View Full Version : Midfield Quartet

The Money Man
03/12/2002, 1:03 AM
We had nearly 40 replies to the discussion about the best back four to face Georgia. So what about the middle four.

I'm going to assume that Keane will be available for the game. There is no particular indication that he will be available either through his own volition or that of the various prospective new managers. But he's the best midfield player we have so for the purpose of the discussion I'll assume he's available.

His engine room partner will presumably be Kinsella or Holland. Neither is in a rich vein of form but on the basis of performances over the past twelve months, I'd probably favour Holland.

Duffer is one of the two best left sided midfield players in the Premiership, so if we decide that he should play in his best position, he's an automatic selection.

Right side is a problem. McAteer is coming close to his sell-by date.
Colin Healy played reasonably well in his last two outings but he's far from a natural wide right. We're blessed with alternatives at right full so maybe one of Kenna/Finnan/Carr could be pushed forward to do a midfield job. All three are capable of getting forward and crossing a ball so maybe this option should be explored further.

I think my choice would be (but I'm not convinced I have it right)...

Carr Holland Keane Duff

Real ale Madrid
03/12/2002, 9:48 AM
Agree with the money man.
How about Rory Delap at the right side. Versatile, underestimated player, Carr is a good chioice as well. I'd go 4

Delap Kinsella Keane Duff

or Maybe

Kennedy Carsley Mcateer Kilbane :)

03/12/2002, 12:15 PM
What about Reid. I think he proved in his short outings at the World Cup that he should play right midfield. If you play Carr there it means we have to play Harte at left full.
I rather Carr at right full and Finnan at left.
Also I reckon Healy will get in ahead of Holland if he moves to Everton in January(as rumoured) and gets first team football.
My midfield would then be

Reid Healy Keane Duff

The Money Man
03/12/2002, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by colster
What about Reid. I think he proved in his short outings at the World Cup that he should play right midfield.

Not a bad call. Reid hasn't let anyone down with his performances to date. Is he getting enough regular quality football to make the jump to a starting international place though?

03/12/2002, 2:03 PM
Originally posted by The Money Man
Not a bad call. Reid hasn't let anyone down with his performances to date. Is he getting enough regular quality football to make the jump to a starting international place though?

He's back playing for Millwall and from most reports has been their best player over the last few games.
I don't think it will be too long before he's in the Premiership.
Anyway if Holland can be considered while playing in the 1st Division then so can Reid.
I think that the Reid/Carr and Duff/Finnan combinations down the flanks will be very useful.
Reid and Duff have the ability to tuck in and Carr and Finnan have the ability to overlap, shoot and cross.
Aslo with Duff and Reid they can easily swap wings which would give us some more options that would not be there if Carr played Right Midfield.

Real ale Madrid
03/12/2002, 2:09 PM
Actually Reid would be better. He is a tremendous prospect. Don't forget about Delap though, he has very few caps compared to the likes of Kilbane and Connolly

03/12/2002, 4:32 PM
Middle four:
Duff - Keane - Healy - Reid

(Back four: Finnan - O'Shea - O'Brien - Carr)

03/12/2002, 4:37 PM
Reid Healy Holland Duff

The Money Man
03/12/2002, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by colster

Anyway if Holland can be considered while playing in the 1st Division then so can Reid.
I think that the Reid/Carr and Duff/Finnan combinations down the flanks will be very useful.

If Reid has the necessary quality to do a job for us, I wouldn't be concerned where he plies his trade. By all accounts he has been impressive since his recent return. He certainly would be more natural on the right side of midfield than a converted full-back.

The Money Man
03/12/2002, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
Reid Healy Holland Duff

Would you exclude Keane even if he wanted to come back, his colleagues wanted him back and the new manager wanted him in the set-up?

04/12/2002, 5:07 PM
Originally posted by The Money Man
Would you exclude Keane even if he wanted to come back, his colleagues wanted him back and the new manager wanted him in the set-up?
Yes. I don´t want to even think of him wearing an Irish jersey again.

Badweather Fan
04/12/2002, 6:02 PM
Duff Keane Holland Finnan

04/12/2002, 8:38 PM
Anyone consider mcphail being worth a look at alongside Keane. The guy is very creative and is well able to produce the final ball. Methinks they could complement eachother very well.
On the subject of Stephen Reid the guy was injured for three months and since his return Milwall have started to fly up the table. There was alot of speculation about him making a big money move but he committed himself to Milwall for another year to try and gain promotion. Hes only 23 and could be the answer to our right winger problems.
BTW my midfield would be
Duff Keane McPHail Reid

The Money Man
04/12/2002, 9:00 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
Yes. I don´t want to even think of him wearing an Irish jersey again.

I don't want to open a can of worms and I'm sure its been thrashed to death here before this- but if he want in, if the lads haven't a problem with it and the manager wants to select him, why shouldn't he play again?

The Money Man
04/12/2002, 9:06 PM
Originally posted by DiscoPants
Anyone consider mcphail being worth a look at alongside Keane. The guy is very creative and is well able to produce the final ball.

That's very true but surely there are other qualities that we need in central midfield. Regardless of who could potentially play along side him, I think he may be a luxury we can't afford. In a case of being stone-walled by an average side he may well be the man to call from the bench to pick the lock.

05/12/2002, 9:24 AM
Originally posted by DiscoPants
Anyone consider mcphail being worth a look at alongside Keane. The guy is very creative and is well able to produce the final ball. Methinks they could complement eachother very well.

I think McPhail should be considered if we decide to play 5 in midfield and I dont think we can do that.
The main problem with McPhail is his defence/work rate. He just does not get the tackles in or get around the pitch as Holland, Keane, Healy, Kinsella and even Carsley do.
For that reason I don't see him being in a midfield 4 until he improves this aspect.
However he could be a vital alternative to bring on to add a different dimension.

05/12/2002, 10:33 AM
I think we should wait another year or so with mcPhail- he hasn´t really done anything yet, so give him an opportunity to show what he can do, and then rethink it.

05/12/2002, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by The Money Man
I don't want to open a can of worms and I'm sure its been thrashed to death here before this- but if he want in, if the lads haven't a problem with it and the manager wants to select him, why shouldn't he play again?
I just don´t think he deserves to, thats all.

05/12/2002, 1:41 PM
there are other qualities that we need in central midfield. Regardless of who could potentially play along side him, I think he may be a luxury we can't afford.

I actually agree with you but was just surprised his name was not even mentioned given that he is a regular starter in the premiership. McPhails creative abilities could still be very useful against the weaker nations against whom we traditionally struggle. Healy(given a good move) or Holland are probably more viable options against the big sides where a more conservative approach is needed.

The Money Man
05/12/2002, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
I just don´t think he deserves to, thats all.

I think whether or not he deserves it is a whole other discussion. My personal priority would be to see us qualify for Portugal. I can't see that happening without Keane. Even if I despised Keane, I would rather sit in the Stadium of Light watching the lads including Keane than sit at home and watch a tournament that didn't involve us!

The Money Man
05/12/2002, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by DiscoPants

I actually agree with you but was just surprised his name was not even mentioned given that he is a regular starter in the premiership.

Really? How many Premiership games has he started this season? He can hardly be considered to be the first name on the managers team-sheet!