View Full Version : Is anyone here hoping for defeat...?

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14/02/2007, 10:59 AM
..in the Wales and Slovakia games? considering that two wins will probably mean that Steve Staunton stays. I'm not, as I'd take two wins whatever the consequences, just wondering what the general opinon is, after reading all the talk of protests.

14/02/2007, 11:08 AM
Never thought I’d ever be contemplating wishing defeats or bad results on the team but in hindsight I guess maybe it’s a shame that we did score a winner against san marino as a draw would have had such an unbelievable effect on the team that stan would surely have been let go as qualifying would have been nigh on impossible.

But we did win and therefore still have a chance of qualifying so as much as we all think stan is not the man, ill still be hoping for victories-you never know-if they have any pride at all, that performance will hurt them so much they might cop on and do it against the welsh and slovaks

14/02/2007, 11:12 AM
..in the Wales and Slovakia games? considering that two wins will probably mean that Steve Staunton stays. I'm not, as I'd take two wins whatever the consequences, just wondering what the general opinon is, after reading all the talk of protests.

No never would.

Look Staunton must know he is not up to the job. He is waiting for his payoff. He won't resign. Delaney could sack Staunton and keep his job once he has no say in the new manager.

14/02/2007, 11:13 AM
as I've said before if we beat Wales and Slovakia, Stan is a hero again. It's a results business and at the moment he isn't delivering but I doubt anybody wishes us to lose.

14/02/2007, 11:19 AM
as a draw would have had such an unbelievable effect on the team that stan would surely have been let go as qualifying would have been nigh on impossible.

i honestly don't even think that if it had been a draw that he would have went.

true qualifing would have been near impossible but then the old line about building for the WC would have been spouted again. :rolleyes:

it looks as if we are stuck with him for a long time yet. can't understand why he got a contract as long as he did when kerr just got one campaign at a time!

14/02/2007, 11:26 AM
Have to hope for 2 wins, would never wish for anything else. it is not as if we can afford to lose a couple of games as our seeding is non to secure.

Kinda hope Stan might do a Kevin Keegan after the last game at Wembley and just hold his hands up and admit not being up to it.

Having said that, they got SGE after Keegan which was a diaster for England but a godsend to the ABE.

14/02/2007, 11:48 AM
I'm hoping for two wins and the Czechs or Germans to slip up.


If we don't get TWO wins (the minimum required to keep our hopes alive) I would rather we lost both games, and badly. A win and a draw or even two draws would keep Stan in the job.

14/02/2007, 12:02 PM
The only time I couldn't care about an Irish team winning was when the rugby team couldn't accomodate one Tony Ward but I know féck all about rugby.
There's little evidence to be positive about our future.
As he isn't donning the tracksuit I'd guess the players don't regard Robson much more than a doddery sage who will fade out soon and Stan hasn't much more to offer than a non playing captain.
It is similar to the time when we had that home game against Denmark '85 but then we had the backbone of a very good team.

Lionel Ritchie
14/02/2007, 12:11 PM
I leapt three feet when S.Ireland scored the winner against San Marino and hadn't hit the ground yet when I realised this was actually counterproductive ...that a draw or a San Marino winner would actually serve Irish football better in the short, medium and long term.

But you don't hope against your own team. Bet against them if you like for a bit of compo but you'd never actually take pleasure in watching us beaten.

14/02/2007, 12:15 PM
but I doubt anybody wishes us to lose.

I do. absolutely. Sick of Delaney, sick of the FAI, sick of the media, sick of the prima donnna players, sick of the attitude of some fans who seem to think we have a god given right to win matches. Sorry San Marino didn't hold out for a draw, as it let Staunton, Delaney and the players get away with all this "three points is three points" rubbish.

14/02/2007, 12:19 PM
I'm amazed, no matter how bad we are I couldn't root for the other team. It would feel like a betrayal. Yeah Stan is a clown and Delaney is no better but we still have an extremely slim chance of making Euro 2008 and until it's an impossibility I'll keep dreaming.

Captain Tinrib
14/02/2007, 12:28 PM
if it means stan gets the bullet if we lose those 2 games then yes i hope we lose, But even if we do win the 2 can ya see us beating germany and Czech? doubt it

14/02/2007, 12:28 PM
as I've said before if we beat Wales and Slovakia, Stan is a hero again. It's a results business and at the moment he isn't delivering but I doubt anybody wishes us to lose.

Exactly. Football fans have a short memory. I am sure if I went back to the thread of the Kerr game in Cyprus, Kerr would have been lambasted for the performance by the people who now say he should have been kept on instead of Stan. If we win both and get back in contention: crisis? What crisis?

Let's be honest. We don't have a very good squad of players. The last decent win in a competitive game was about 6 years ago against the Dutch at home 1-0 and we were blessed that day (even with Roy Keane in the side). People seem to think we're world beaters and but for the manager and the fact that the players don't care (and not forgetting John Delaney), we'd be lifting the Jules whatnot trophy.

Gone are the days when we had a good number of players playing for Liverpool, Man U, Arsenal etc. Now we have Reading, Man City, Spurs (reserves) etc etc. We should be performing better but we are nothing special at the moment.

Hope Ireland lose! Never. Not even if Roy Keane became manager:p .

14/02/2007, 12:41 PM
exactly. there were some shocking displays under kerr. albania 0-0 away-switzerland twice when we needed wins to get a play off spot and never managed a decent attempt on goal as a result of his conservatism.

albania 2-1 at home last gasp own goal winner, cyprus 1-0 away win with a penno save.

kerr came across as a good pro but it was clear he had lost the confidence of the players and it was time he went.

its shocking though that stan got a 4 year deal when kerr didnt

14/02/2007, 12:55 PM
..in the Wales and Slovakia games? considering that two wins will probably mean that Steve Staunton stays. I'm not, as I'd take two wins whatever the consequences, just wondering what the general opinon is, after reading all the talk of protests.

Would never actively hope they lose. Its easy shout from the roof tops when all is going great on the pitch - the support can't stop just because things are going badly.

Like many, I think a novice at the helm has far reaching implications for the bad and some of the players attitudes stink - but we've got to stick with them despite the depth of resentment at the minute.

I've been to a few matches against the Welsh over the years and they revel in trying to beat us. For that alone, I'd love us to beat them but its impossible to call with the chaos surrounding the team currently.

If we're not motivated and organised - the Slovaks could do a job on us.

In summary - I'll never hope we lose.

14/02/2007, 12:57 PM
Hope Ireland lose! Never. Not even if Roy Keane became manager:p .
Fair enough, that's dedication, what about if Dunphy became manager?

14/02/2007, 1:02 PM
There was a part of me that wanted San Marino to get the draw, just so the players and manager would forever be tainted with the infamy of conspiring to lose to one of the weakest teams in the world. But we got the result and as we've never really relied on goal difference anyway (94 campaign, obviously, but I mean we don't really factor it in because we don't score that many goals), our only devastating result was against Cyprus. That game will haunt us in terms of points, San Marino won't. My point here is that there is a chance that we can qualify.

I don't think we will - how are we going to shift the Czechs and the Slovaks? - but there is a chance so I'm going to focus on that for the time being.

Either way, I'd never root for the other team, that's a bit perverse.

14/02/2007, 1:23 PM
If anyone doen't want us to win, don't go to the matches. We're bad enough as it is.

14/02/2007, 1:27 PM
looking back now , i would say that it would have been better for irish football if we had drawn and stan had got the bullet. at the time i cheered like mad and was delighted we won. i would never even boo the team even if i understand the frustrations of those who did in san marino. i will be there to cheer the team in croker and hopefully we get 6 points. i am not that confident though..

14/02/2007, 1:42 PM
I do. absolutely. Sick of Delaney, sick of the FAI, sick of the media, sick of the prima donnna players, sick of the attitude of some fans who seem to think we have a god given right to win matches. Sorry San Marino didn't hold out for a draw, as it let Staunton, Delaney and the players get away with all this "three points is three points" rubbish.
You have to do better than that, I'm not at all convinced. It's a reverse psychology thing isn't it?
A really deep down 100% 'sick of it all' type of person wouldn't be still on the forum participating, inflicting more self harm. You'd be long gone, door slammed shut.

14/02/2007, 1:44 PM
To me the ideal is 2 wins (always is), we'd be on some sort of track for qualification.

However if the choice is between say 2 draws or a draw and a narrow defeat and 2 defeats, I'd be less sure. I think a draw would keep Stan his job, but would knacker our qualification hopes. We'd then drift to the end of the campaign, prob replace Stan then and th new guy wouldnt be up to speed till half way through the WC campaign.

So I'd like us to get 6 points or none. The mid stuff is the problem.

14/02/2007, 1:54 PM
Let's be honest. We don't have a very good squad of players.

yeah not as good as say the late 80's early 90's one but better than what mcCarthy inherited and at the very least on a par with the team Kerr had. but lets also be fair and, regardless of your opinion as to whether 'da gaffer' stays or not, the fact is WE ARE MASSIVELY UNDERACHIEVING AT PRESENT

to have scrapped a victory against the worst possible team we can play in a competitive fixture, a loss to cyprus and only 1 point out of 6 against 2 of the teams we want to split to qualify is nowhere near good enough.

Marked Man
14/02/2007, 3:51 PM
Hope Ireland lose! Never. Not even if Roy Keane became manager:p .

Hhmmnnn... Was about to say I'd never hope Ireland lose, but now I don't think I can.

Of course if we were ever in a situation in which England qualifying for a tournament dependend on us getting a result, and we were already out (or in), I think I could bring myself to cheer for the oppo then.

14/02/2007, 3:56 PM
Of course if we were ever in a situation in which England qualifying for a tournament dependend on us getting a result, and we were already out (or in), I think I could bring myself to cheer for the oppo then.

Jesus how sad and parochial is that.

Marked Man
14/02/2007, 4:01 PM
Jesus how sad and parochial is that.

Emmm.... following football teams is all about parochialism. That's what makes rivalries. If that's sad, so be it.

14/02/2007, 4:16 PM
I leapt three feet when S.Ireland scored the winner against San Marino and hadn't hit the ground yet when I realised this was actually counterproductive ...that a draw or a San Marino winner would actually serve Irish football better in the short, medium and long term.

But you don't hope against your own team. Bet against them if you like for a bit of compo but you'd never actually take pleasure in watching us beaten.

Who the f*ck are S.Ireland ?

Marked Man
14/02/2007, 4:17 PM
I think that's Stephen Ireland.

14/02/2007, 4:21 PM
Oh yea, that makes sense......what an embarrassing post that was !!:rolleyes:

15/02/2007, 8:45 AM
Emmm.... following football teams is all about parochialism. That's what makes rivalries. If that's sad, so be it.

Rivalries , do you think England actually give a **** how we do ?

15/02/2007, 8:50 AM
Could never shout for the opposition, no matter how bad things are. I dont realistically think we're going to qualify but purely from a seedings point of view I want us to take as many points as possible. Although Stan spouts out the four year plan spiel every now and then, part of that plan should be to up our seeding for the draw for the WC qualifiers!

15/02/2007, 2:20 PM
it's vital we come at least third or we can forget about the world cup if we end up with a scotland-esque qualifying group´.

Marked Man
15/02/2007, 8:05 PM
Rivalries , do you think England actually give a **** how we do ?

The ones I work with do.

Regardless, the main thing I meant to get across with my reply was that it's a bit rich you spending time online discussing your national football team while criticising me for parochialism.

15/02/2007, 8:49 PM
Rivalries , do you think England actually give a **** how we do ?

Yeh, they do! I have a good number of English friends and the texts were flying in when San Marino equalised and also when we were humbled by Cyprus. I would also cheer on the opposition when playing England. It's simply part of a friendly rivalry, a bit of banter. If you can't see that, then surely you need to lighten up. Football's all about these kind of rivalries!

16/02/2007, 2:17 AM
I couldnt in honesty wish for bad results for Ireland in the next two games.

For one; it would p*ss me off mightily, and family, friends, pets, barstaff and seismic measuring equipment in the pacific all agree that a p*ssed off Bondvillain is distinctly unpleasant.

And two; The bould JD has categorically stated (from at least one side of his face) that Staunton will remain in charge at least until the WC qualifiers (come rain, hail or 0-4 thwackings by the Czechs in Prague), and as we've seen, the gimp is stubborn and spiteful enough to stick to his word.

So hoping for a drubbing is pretty much futile. I reckon Bad results could only serve to make Stan's replacement's job harder come the next competition Draw time. (although granted, being in the same seed pot as San Marino would ensure that there was one less hurdle for us to overcome next time round...)

16/02/2007, 8:49 AM
Fair enough, that's dedication, what about if Dunphy became manager?

Hmmmm. You put me on the spot there :D Would have to think about that. Let me see: Roy Keane manager, Dunphy his assistant. John Giles the physio. Bill O'Herlihy head of the FAI. Rhyl Nugent commentating on the games. Andy Gray analysing the games and Ian Harte team captain with John O'Shea vice captain.

Think I'd still want the country to win!!

16/02/2007, 11:05 AM
Whats wrong with John Giles by the way. I think a fellow poster expressed it earlier when he said its the mid stuff that is the problem. I want 2 wins but I am off the view that maybe 4 points is probably the worst scenario as Staunton would be kept but we would be out of the running and the FAI would probably be able to get away with keeping him.

16/02/2007, 12:09 PM
Whats wrong with John Giles by the way
I couldn't possibly speak for Owls
He has the opinion that the great man was shall we say, cautious, slow build up, boring, in his last qual. campaign. I'd say it was Giles's stint with Rovers at the same time, did something to his football brain, his sense of adventure was temporarily suspended. :)

16/02/2007, 12:33 PM
Whats wrong with John Giles by the way. I think a fellow poster expressed it earlier when he said its the mid stuff that is the problem. I want 2 wins but I am off the view that maybe 4 points is probably the worst scenario as Staunton would be kept but we would be out of the running and the FAI would probably be able to get away with keeping him.

Glad you didn't ask what was wrong with the rest ;)

Giles as a manager produced teams that played boring football. Occasionally there might be a forward pass but by and large it was the back 4 giving it to each other and occasionally a midfieder who would come back for it and take it off them who would then pass to another midfielder who would then pass back to one of the back 4 and off we'd go again. As a pundit, he was vitriolic in his criticism of Big Jack which would have been ok if there was some balance but the poison dwarf was to his left spouting the same stuff aided by Laughing Bill.

Giles is now past his best as a pundit as you can predict who he will attack (Ronaldo) and who are his favourites that remind him of himself (Scoles) and he refuses to accept that the game has moved on whether for the better is debateable but it has moved on. Is someone who played the game almost 30 years ago the right person to be commenting on the current game?

3rd or 4th place will keep Stan his job. A loss at home to Cyprus will mean an expensive pay-off.

16/02/2007, 12:54 PM
I'm not much of a Giles fan either tbh.

16/02/2007, 1:08 PM
Giles last night on Off the Ball said many things that I did not agree with, i.e. we should sack staunton but keep Delaney which in my view misses the point of the whole situation. He also did not answer my question fully on whether Keane should still be captailn of the Irish team. I do agree that he is a bit out dated at times but in my view he is the best out there and to be honest I think Andy Gray is one of the best also. Very interesting to hear that he was seriously ****ed off with the Leeds book out at the moment.

A lot of the rest of the pundits are boring and are afraid to get into the technical side of the game so just use the usual soundbites.

Oh on topic, wont be cheering against Ireland but if we lose to Wales at home I am not sure how I will feel against Slovakia.

16/02/2007, 3:32 PM
Giles last night on Off the Ball said many things that I did not agree with, i.e. we should sack staunton but keep Delaney which in my view misses the point of the whole situation. He also did not answer my question fully on whether Keane should still be captailn of the Irish team. I do agree that he is a bit out dated at times but in my view he is the best out there and to be honest I think Andy Gray is one of the best also. Very interesting to hear that he was seriously ****ed off with the Leeds book out at the moment. .

I can understand Gray less than I can Staunton. He mumbles a lot in commentary except when blaming the ref and uses the word "brilliant" far too much like all his Sky co-commentators.

I will never boo an Irish team if its just because they're hopeless as opposed to not trying.

17/02/2007, 12:01 PM
Giles's Irish teams were only incredibly boring in some of his last Q group games. Overall, around 12/18 good games, including some of the best ever.
Neil, did you email in a question about Robbie's captaincy to the show?
I half remember his comments on Delaney on the web cast. Something to the effect that the managerial appointment was just one thing, that Delaney's job description was wider than that and should be judged accordingly.

17/02/2007, 11:32 PM
read the leeds book. not much about giles in it at all anyway. giles is best pundit out there.he played the game 30 years ago and has been watchin it ever since so yeah I think he is qualified to say whether he thinks what he is seeing is good football or not:rolleyes: I can understand how he wouldnt be too popular with the "Football Manager" brigade, who think playing a computer game for hours on end gives them some insight in to football:rolleyes:

18/02/2007, 2:50 AM
read the leeds book. not much about giles in it at all anyway. giles is best pundit out there.he played the game 30 years ago and has been watchin it ever since so yeah I think he is qualified to say whether he thinks what he is seeing is good football or not:rolleyes: I can understand how he wouldnt be too popular with the "Football Manager" brigade, who think playing a computer game for hours on end gives them some insight in to football:rolleyes:

At least you made your point without assuming a stereotype of those who have other opinions.

18/02/2007, 12:53 PM
I can't agree that Giles is a good pundit. He likes a certain type of player. He didn't rate Riquelme at all because he doesn't do much tracking back. His knowledge on today's game is also very limited. When a game was coming up at the world cup at least Dunphy actually did a bit of research on the 2 teams.

19/02/2007, 1:11 PM
Giles's Irish teams were only incredibly boring in some of his last Q group games. Overall, around 12/18 good games, including some of the best ever.
Neil, did you email in a question about Robbie's captaincy to the show?
I half remember his comments on Delaney on the web cast. Something to the effect that the managerial appointment was just one thing, that Delaney's job description was wider than that and should be judged accordingly.

I texted in rather than e mailing and about 2 minutes later my question was read out and put to Giles.

19/02/2007, 1:23 PM
any pundit is better than Hansen, Ian Wright and Jamie Redknapp.

I wish I had the option of getting RTE over here in England (supposedly on its way) so I could listen to men who don't mind disagreeing.

19/02/2007, 1:39 PM
With Johnny I disagree as much as I agree but I respect where he's coming from. For the most part I only hear him on RTE and there I expect Brady will always counter Giles's midfield culture on the playmakers issue.

Here's a piece he wrote pre WC, not at all earth shattering stuff but plain and simple.
"Like England, the Germans looks desperately under prepared. This, I believe, leaves Italy as Europes best hope under the driving coaching of Marcello Lippi. Italy play positively and, I suspect, have been turned into a real team by the former Juventus boss.
With Brazil and Argentina, the Azzurri look like a cut above the rest."

19/02/2007, 2:56 PM
any pundit is better than Hansen, Ian Wright and Jamie Redknapp.

I wish I had the option of getting RTE over here in England (supposedly on its way) so I could listen to men who don't mind disagreeing.
Heard that as well, but I don't think it covers sports as well

19/02/2007, 3:43 PM
I find Hansen to be quite good Redknapp is useless.