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15/10/2007, 5:37 PM
We had a damn good manager 5 yrs ago but thsoe delightful bunch of Bloodhounds tore him asunder because he offended the great red majority.
Yes, he was so good he failed to notice Spain were down to 10 men for the second period of extra time.
He was/is not a good managewr, end of

Tir Oilean
15/10/2007, 6:24 PM
we should be organising a protest down at the fai instead of taking the easy way out and turning on our team from a seat in the stadium

Do you not remember the last time an EL fan went to Merrion?:eek: Then again I suppose Christmas is coming so get your petrol cans folks were off to the FAI!!!!:D

15/10/2007, 6:39 PM
the supporters dont have a proper spokesperson to come out in teh media and counteract this.

Alan Hunter anyone?? :confused::D:rolleyes:

We're all going bananas about TPTB, but saying that Germany could have won the game if they wanted at Croker is a load of blx. We have lost only 2 home Euro Championship qualifiers going back to 1982, against bizarrely enough, Austria and Switzerland. Since then, we've played Belgium, Bulgaria, England, Germany, Russia, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Czech Republic, amongst others and have always got something from them. We're about to go another campaign at home unbeaten, and have lost just once in a home qualifier in 5 years. The Germans created several opportunities before ht on Saturday night, but couldn't get past us. Even the most cynical amongst us has to admit, that we do get results at home, regardless of who's pulling the strings. What's let us down once again is our away form. 3 away defeats and a scrape in San Marino, combined with a rubbish boss, tells it's own story.

15/10/2007, 6:55 PM
Well, I wouldn't. The reason I wouldn't is because I know that I don't know enough about management to be a good manager, and the national place is not the place to start learning. If and when the results took a turn for the worse, it would be my fault as much as anybody else, because I took the job knowing this would happen, due to my lack of ability.

To blame Delaney for hiring his is correct also, but Stan made the decision to take the job, he wasn't forced, and he took it in the knowledge that he had never managed before in his life. He can be held responsible for doing that.

Giving Stan the top job, is akin to giving the role of Taoiseach, to someone that just won his first (by)election.

Like the Taoiseach, the position of Senior International Coach, is the highest coaching job in the country, and should be given to a highly experienced, multi-qualified football manager, not someone who doesn't understand the difference between a tac-tic and a tic-tac.

15/10/2007, 7:21 PM
Never have booed at any player or team manager in my life
but to those who did boo Stan, you are all in very good company.
"Lampard, whose recent international displays have been criticised by some, came on as a substitute against Estonia and was booed by a large group of England fans"

Sums it up perfectly. I don't want our fans to become like their fans, end of.

15/10/2007, 7:27 PM
Anybody see Bobby Robson on Sky Sports, he reckons it's all the media's fault that the fans have turned on Stan and that if the tabloids weren't reporting drivel about him the fans would be content and everything would be Hunky Dorey. He likened the situation to when he was England manager and was hounded out by the 'tabloids'.

I reckon the opposite is true, the media have picked up on the fans feelings and are just reporting the same, I don't even read the tabloids....

15/10/2007, 7:53 PM
We have lost only 2 home Euro Championship qualifiers going back to 1982, against bizarrely enough, Austria and Switzerland. Since then, we've played Belgium, Bulgaria, England, Germany, Russia, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Czech Republic, amongst others and have always got something from them.

We drew those matches.

If you don't win your home games - you don't qualify, unless you match the home result with the away one as happened in the case of Belgium.

This time we lost to Germany and the Czechs away.

15/10/2007, 8:10 PM
If you don't win your home games - you don't qualify, unless you match the home result with the away one as happened in the case of Belgium.

This time we lost to Germany and the Czechs away.

Fortunately we didn't match the away results at home or we would be even deeper in the doo doo :D

15/10/2007, 8:37 PM
We're all going bananas about TPTB, but saying that Germany could have won the game if they wanted at Croker is a load of blx. We have lost only 2 home Euro Championship qualifiers going back to 1982, against bizarrely enough, Austria and Switzerland. Since then, we've played Belgium, Bulgaria, England, Germany, Russia, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Croatia, Czech Republic, amongst others and have always got something from them. We're about to go another campaign at home unbeaten, and have lost just once in a home qualifier in 5 years. The Germans created several opportunities before ht on Saturday night, but couldn't get past us. Even the most cynical amongst us has to admit, that we do get results at home, regardless of who's pulling the strings. What's let us down once again is our away form. 3 away defeats and a scrape in San Marino, combined with a rubbish boss, tells it's own story.

against this team yes they would. Good to see no one has gone off topic anyhow.

15/10/2007, 8:39 PM
yeah the media keep printing the results.....
seriously not in favour of booing the manager or players as its like kicking someone when they are down. however i take exception to delaneys spin doctoring from the red card protest to fans stayin back after game in prague, so **** him and his puppet staunton. there should be a chorus of "john delaney is a ******" all the way thru the match on wed. altho i wont be there as the pr*ck tried to charge me extra for my tickets on sat cause hed rather have empty seats at matches:rolleyes:

15/10/2007, 8:40 PM
We drew those matches.

Point taken, but very few teams can win here, no matter how good they are.

15/10/2007, 8:54 PM
When your paying the ticket prices international football matches now fetch, your entitled to boo, hiss, cheer, clap, blow raspberries, or make any other noises you care to make.And here, folks, is the crux of the problem. We're paying "customers" now, not "supporters". Mr. Tom Humphries was spot on in last Saturdays times. I'm a supporter & all you customers can shove yer tickets. Yee don't deserve to be at any Ireland match in my opinion. The same ones that were abusing the team in San Marino no doubt. "I spent a load of cash getting here, I can abuse them if I want". Customers. Yee aren't supporters & yee never will be.

15/10/2007, 9:40 PM
And here, folks, is the crux of the problem. We're paying "customers" now, not "supporters". Mr. Tom Humphries was spot on in last Saturdays times. I'm a supporter & all you customers can shove yer tickets. Yee don't deserve to be at any Ireland match in my opinion. The same ones that were abusing the team in San Marino no doubt. "I spent a load of cash getting here, I can abuse them if I want". Customers. Yee aren't supporters & yee never will be.

I have to be honest, I don't get your logic

If you pay €50+ for a seat your not entitled to make your feelings known to the moron doing a terrible job for €400,000+

yet it is ok the question the commitment of the working man in the street who, with the other hundreds of thousands who by buying replica shirts, paying at the gate and watching on TV bankrolls the millionaire lifestyle of Stan? and Tom Humphries for that.

Disagree by all means, but who the hell is anyone to question the commitment of someone who pays to be there when they get free tickets for writing for a bad newspaper.

when you are the man who spends hundreds of euro every year on this, your a customer, and a valuable one, and you expect to be treated as one. If you weren't a supporter you would never be a customer in the firs place.

Unless your a talking head who gets in for nothing that is.

15/10/2007, 10:39 PM
Whats the story........
Try taking a half day off work driving 3hrs - 5hrs to Dublin for the game to watch that drivel that has been served up under stan, whilst sober not intoxicated and see how chuffed you would be!!

67,00 people at the game - average weekly attendance for League games 14,000....where are all the others coming from Delaney and the powers that be??

The LOI fans are shoved behind the goals whilst the suits get the best seats in the house.

Gaelic heads at games - pat Spillane et al, slate the game on a Sunday, glad to be there on a Wednesday (paid for ticket???).

Oh yes its great being a LOI/ireland National team fan.

Here we go again the poor plight of the LOI fan get off your high horse, whats wrong with 'gaelic heads' at games, are they not entitled to support their country?!?

Disgraceful atmosphere at the game saturday, was in the upper hogan , not a hint of support out of them, the lad on front tirned around and told me to 'tone it down' a bit...ffs..what sort of c%^ts are goin to these games..

The true fans will be there wednesday, and ill be booing the useless ginger git when we grind out a scappy 1 nil..

Jerry The Saint
15/10/2007, 10:42 PM
I was saying Boo-urns :(

Used before but still gives me a laugh!!

And I'd do it again!

It's like a reflex action - I can never let a discussion on booing go by without bringining up the immortal Moleman quote :D

16/10/2007, 7:49 AM
either very dumb .. which would not be the first time, or a deliberate ploy to gage public opinion of Stan .. not that you need to go to much length to find that out at the moment. Very peculiar.

when at the same match the clown that does the PA announces a sub for west germany id go with dumb

16/10/2007, 7:53 AM
Yes, he was so good he failed to notice Spain were down to 10 men for the second period of extra time.
He was/is not a good managewr, end of

was irrelevant as only one team was trying to win that match in extra time and it wasnt spain. at least under mick we managed to beat our rivals at home like croatia, yugoslavia, holland, iran.... with decent away draws against holland, portugal....

Dr. Ogba
16/10/2007, 8:21 AM
Point taken, but very few teams can win here, no matter how good they are.

yeah that's all well and good but, as has been shown in this group, very few teams need to win here because there's absolutely no chance of us turning them over on their home soil...

Fact of the matter is, if any of the Germans had their shooting boots on we would have conceded a couple in the second half...

16/10/2007, 8:42 AM
The plight of our football team will only start dawning on the clowns in the FAI tomorrow night when they see the empty spaces in the stands of Croke Park. I gave me tickets away for both these games. I refuse to go and watch Ireland while that imbecile is in charge of the team.

16/10/2007, 9:17 AM
there is no way, he must have done the west germany thing for a laugh/bet ! its been 17 years since the re-unification, how could it slip his mind?

16/10/2007, 9:31 AM
there is no way, he must have done the west germany thing for a laugh/bet ! its been 17 years since the re-unification, how could it slip his mind?
People over a certain age make slips like that. Heck, I sometimes refer to Czechoslovakia before catching myself, and I'm only 24.

16/10/2007, 9:36 AM
there is no way, he must have done the west germany thing for a laugh/bet ! its been 17 years since the re-unification, how could it slip his mind?

i doubt it. he hasnt a clue and as thick as two short planks. anyone who plays the well known cliff richard football classic "congratulations" after robbie keane broke the Irish goalscoring record is capable of anything!

16/10/2007, 9:43 AM
It wasnt just the booing of Stan .The booing at the end of the game was sick and stupid.

16/10/2007, 9:57 AM
It wasnt just the booing of Stan .The booing at the end of the game was sick and stupid.

Just about every home 0-0 I have been at over the years ended in some form of booing by a few fans (usually the ones more interested in the wave than watching the game).

16/10/2007, 10:07 AM
was irrelevant as only one team was trying to win that match in extra time and it wasnt spain. at least under mick we managed to beat our rivals at home like croatia, yugoslavia, holland, iran.... with decent away draws against holland, portugal....

Fair point, doesn't change my opinion about his quality as a manager, but fair point.
What it does do is show how bad things have gone since - we were performing that 'well' under MIck, and look at how we are doing now.
Anyway, Mourinho might be looking for something to do for a while, it says in the papers today that if England don;t qualify, they will go after him to replace McLaren. Seen as we know we won't qualify, should we sound him out before the neighbours call?

back of the net
16/10/2007, 10:38 AM
and were joined by lots of fans at swiss match '02 by booing and chanting keanes name all through the match. as much to blame as the press

yeah wat a sad lot they were

protest down at the fai - prior to wednesdays game - take it to them - im all for it

delaney has to be removed - he is the crux of the problem

but i wont sit and boo in the stadium - ill be there supporting our boys

16/10/2007, 10:41 AM
The protests got a little mention on 2TV yesterday (I was off work sick)
Yer man Aidan Power and the sports wan were on about a great crowd
at the game despite the talk of a black shirt protest.

He claimed that fans on about protesting are not real fans and they should
get behind manager and team ... or something like that.

16/10/2007, 11:04 AM
The plight of our football team will only start dawning on the clowns in the FAI tomorrow night when they see the empty spaces in the stands of Croke Park. I gave me tickets away for both these games. I refuse to go and watch Ireland while that imbecile is in charge of the team.

Enjoy your night whatever you chose to do! We'll not miss you :rolleyes:

16/10/2007, 11:25 AM
ill be booing the useless ginger git when we grind out a scappy 1 nil..

ah , an optimist!

16/10/2007, 11:28 AM
Just about every home 0-0 I have been at over the years ended in some form of booing by a few fans (usually the ones more interested in the wave than watching the game).

not too bothered if fellas boo , i wouldnt do it myself though.
stan was in the dressing room when he was booed and i'm sure he has heard abotu it since. the man has a neck like a jockeys inner thigh though and he will not quit.

Jerry The Saint
16/10/2007, 11:34 AM
Anyone familiar with "The Day Today"? The German finance minister anyone?

Stan is the new Peter O'Hanraha-hanrahan :)


Ich nicht lichten Croke Park


16/10/2007, 11:37 AM
Nobody turned on the team or booed the team. They booed Staunton. He is on 400,000 a year and has the hardest of hard necks and deserves to be "booed" for mistakes he has made. Water off a Ducks back to Staunton. I bet he could'nt care less about the "booing". Delaney as we all know is pulling the strings in the background but has become the invisible man at games. No gathering down at Merrion Sq is going to change that.

You think you're correct about your comments about Stan? B*ll*cks of the highest order. Of course he f*cking cares, but caring doesn't mean he'll be able to put it right. Most of us here care, but caring doesn't get us to a World Cup, which to some idiots is our divine right!

Many people I've talked to who know him say he comes across as being out of his depth, always nervous, but certainly doesn't act like he doesn't care.

I'll support him and the team to the bitter end, its what supporters do, but I do wish he'd stand aside.

Question - How many managers just quit when things aren't hunky dorey? They're there to get things right, don't expect him, or any manager, to just walk.

God when did some of us get so bloody English:rolleyes:

16/10/2007, 11:42 AM
Yeah see ya when the weathers a bit more fair! What a hero you really are...

16/10/2007, 11:49 AM
The plight of our football team will only start dawning on the clowns in the FAI tomorrow night when they see the empty spaces in the stands of Croke Park. I gave me tickets away for both these games. I refuse to go and watch Ireland while that imbecile is in charge of the team.

As if the FAI will care, they will declare that this match is a sell-out (Which it is). Make an excuse over the quality of the opposition/weeknight/stephen irelands hair/etc. and point blankly refuse its got anthing to do with the disillusionment of the fans.

I for one will be at the match cheering on the team. Staying away is the easy/fairweather fan option.

Noelys Guitar
16/10/2007, 11:54 AM
You think you're correct about your comments about Stan? B*ll*cks of the highest order. Of course he f*cking cares, but caring doesn't mean he'll be able to put it right. Most of us here care, but caring doesn't get us to a World Cup, which to some idiots is our divine right!

Many people I've talked to who know him say he comes across as being out of his depth, always nervous, but certainly doesn't act like he doesn't care.

I'll support him and the team to the bitter end, its what supporters do, but I do wish he'd stand aside.

Question - How many managers just quit when things aren't hunky dorey? They're there to get things right, don't expect him, or any manager, to just walk.

God when did some of us get so bloody English:rolleyes:

Err Johnny Giles for one. And I did'nt start following the team post Charlton/McCarthy. Using your guidelines for "Real fans" only those who turned up for the 1985 4-1 defeat are the "Real fans". All 7 or 8 thousand of us. The rest of the crowd that day were Danes. There the days when you find out who the "Real fans" are. But unlike you I fully understood why so few went to that game.

16/10/2007, 11:55 AM
boo boo boo! we boo rangers players past and present, players we think played for rangers but didnt, our president, bertie, stan, mick mccarthy, roy keane, robbie keane, kilbane, the stewards keeping lads from running onto the pitch, lads who don’t join in the mexican wave, the eurovision lad who sang at half time once…. you name them we boo them. if only we spent as much commitment and time actually getting behind the team we might actually has a positive effect on things.
how pathetic some of our fans are

16/10/2007, 11:59 AM
The booing coincided with Lehamn talking his place in Goals at the canal end. As many of the leprachaun hat wearing man United supprting Oirland fan simpletons were booing him as were booing stan.

16/10/2007, 12:00 PM
boo boo boo! we boo rangers players past and present, our president, bertie, stan, mick mccarthy, roy keane, robbie keane, kilbane, the stewards keeping lads from running onto the pitch, lads who don’t join in the mexican wave, the eurovision lad who sang at half time once…. you name them we boo them. if only we spent as much commitment and time actually getting behind the team we might actually has a positive effect on things.
how pathetic some of our fans are

That commitment is saved for Man U, Liverpool, Celtic etc. etc...

16/10/2007, 12:06 PM
Sue Mott in the Daily Telegraph about booing Frank Lampard:

"All this fuss about booing Frank Lampard. We live in a democracy not Burma ((Brits refuse to acknowledge its new name)). Footballers get quite enough adulation, applause, approval, acclaim, mock-Tudor houses and sports cars with blacked out windows, even for being average, so a little dose of disaffection is not the end of the world".

16/10/2007, 12:16 PM
I dont mind booing if the person its directed at isnt doing there job properly but Stan has done nothing wrong, he is finding his feet with a new team bringing in young players.

No matter what he does he gets slatted perfect example was Brady and Dumphy after the last game "why did he play McGeady he was terrible last match and should have been dropped"

Then for the Germany game dumphy and brady come out with " why has he dropped McGeady he is ment to be building for the future"

The people that booed are the same people that stand there resting there pie on there beer belly shouting advice at top athletes

16/10/2007, 12:20 PM
I felt a bit for Stan but at the same time Delaney is refusing to accept that the public isn't backing him and the point has to be made, especially as Staunton claims not to read the media & is clearly unaware that the criticism is actually measured and objective. Sad but true. He is wrong to assume we expect to win in places like the Cech Republic ("we have no divine right..."). We just want our best players picked. Andy Reid's performance on saturday made nonsense of Stan's refusal to play him even for 5 minutes in Slovakia.

O'Brien & Kelly's poerformances actually justified Stan's selection on saturday. Credit where it's due. Keogh was a square peg in a round hole but he was game and I'm not sure Stan had much alternative. I thought Finnan was good all night but actually could have overlapped Keogh more than he did.

I thought the support was actually very good on Saturday. I still think there's real affection for the Boys in Green and everyone knows the team isn't as strong as it was. It's not exactly hardcore and the inflatable hands are naff, but Mexican Wave excepted :mad:I enjoyed it.

16/10/2007, 12:30 PM
I dont mind booing if the person its directed at isnt doing there job properly but Stan has done nothing wrong, he is finding his feet with a new team bringing in young players.

Are you for real???

16/10/2007, 12:33 PM
I felt a bit for Stan but at the same time Delaney is refusing to accept that the public isn't backing him and the point has to be made, especially as Staunton claims not to read the media & is clearly unaware that the criticism is actually measured and objective. Sad but true. He is wrong to assume we expect to win in places like the Cech Republic ("we have no divine right..."). We just want our best players picked. Andy Reid's performance on saturday made nonsense of Stan's refusal to play him even for 5 minutes in Slovakia.

O'Brien & Kelly's poerformances actually justified Stan's selection on saturday. Credit where it's due. Keogh was a square peg in a round hole but he was game and I'm not sure Stan had much alternative. I thought Finnan was good all night but actually could have overlapped Keogh more than he did.

I thought the support was actually very good on Saturday. I still think there's real affection for the Boys in Green and everyone knows the team isn't as strong as it was. It's not exactly hardcore and the inflatable hands are naff, but Mexican Wave excepted :mad:I enjoyed it.

Do they though?

So many people seem to go on about our abundance of top division players, how good a group of players they are, we have a small handful of top or decent players, after that, we're very, very average. People need to realise this, quick. Otherwise every game is going to get like an England game, booing the team, calls for peoples heads etc.

16/10/2007, 12:36 PM
As if the FAI will care, they will declare that this match is a sell-out (Which it is). .

Tickets on sale for FAI HQ today so not a sell out yet..

16/10/2007, 12:41 PM
Do they though?

So many people seem to go on about our abundance of top division players, how good a group of players they are, we have a small handful of top or decent players, after that, we're very, very average. People need to realise this, quick. Otherwise every game is going to get like an England game, booing the team, calls for peoples heads etc.

Thats a cop-out, one word for ye - SCOTLAND -

back of the net
16/10/2007, 12:43 PM
The plight of our football team will only start dawning on the clowns in the FAI tomorrow night when they see the empty spaces in the stands of Croke Park. I gave me tickets away for both these games. I refuse to go and watch Ireland while that imbecile is in charge of the team.

i think your actions are very sad and pathetic

also u say that the plight will only start dawning on the fai when they see the empty seats - well einstein if you have given your tickets away with this idea in mind - then i have bad news 4 ya - ur seats wont be empty cos they will be filled by the ppl u gave the tickets to - so the fai wont give a damn if u are there or not cos ur seats will be filled

16/10/2007, 12:44 PM
Do they though? I'm not sure Bobby Robson does. He said we don't have a Rooney or a Van Nistelrooy. That's not the problem. Does Cyprus or Slovakia? And how prolific has Rooney been since euro 2004?.

I think there's nothing wrong in our team with most players fit that a better central midfield won't soon put right, and a better left back. Kelly did well once he stopped tempting the ref into a straight red card but never got forward to overlap KK once. The German full back did and put in a great ball for Gomez (?) to miss badly.

16/10/2007, 12:49 PM
Thats a cop-out, one word for ye - SCOTLAND -

Swings and roundabouts.

16/10/2007, 12:51 PM
It wasnt just the booing of Stan .The booing at the end of the game was sick and stupid.
I don't recall booing at the end. There can't have been that much of it.

16/10/2007, 12:54 PM
Wasn't loads but there was definately booing.