View Full Version : Setting our own media agenda

25/02/2007, 3:28 AM

I came across this on an unrelated matter, but it might be of some interest here.


Basically it allows anyone to host their own radio show, which can accept callers and can be listened to online.

At Cityweb, we are looking at it with the view to perhaps introducing live streaming audio commentary from game. Unfortunately with the facilities in the Brandy it might be an issue.

However there might be scope for a wider eircom League programe.

You could have someone hosting the show who isn't at the game. The host could then call volunteers at the games who could provide updates and a summary of the games to date. An amateur Friday Night Sport if you will.

With most grounds now with wifi or broadband, people could use VOIP to call in and give updates. Otherwise the host could call the volunteers on their mobiles using VOIP from their own PC.

The rest of the show could feature interviews, discussions with callers who are not at their teams games etc.

Basically it gives us the chance to drive independent coverage of our league.

25/02/2007, 11:27 AM
Great idea, and becomes more do-able every day, as more and more get broadband. I think it'd be wonderful if it could be done on a league basis.

25/02/2007, 11:32 AM
I am actually in advanced stage of having this all completed. Been planning it for nearly a year now. Due in under a months time, with plenty more besides. We still have some places available, so if your interested mail me.

25/02/2007, 12:38 PM
Unfortunately with the facilities in the Brandy it might be an issue.

<nerdy hat> Chain together one or more wireless routers to create a feckin huge range so anyone sitting in your stand would be connect to a router thats connected to another and connects to the net in one of those houses around the ground.

A general rule of thumb in home networking says that 802.11b and 802.11g WAPs and routers support a range of up to 150 feet (46 m) indoors and 300 feet (92 m) outdoors.
<nerdy hat>

Cheap and very effective.


25/02/2007, 8:37 PM
This sounds like a cool plan. Hope it goes well. Have you looked into recording the programs for later listening? (I'll be working during the Friday fixtures as they are mid-afternoon for me, and I won't be able to catch them live.)

25/02/2007, 9:31 PM
Well I cant speak for the first post but I think you'll love our site :) Hopefully

25/02/2007, 11:45 PM
Well I cant speak for the first post but I think you'll love our site :) HopefullyWill their be a phone in option with your site Gareth? Also, with Shels in the FD will ye be doing Premier coverage aswell or just FD?:D.

26/02/2007, 7:34 AM
Sligoman, we were always covering both divisions :). Shame on you. You will see when it launches what its like. I hope you enjoy it when it does.