rid of ?

03/03/2007, 12:34 PM
Everyone swears I know in everyday chit chat all the time there's nothing aggressive about it. Most Irish people I know converse that way. It distinguishes us from the Queen.

Do you have lots of problems with people mistaking you for a big Queen???

03/03/2007, 6:29 PM
Just saw John O'Shea's interview on the BBC after the game today. He actually came across quite well. This just highlights even further how cr@p Stan is with the media, when one of his players can conduct a much better interview. However, maybe it's easier to give a good interview after you have scored the winning goal against your biggest traditional rivals, than after getting trashed by Cyprus.

03/03/2007, 6:54 PM
I think we all would have more respect for Staunton if he came out after the Cyprus and San Marino games and admitted that the team were rubbish. And admit that they will have to work harder. And apologise to the fans for witnessing such tripe. Rather than the 'San Marino are a handful' and 'we got three points' cr@p we were subjected to.

Every Irish manager that we've known has this 'them against me' attitude with the press and quite frankly it p!sses me off that they think there is some sort of vendetta against them. Do it on the field and you won't get flak lads...They son't seem to understand this.

03/03/2007, 9:29 PM
Just saw John O'Shea's interview on the BBC after the game today. He actually came across quite well. This just highlights even further how cr@p Stan is with the media, when one of his players can conduct a much better interview. However, maybe it's easier to give a good interview after you have scored the winning goal against your biggest traditional rivals, than after getting trashed by Cyprus.

I've just thought more about this and I've concluded that the curtains in my front room would come across better in an interview than Stan.

Den Perry
03/03/2007, 11:06 PM
matchday squad off the top of my head from the premiership:





andy o'brien
stephen quinn
alan quinn
stephen hunt

granted the 2 reid's are currently injured, but that starting xi is fairly strong,
I'm aware andy o'brien on the bench doesn't play much, but he is still in the premiership
that's still not including the likes of McGeady, O'Dea, or Ian Harte.
next season could see any number from McShane, Stephen Kelly, Stokes, Miller, Connolly, Murphy, Elliott, Keogh, Ward all added to that list

just went through your list greendeiseboy, I forgot long, kilbane, carsley and carr!

In my opinion, Paddy Mcarthy is a far better player than Mcshane.....

03/03/2007, 11:36 PM
Everyone swears I know in everyday chit chat all the time there's nothing aggressive about it. Most Irish people I know converse that way. It distinguishes us from the Queen.

Thank God I curse like a docker then otherwise woe betide me I would be constantly mistaken for royalty.

Lionel Ritchie
04/03/2007, 8:18 AM
There's a line in an episode of the Simpsons that reminds me of our Stan now ...Lisa quotes an old saying to Homer "Better a fool not open his mouth than speak and forever remove all doubt".*

I'd like to think Stan realises he's not the sharpest tool in the box and reckons brevity to be the safest course. Doesn't appear to be that clued in though.

Frankly I reckon there's a better chance of Dennis Wise being fired by the godfather of his kids (who just happens to be Leeds chairman) than there is of a move against Stan from within the FAIlures.

*Homer replies, "takes one to know one!" :D

04/03/2007, 12:27 PM
In my opinion, Paddy Mcarthy is a far better player than Mcshane.....
Quite possibly, but my point was that McShane is more likely to be playing in the Premiership next season. West Brom are in the play off positions and looking to remain there until the end of the season, Leicester are going to finish mid table at best, and with McCarthy almost certainly out until next season, he's less likely to get a transfer to a Premiership club.

04/03/2007, 12:35 PM
In my opinion, Paddy Mcarthy is a far better player than Mcshane.....
I don't agree. McCarthy will be 24 next season. He's hardly much of a prospect. McShane looks a really intelligient player who I can see improving a lot.

04/03/2007, 2:40 PM
Ferguson really didnt want to get rid of McShane. Man City didnt try to hard to keep McCarthy. Says it all really IMO

04/03/2007, 3:19 PM
I've just thought more about this and I've concluded that the curtains in my front room would come across better in an interview than Stan.

After reading that, I dreamed last night of trying to conduct an interview with a set of curtains. :D

06/03/2007, 2:06 PM
Great confidence booster for all the Championship players. Well played Stan!!!
I reckon it was all reverse psychology on Stan's part, look at the performance of the Irish in the Championship at the weekend!!Well played indeed

06/03/2007, 2:15 PM
I said from Day one at the break table in work that we would finish 5th in the Group, nothing has happened to change my opinion except Wales have been worse than I expected :)

06/03/2007, 2:37 PM
lads i want whoever can do the best job and get us qualifying for matches, it doesnt look like stan is capable of that yet, and i hope either way that we still qualify, even if that means he has to be the manager then so be it, but people saying how many more games do we to lose before he is out - the expectant - change that to how many games do we need to win to stand a chance of qualifying again. If we dont win them then get rid of him, but until then cant we be more positive. WE ARE PLAYING IN CROKER WITH 76000 others there with us singing on our own countries team.get behind the team.

Jerry The Saint
16/03/2007, 11:54 AM
More words of wisdom from Stan 'Sharp as a Tack' Stanton


On the reaction to the moral defeat in SM

I was told I wasn't going to turn up today but I'm here and it's not going to phase me. Walls have ears as you well know. It's all part and parcel of the game but it's got to a new level over here unfortunately.

We want to qualify but change isn't going happen overnight especially when you look at how many players have no more than eight caps in our squad, probably two thirds of them.

On Duff, Keane etc. retiring if Staunton left


But it's typical of what's going on. Every single one of them is proud to pull on that green jersey and there's none of them would want to retire, not at the ages they are.

The only thing that might happen, because of the volume of criticism, is that it might put younger players off because they may not be able to handle it. We have to be able to guard them against that.

On the San Marino game itself

I don't expect better against the Welsh, I know I'll get it. I want more and I know that we can give more. We know it wasn't pretty and we were bitterly disappointed. That's myself, the staff, the players.

But I'll tell you what, I wasn't half happy when we scored that winner. At the end of the day, people might see it differently, but it would have been easy for the team to bow their heads in the last few minutes.

Yet they dug deep and found that spirit which I'll expect from the first whistle, not just towards the end of the game.

There were other factors in that game as regards people having yellow cards and being determined not to miss the games at Croke Park. But that goes out the window now and if they're not performing we will change things around.

On new Premiership and Éire Superstar Caleb Folan

I've seen him play on Sky highlights against Man City

Darren O'Dea

When I spoke to Gordon Strachan at the start of the season he felt that he was nowhere near ready for this level but speaking to him last week he's raving about him and is delighted with his attitude.

He's a good footballer with a sweet left foot and a range of passing in addition to being a solid defender who attacks the ball well. Gordon has no doubt that if I played him he would be able to cope after the way he performed against Milan.

On the need to get 6 points from the next two games

I've had that opinion from day one. When you look at the group you have to win your home games. They are games now where history is in the making.

They're all looking forward to it and wish it was this weekend rather than next weekend. They're top professionals and I think they'll rise to the occasion.

More importantly, after the bitter disappointment in the dressing room after San Marino they'll be out to prove a point whether it's Croke Park or anywhere. I know I'll get the right reaction.

16/03/2007, 12:48 PM
It is ironic that as Stan is saying that it is better to call up a striker because he is playing in the Premiership while more experienced players are doing very well in the Championship England are just about to call up a Championship striker for the first time since Graham Taylor's touching romance with Steve Bull.

I like the way he says he was impressed by Long in training prior to the San Marino game, that is priceless.

16/03/2007, 12:49 PM
On new Premiership and Éire Superstar Caleb Folan

I've seen him play on Sky highlights against Man City
Nice one

Noelys Guitar
16/03/2007, 2:22 PM
Nice one

So you only need to watch Sky highlights to pick the squad. I somehow fancy there will be many more applicants when Stan is eventually forced out. Why bother going out at all. Get a couple of cans in, put the feet up and switch on the box. Great overhead kick by that guy in the 15 second clip. Get him in! FFS! Again FFS!

16/03/2007, 2:29 PM
I like the way he says he was impressed by Long in training prior to the San Marino game, that is priceless.

Managers say that all the time. Eilliot did not play against Israel at home as Kerr was not impressed with him in training.

16/03/2007, 2:36 PM
So you only need to watch Sky highlights to pick the squad. I somehow fancy there will be many more applicants when Stan is eventually forced out. Why bother going out at all. Get a couple of cans in, put the feet up and switch on the box. Great overhead kick by that guy in the 15 second clip. Get him in! FFS! Again FFS!
It wasn't just the Sky Sports clips that made Stan pick him, that's just what everyone is fixating on.From http://www.unison.ie/sportsdesk/stories.php3?ca=12&si=1794218

I saw him play for Chesterfield in their cup run last year and when I got the job Ian Evans mentioned that he thought he had Irish roots.
"We kept a close eye on him and when he moved to Wigan we did a bit of research and homework and thankfully found out he could play for us.
We've talked to an awful lot of people about his upbringing in football. When I spoke to Kevin about him he was delighted and when you hear other senior players talking about him like that you must be doing something right.
I also spoke to people from teams who played against him. He gave Richard Dunne a hard time against Man City and that's always nice to hear because not too many get the better of Richard.

Den Perry
16/03/2007, 11:13 PM
lads i want whoever can do the best job and get us qualifying for matches, it doesnt look like stan is capable of that yet, and i hope either way that we still qualify, even if that means he has to be the manager then so be it, but people saying how many more games do we to lose before he is out - the expectant - change that to how many games do we need to win to stand a chance of qualifying again. If we dont win them then get rid of him, but until then cant we be more positive. WE ARE PLAYING IN CROKER WITH 76000 others there with us singing on our own countries team.get behind the team.

Why do people like you keep calling him Stan? Is he your mate or somerhing? You probably refer to Mcateer as Trigger...I just know you are one of the Leprachaun Suits....

So you only need to watch Sky highlights to pick the squad. I somehow fancy there will be many more applicants when Stan is eventually forced out. Why bother going out at all. Get a couple of cans in, put the feet up and switch on the box. Great overhead kick by that guy in the 15 second clip. Get him in! FFS! Again FFS!

To be fair, I think Delaney got a new 42" plasma for them to pick the team from.....

17/03/2007, 12:36 PM
Managers say that all the time. Eilliot did not play against Israel at home as Kerr was not impressed with him in training.

Yes but this is justifying Long's inclusion in this squad after he played poorly in the San Marino game and has dropped out of the match day squad at Reading. He is calling up the rookie Long now playing reserve football ahead of Morrison, Connolly, and Lee. Makes no sense whatsoever.

17/03/2007, 1:14 PM
I think you have to choose the right times to drop players. After the Cyprus match wasn't the right time to drop Kenny. I think it was right to call up Henderson and Long too. Can you imagine how Kenny would be feeling if he ever plays for us again? We have to think of their confidence and I don't think they're in with much of a chance of playing anyway. To go from first team right out of the squad is too much in this case.

Jerry The Saint
26/03/2007, 12:42 PM
Carsley-Gate: The media love-in continues...

"We know the carry-on in this country now. It's great," replied Staunton sarcastically.

"With quotes, the first bit is taken and the rest is forgotten about.

"He said something, but if the whole sentence had been quoted then there wouldn't be a problem.

"He was very unhappy last night because we didn't know what was said, but we found out the truth."

26/03/2007, 1:04 PM
Carsley definitely let the cat out of the bag here, it was pretty obvious in fairness, the midfield was a complete mess, noboby knew whos job was what

27/03/2007, 2:13 PM
Carsley definitely let the cat out of the bag here, it was pretty obvious in fairness, the midfield was a complete mess, noboby knew whos job was what
I read in yesterday's paper that Carsley said second time around that Staunton was great and that during training he would leave no stone unturned.

This is the problem. He should be talking tactics and getting the players to do ball work, nstead of sending them out turning turning over stones.

I'll get me coat.

27/03/2007, 2:19 PM
anyone with alink to the original carsley interview??

27/03/2007, 2:23 PM
I think you have to choose the right times to drop players. After the Cyprus match wasn't the right time to drop Kenny. I think it was right to call up Henderson and Long too. Can you imagine how Kenny would be feeling if he ever plays for us again? We have to think of their confidence and I don't think they're in with much of a chance of playing anyway. To go from first team right out of the squad is too much in this case.

Eirebhoy I know you think Kenny was treated unfairly but if after his two performances against the Dutch and the Cypriots he didn't deserve the chop then no-one ever will. It was the two worst performaces for a goalkeeper in an Irish jersey I've ever seen. And they were back to back. That must be some kind of record.

Surely he needed a boot up the ar*e. I for one wasn't sorry to see him go and still am glad to see the back of him. It's no coincidence that we have looked at least defensively far more solid since his omission. Let him go, he was rubbish. I'm just sorry that a few others didn't go with him after those two games (JOS, Kilbane, A O'Brien).

And we do have alternatives. I'd have either Supple or Logan in the squad as third choice to cover his omission.