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View Full Version : Bloc Party - new album

Pauro 76
09/02/2007, 1:25 PM
Just been listening to “A Weekend In the City”, pretty good album although a brave one too, not so much musically but a few songs are obviously quite personal about his ehm sexuality, shall we say... ‘The Prayer’ for me is single of the year so far for me, and its quite angry and political in parts too in “A Song for Clay” and “Hunting for Witches”. Living in London, people living here will relate to a lot of it. Doesnt hit the heights of Silent Alarm though.

09/02/2007, 3:19 PM
Just been listening to “A Weekend In the City”, pretty good album although a brave one too, not so much musically but a few songs are obviously quite personal about his ehm sexuality, shall we say... ‘The Prayer’ for me is single of the year so far for me, and its quite angry and political in parts too in “A Song for Clay” and “Hunting for Witches”. Living in London, people living here will relate to a lot of it. Doesnt hit the heights of Silent Alarm though.

i've heard quite bad reports about it..
i loved silent alarm though my mate put this album down in the Sas (second album syndrome) pile..

havent heard it yet though so i cant really comment

Pauro 76
09/02/2007, 3:59 PM
Very mixed reviews across the board. None have said its better than Silent Alarm. Its growing on me.

09/02/2007, 8:02 PM
I've only heard The Prayer so far. I think it'll grow on me, and I'm not usually a big BP fan.

12/02/2007, 3:28 PM
Bloc party are pants, big bag of shipment , student nonsense

12/02/2007, 9:07 PM
Got the album last week and after 5 or so listens I can honestly say its excellent, well recommended.

kingdom hoop
13/02/2007, 1:16 AM
had it for the past 3 months(dont tell anyone please!). i think its probably not quite as good as the fantastic debut album but is very good nonetheless, especially the first half. definitely recommend. i wouldnt really agree with the second album syndrome thing, the musical talent is evident, the only problem would be kele's emotions getting the better of him such that the songs are only a vehicle to convey his disenchantment with society. i think theres a pretty good balance so far. 7.5/10 is my foot.ie rating for this one. by the way is anyone going to the gig on friday, i'm beginning to get excited now, a nice fillip after a horrible sporting week. i think they might be playing with two drum kits on friday?? would be spectacular

Pauro 76
13/02/2007, 7:44 AM
had it for the past 3 months(dont tell anyone please!).

How'd you manage that? thought i was doing well downloading it a week before it was released? listening to it a bit more and it's a great album for the most part.. "Where Is Home" doesnt really work though. "On", "Waiting for the 7.18" are the highlights for me but its still not on the level of Silent Alarm.

13/02/2007, 6:56 PM
7.5/10 is my foot.ie rating for this one.

What a coincidence, exactly what Pitchfork gave it!;)

Silent Alarm is class and it would have been difficult to reach that level, but it is definitely a good listen.

kingdom hoop
15/02/2007, 5:01 PM
How'd you manage that? thought i was doing well downloading it a week before it was released?

it was posted on the net for a few brief minutes in november, to my obvious dee-lite. the album was recorded in westmeath so my thinking is that some athlone fan kindly procured it somehow. gig tomorrow, yee-haw:)

Lev Yashin
15/02/2007, 5:20 PM
got into bloc party very early heard helicopter i think loved it..bought the album...one listen gave it the girlfriend thought it was pants...then saw em live at oxegen promptly took it back and listened again and then again and then agian and finally i started liking it...new single is like that i think first listen it seems all over the place...but it grows on you. there is not a band out there with drum beats like they do very eclectic...cant wait for the album just been to busy(lazy) to get it.