View Full Version : Sending Offs

30/11/2002, 7:25 AM
what i cant understand is how shels had only one sent off.after the penalty was given shels players man handled the refferee dont know why he didnt send one or two guys off ..the rugby style tackled that would have been at home in musgrave park...the tackle on billy woods right at the end which a throw in was given..while greg was rightly booked in the first half i felt he left similar style tackles go as the game went on

30/11/2002, 7:38 AM
A Dublin referee gave a Cork team a penalty and a Cork referee gave a Dublin team a penalty. I think that's fair enough.

Only thing is, Glen Crowe missed his.
If the ref had sent off all the deserving Shelbourne players, the game would have been abandoned and we wouldn't have the 3 points now.
Hopefully Derry City will get a few more of Fenlons Muppets sent off on Monday and Shels will slide down the table in disgrace.

30/11/2002, 1:44 PM
Should have been a Sending off:
1. The necktackle on CP O'Brien.
2. Billy in the corner.
2 disgraceful incidents which the ref chickened out of.

Should NOT have been a sending off:
Gannon because of O'Callaghan.
I was disgusted with G O'C, and so were many people around me.
Gannon didn't touch him, and the ref and particularly the linesmen, made a disgraceful decision. G O'C should have been booked for this. George was hard done by because of Honker, but we do not need players from City to carry on like that.

btw, given that G O'C ran straight to Gunther when he scored, I now know why he was not dropped weeks ago.

30/11/2002, 5:41 PM
nice people dont win leagues city have been on the recieving end of idiotic decisions so accept everything u get!! doubt bohs fans would be giving out about their players if they did what george did last nite :p

30/11/2002, 6:03 PM
Fenlon on REDFM said that his guy told him that GoC kicked first and he retaliated... so there was contact. If GoC hadn't gone down, would it have gone un punished...

Shels could have had 3 sent off last night

30/11/2002, 6:35 PM
Originally posted by SSS
Fenlon on REDFM said that his guy told him that GoC kicked first and he retaliated... so there was contact. If GoC hadn't gone down, would it have gone un punished...

Shels could have had 3 sent off last night
They banged boots, thats all. Same thing happened at least 30 times on that pitch last night.
I agree with you about 3 possible sendings off.
I can't think of his name, but their number 4 was in the wrong ground. The f*cking scut should have being doing his gouging and kicking in Musgrave Park.

doubt bohs fans would be giving out about their players if they did what george did last nite
I don't give a f*ck about bowez fans. I think what O'Callaghan did last night was cheating to get a fellow player sent off and I do not want to see that from a City player.
Another thing about it was that Gannon had played tough but fair all night, while his co-defenders acted like thugs.

01/12/2002, 8:08 AM
part and parcel of the game oddboy caulfield did it successfully for years as i say u must be ruthless to win the leagues

01/12/2002, 1:45 PM
The acting was pretty poor alright.

As for the other incidents..

Dohertys missed flick at Johnny's head when he was on the ground. The linesman saw it and initially waved the ref over but he chickened out and ran to the half way line to sort out the sub.

The rugby tackle on Colin P from I think Dohery again. How he was not set off never mind booked is beyond me. :(

The "tackle" on Billy at the of the game was shocking too. Deserved sowm kind of action.

As for the penatly, Ive seen them given for a lot less, but personnaly I didnt think it was.

A face
02/12/2002, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by oddboy
Should have been a Sending off:
Gannon didn't touch him, and the ref and particularly the linesmen, made a disgraceful decision. [/B]

I am not 100% but it did seem like he clipped his ankle, if that is the case then that is a sore injury, might not be long lasting but when you get one, it is damn sore. Again i did see it perfectly and the linesman was in the wrong place altogether so i wouldn't listen to that. If there is a non-biased corner boy then i'd listen to him. They had the best view. Maybe the highlights will show something.

02/12/2002, 7:57 AM
Lads i had a good look at the sending off on friday night and GoC jumpd up and made a meal of the tackle and a few of us in the corner thought that it was a bit of the mark that the player got sent off but he did and we got the 3 points so that,s all .As for billys one that was a sending off.

02/12/2002, 8:03 AM
In all fairness George got a kick off Gannon earlier on that the ref didn't see, so maybe Gannon got what he deserved.

02/12/2002, 8:09 AM
Swings and roundabout lads swings and roundabouts

02/12/2002, 8:26 AM
to be honest i couldn't have any sympathy for shels after that tackle on woods. christ almighty!!!!

as for george he's a prat but you think shels would show a bit more discipline when they play here. how many times do they lose the head when they come here.

as trapper treacy the shams assitant manager (and former pats player) told me " cork was a b*** of place to play in. everyone would be on our backs - the crowd, the stewards and especially deccie, john caulfield and patsy. what they wouldn't do to to get ya off."

I think more power to the city players - it's a man's game:D