View Full Version : Bad 24 hours for Murphy Out Crew

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29/11/2002, 9:21 PM
Like it or not, and I remain undecided, the Murphy Out Campaign has had the wind taken out of it's sails in the last 24 hours.
Liam has the backing of Lennox and, even more crucially, of the City squad (patently obvious from the Rennie article in the Sun and the team's celebrations after George's goal tonight). City played with spirit tonight ( I'm not saying it was perfect football) and fully deserved the win, even if the peno may have been a bit dodgy.

The sheer delight of team and management at fulltime ( even Gaz hugged LM, despite being on the bench all these recent weeks) should ensure that anyone who was there tonight will give the club full backing for the remainder of the season.

(And anyone who comes back on this with a smart comment about being LM in disguise etc can **** off - it's just an alternative opinion)

Counting Crow
29/11/2002, 9:53 PM
Gotta agree 100%.

29/11/2002, 11:19 PM
u may not be liam murphy in disguise but r u his secret lover. go on,tell us
mite have veaten shels buts thats only slowing down the inevitable

30/11/2002, 8:08 AM
while i agree there was a marked improvement in last nites game city still have a long way to go b4 they can mount any challenge for silverware we are still short a few players on a playing front,on the management side we have to develop tactics,become more professional work on free kicks throw ins etc in training..if anyone knows anything about soccer they can see that we are being let down by our lack of tactics and murphy isnt the man to take city to another level,crowds have dropped overall the level of entertaining football has disappeared from what we saw at the start of the season its now time for lennox and co. to decide what they want ... a small time club nearly there or up with bohs seting the standards

30/11/2002, 9:52 AM
If you're happy with second best, people like Liam Murphy, Patsy Freyne, Jim Murphy and Noelle Feeney are the ones for the job...

30/11/2002, 10:15 AM
Wasn't down for the game & is likely we will win at home again next week to give an infalted position in the league as we'll have 2 away games to Drogs & Bohs to come.

Anyone think we'll get much out of those games?

From what i've seen theres little tactical direction in the team & unless the team are 100% fired up for a game (kicking & chasing the ball, closing down etc...) we struggle in games. Maybe its the home crowds that fired the team up for games at the cross?

Relying on grunt to win things in the eL is unlikely to work these days. Murphy is limted & over his now two seasons as city manager is not showing signs of changing or improving...

30/11/2002, 10:58 AM
agree Neil one or two of those names are well past their sell by dates time for lennox to start becoming professional and ruthless ..have a good look at those in the backround those who think they are the club male and female!!

30/11/2002, 4:12 PM
Originally posted by SSS
Like it or not, and I remain undecided, the Murphy Out Campaign has had the wind taken out of it's sails in the last 24 hours.
Oh get real will you :rolleyes: The criticism of LM didn´t start because of one game, and it´s not going to stop over one game either. Rome wasn´t built in a day, and Murphy´s inadequacies will doubtless be highlighted again ans again until he goes

30/11/2002, 5:34 PM
Originally posted by scottyshedender

Have to strongly disagree with that.

IMO having seen Bohs a few times this year they are by far the best team in the league, after that Id say we are second best and we should be a fair bit ahead of Shels but still behind Bohs.

Second this season will be a good finish for the squad we have.

30/11/2002, 6:05 PM
Eanna, nothing from last night has changed the views of the Murphy Out's, but the factors I outlined above DO mean that the campaign cannot gain momentum for now.

Here's a tough one for y'all - the players support him, big time....I suppose they all need to get real now aswell.

01/12/2002, 8:13 AM
just because george runs to him when he scores doesnt mean the players are behind him john o flynn didnt run his direction when he scored so what does that mean

01/12/2002, 8:17 AM
For God's sake, the point was made.

Do the players show off t-shirts for Napier for every goal they've scored since he got injured. No. They've clearly forgotten about him then and couldn't care less how he's doing now.

If they did it again there would be people here saying it was too much and not genuine..

01/12/2002, 12:12 PM
i miss stephen napier :)

02/12/2002, 1:17 PM
Originally posted by SSS
Eanna, nothing from last night has changed the views of the Murphy Out's, but the factors I outlined above DO mean that the campaign cannot gain momentum for now.

Here's a tough one for y'all - the players support him, big time....I suppose they all need to get real now aswell.
You´re totally wrong. The campaign can gain momentum, as it has been doing since murphy got the job, because you can bet on it that murphy will return to his usual mix of ignorance and stupidity within 2 or 3 games.

I can also bet you that players DON´T all support him- as I said earlier appearances can be deceiving.

02/12/2002, 5:33 PM
All i'd say has happened is its a little bit more difficult to "recruit" people to the cause...

02/12/2002, 6:20 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
You´re totally wrong.


No, actually I'm not. My core point about the last few days is that LM has been given huge support publically by Lennox and the squad. The win itself is not the issue. It is the manner of this win, where the team fought for it, and by their actions and words before during & after the game ( ref to Dalo) that help LM's position.

BTW, I am not particularly pro LM but neither am I completely Anti LM, but I can recognise, using all the publically available info*,that the players are backing LM for now. This is a setback to the Murphy out campaign. It doesn't change your minds, but it does make your objective a bit harder to achieve and more difficult to sell - you can't point to discontent within the squad to help the cause and can , with some justification, now be accused of being damaging to the club.This does not mean that you will not ultimately be proved correct, but that time has not come.

*sorry James, don't have all your insider stories, and neither do the public at large. BTW, most people bitch about their bosses in private. Doesn't necessarily mean anything in the context of their loyalties.

02/12/2002, 6:26 PM
Originally posted by SSS

you can't point to discontent within the squad to help the cause and can , with some justification, now be accused of being damaging to the club. How do you figure that?

02/12/2002, 6:29 PM
Originally posted by SSS
*sorry James, don't have all your insider stories, and neither do the public at large.


02/12/2002, 6:34 PM
*wrong thread - referring to your pronouncement that the players want LM out. There is no such indication in the public domain, particularly after this weekend....so you must know something we don't.

02/12/2002, 6:39 PM
ah yea that .. hmm well, beleive what u like.. base your opinion on what u see hear and beleive to be true, thats how i came up with it

second best isnt good enough
murph out

03/12/2002, 9:16 AM
Originally posted by SSS
Like it or not, and I remain undecided, the Murphy Out Campaign has had the wind taken out of it's sails in the last 24 hours.
Liam has the backing of Lennox and, even more crucially, of the City squad (patently obvious from the Rennie article in the Sun and the team's celebrations after George's goal tonight).
Don't read the Sun so cannot comment on the article.
Having now seen the goal 4 times, the celebration was:
G O'C runs to Murphy and hugs him. Benno, Hoggie, Carey and Greg ran after him and hugged George. As George ran back onto the field, Murray congratulated him.
Now while even Derek Kiely tried to make out that the entire team ran to LM, this is patently not true, so lets not over emphasise it's importance.
After the peno, no attempt was made to acknowledge LM, but this would hardly signify that the team is against LM would it?
In the after match interview, it was only G O'C who again defended LM.
Finally, a question. When/If City lose a game, will you be posting a thread entitled "Bad night for Murphy In crew" or some such title?

Gone Away
03/12/2002, 10:37 AM
Having watched eL weekly last night it was quite obvious that the celebration wasnt some great show of solidarity. The players turned to run after George, a few saw what he was at and tailed off, and congratulated him after he was through hugging LM.

I honestly think that people read into that celebration to much. After all, remember last season S O Flynn scored against Bray, and ran to the dug out to celebrate. Look whats happened him.

03/12/2002, 4:05 PM
Originally posted by SSS
This is a setback to the Murphy out campaign. It doesn't change your minds, but it does make your objective a bit harder to achieve and more difficult to sell - you can't point to discontent within the squad to help the cause

Firstly there is no "Murphy out campaign" there are a large number of supporters against his continuing as manager- there is no "campaign." Secondly, there is no "selling" being done- it is up to each supporter to decide for themselves, many have seen the inadequacies that Murphy has shown and made the logical decision that we´d be better off without him. Thirdly, it is possible to point to discontent in the squad- I have heard of a number of players giving out about murphy- one or two I have actually heard doing so, more who have said things to people I know and trust. Unless any of those players state their support for Murphy, nothing has changed.

Originally posted by SSS
can , with some justification, now be accused of being damaging to the club.
How dare you! Tell me in exactly what way I (or anyone else) is damaging the club by wanting a better manager? get your head out of your backside and see the reality of the situation will ya :rolleyes:

03/12/2002, 5:00 PM
Originally posted by SSS
BTW, most people bitch about their bosses in private. Doesn't necessarily mean anything in the context of their loyalties. .

do you know me?

;) :)

03/12/2002, 5:27 PM
If I do I hope you're not my boss:eek:

03/12/2002, 5:29 PM
In response to Oddboy

Ok. Once more for the people at the back of the class..

Rennie categorically stated in his interview that there was no-one in the squad who did not support Murphy.
Of course GoC was the only one in the post match interview who backed Murphy
- he was the only one interviewed. Listening to GoC, which is more reasonable - to believe that there is support for LM in the squad or that the other 15 players on duty on Friday all hate him and by coincidence the only Murphy supporter was interviewed.

I have already answered the stupid comment on another thread about the fact that the peno was not followed by a run to LM, but clearly at least two posters here think that the team should now run to the manager every time they score in order to ensure we all know where they stand - which I suppose may be true for those who have difficulty when seeing something only once.

As for the hugs etc, we can argue forever about who did or did not touch LM in the group hug - but Gaz did hug LM after the final whistle and LM was, according to eye-witness dalo, hugged in the dressing room afterward. Also, dalo quoted Greg saying that "that'll show the *******" or something similar
- in the context of recent talk, I read that as referring to the Murphy Outs, but I've no doubt there's a non LM related reason for that as I'm sure I'll be told.

As regarding City's next loss, you question perfectly illustrates an inability to comprehend some very clear posts I have made here since Friday. My post did not say that the win itself was bad for the Murphy Out crew, it focussed on all the "indicators" before, during and after the game from the players and Lennox. Not for one second have I maintained that the win changed everything in terms of the quality of LM's management, but it will make the any Murphy Out moves less palatable to the broader audience for now.

As to whether I will post "Bad night for Murphy In crew" - no need, there's plenty of posters out there willing to do that everytime City lose.

03/12/2002, 5:32 PM

Oh no not again..

I am not wrong in what I say, although I may be wrong in what you still insist in thinking I am saying.

There is a campaign ( banners, proposed leaflets or petitions etc) but that is beside the point, I use the term in a broad sense.

My point remains that it is now harder for LM to be ousted after last Friday because most people who saw/heard/read etc what went on will not be able to see your side of the story ( I reiterate that I have not said whether your side is right or wrong). There is "selling" to be done. Not by you or any other individual or group - but by public events as they unfold. It is these events that frame people's opinions and those who were not anti LM before last Friday are certainly not anti LM now. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT CONCEPT YET????

You can point to individual players giving out about LM, and I accept that this is true, but publically, there is no such discontent. Again, for the 100th time, my point is that the broader audience who do not watch City goals celebrations four times and check the level of physical contact between the participants will base their views on LM on what they see/hear/read.

In response to your melodramatic finale... If most people form an opinion on recent events they are more likely to be pro than anti LM. To be so viciously anti the manager in the prevailing circumstances as seen by most people will not be considered beneficial to the club (and for the 101st time, I did not say your views are wrong). Most people see a club in the top 3 etc etc. not one in crisis.

Your last sentence says it all really. Blindly anti LM and incapable of discussing the issue with even someone who isn't particularly pro LM, just one who is observing the changes in the strength of his hand in recent days. Maybe it's sunstroke.

Lets sum it up in one question: is Murphy's position stronger or weaker than it was a week ago? That's all I'm talking about, not whether he is better or worse as a result of one win.

03/12/2002, 6:12 PM
Originally posted by SSS
To be so viciously anti the manager in the prevailing circumstances as seen by most people will not be considered beneficial to the club To be honest I don't see how it is beneficial or not to the club. Could you elaborate?

03/12/2002, 6:26 PM
Originally posted by SSS
Also, dalo quoted Greg saying that "that'll show the *******" or something similar
- in the context of recent talk, I read that as referring to the Murphy Outs, but I've no doubt there's a non LM related reason for that as I'm sure I'll be told.
I would suggest that the "*******" was referrng to Shels/Dubs in general to be honest.

Originally posted by SSS
Rennie categorically stated in his interview that there was no-one in the squad who did not support Murphy.
What was he going to say?!!?!?! "No I can´t stand the tw@t and neither can X, Y or Z" "oops lads, we´re all dropped now because of me" No player is going to come out against his boss in an interview, particularly one with a history of vendettas such as LM.

Originally posted by SSS
Your last sentence says it all really. Blindly anti LM and incapable of discussing the issue with even someone who isn't particularly pro LM, just one who is observing the changes in the strength of his hand in recent days. Maybe it's sunstroke.
I am not blindly LM- I will give him credit where I believe it´s due, but I don´t see many opportunities for that right now in the larger scheme of things. I have given him credit in the past. I will reiterate it here- he´s a good coach and has a good eye for talent, but he is not a good manager.

Originally posted by SSS
Lets sum it up in one question: is Murphy's position stronger or weaker than it was a week ago? That's all I'm talking about, not whether he is better or worse as a result of one win.
Ok, if that was what you were getting at I may have misread you somewhat. I for one believe Murphy´s position is weaker now than it ever has been- the fact that he is now reliant on public displays of support from his players and his chairman are blindingly obvious proof that he is on thin ice. I guess it´s up to each person to interprate the last week´s events as they see fit- thats how I see things: CHEERIO Liam:mad:

03/12/2002, 7:40 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
I would suggest that the "*******" was referrng to Shels/Dubs in general to be honest.

What was he going to say?!!?!?! "No I can´t stand the tw@t and neither can X, Y or Z" "oops lads, we´re all dropped now because of me" No player is going to come out against his boss in an interview, particularly one with a history of vendettas such as LM.

-of course not, but to paraphrase him, he didn't just say the squad supported Murphy, he repeated it to emphasise that "no-one" in the dressingroom disagreed with that support.

Ok, if that was what you were getting at I may have misread you somewhat. I for one believe Murphy´s position is weaker now than it ever has been- the fact that he is now reliant on public displays of support from his players and his chairman are blindingly obvious proof that he is on thin ice. I guess it´s up to each person to interprate the last week´s events as they see fit- thats how I see things: CHEERIO Liam:mad:

-if he's on thin ice, it seems to be with only some fans. If Lennox and the team are predominantly) with him, if crowds remain almost 10 times bigger than the end of last season and if they can maintain a presence in the top 3, he's OK.

03/12/2002, 7:51 PM
Jesus lads, all I took from Friday is that the league is a lot worse than I thought, when we (after how bad we've been away all season) and Shels (who have a worse manager than us) are still realistic title contenders.

From what I've seen in recent weeks we have been rubbish (players and manager) and the opposition isn't much better and whoever wins the league at this stage, won't have proven much for the eL.

I can see Bohs dropping points so what would the Murphy in or Murphy out fans say if we pushed them close - you all know how bad we've been in half our matches?????:(

03/12/2002, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by SSS
In response to Oddboy

1.Ok. Once more for the people at the back of the class..

2. I have already answered the stupid comment on another thread about the fact that the peno was not followed by a run to LM, but clearly at least two posters here think that the team should now run to the manager every time they score in order to ensure we all know where they stand - which I suppose may be true for those who have difficulty when seeing something only once.

3. As to whether I will post "Bad night for Murphy In crew" - no need, there's plenty of posters out there willing to do that everytime City lose.
1. Hmm, for someone who is SO sensitive to any sort of comment, you seem quite handy at flinging a few around yourself.
2. As I can quite clearly read ALL the stuff you have posted, your endless attempts to make the same point over and over again has become boring at this stage. Find something else to say, or at least a new way of saying the same old thing.
As you seem to have serious difficulty in realising that I have got the point from your post a long time ago, could it be that you have a difficulty in getting the point of opposing opinions to yours?
So, why not relax, take a deep breath and get down off the high horse for awhile?

3. City do not have to lose for people to call for the removal of LM. Some people hold consistent opinions.

03/12/2002, 10:07 PM
Erra, you have to admire some of his stupidity in fairness oddboy.

He seems to have totally ignored last season, when it looked to me that there was no plan whatsoever.

He seems to have ignored the fact that many people decided at the start of this season to wipe LMs slate clean, and give him another chance.

One win doesnt make us a good team, nor does one loss. However, our consistent away "form" has all but cost us the league, and who is at the heart of the problem there???

Ill tell you, and he admitted it himself........................Liam Murphy.

04/12/2002, 9:19 AM
Originally posted by SSS
In response to Oddboy

As to whether I will post "Bad night for Murphy In crew" - no need, there's plenty of posters out there willing to do that everytime City lose.


Your posts are very well argued but to be honest i wouldn't bother if i was you. a lot of the lads have their mind made up and there is little point in reasoning with them. anyway your line of debate is certainly a lot more reasoned than some of the contributors here. (eanna's and james is also very well argued on the anti-gunther line)

personally I think gunther's time is up. if he goes so be it, at least it won't be because of the extremist supporters who regularly post here. results will ultimately dictate gunther's future. nothing else will, I know it upsets some fans that there opinion counts for nothing but that is the way it is. ultimately a number of them are working to a different agenda that goes beyond going to matches.

a lot of them actually want a say in the running of the club. wheather or that that is a good or bad thing is another moot point but i think you should see the overall picture before you continue debating with them.

i actually read your posts with your interest. i know like myself you are neither pro or anti liam but like me you do resent all this negativity and lack of objectivity.

as for the greg o'halloran thing it could be taken both ways. personally I doubt if was directed at the shels guys as he shook hands with a couple of them before he went into the dressing room.

what happened was that i shouted well done lads and greg responded in kind. as I say I think morale within the team is ok but another away loss (or even worse a home loss) could change that. as one guy in the programme wrote (i paraphrase)- "foot.ie are too busy pre-occupied analysising gunthers twitch in his buttocks". says it all really;)

04/12/2002, 12:19 PM
as I say it could be interpreted both ways but players in adressing room rarely take criticism very well and i am sure gunther used all this to motivate the players.

that said city were very lucky to win. truth be told we deserved at best a draw.

not a great time to be a murphy is it?

frank murphy

liam murphy

colin murphy

bertie og murphy

bernie murphy


04/12/2002, 2:42 PM
Originally posted by dalo
1. anyway your line of debate is certainly a lot more reasoned than some of the contributors here. (eanna's and james is also very well argued on the anti-gunther line)

2. as one guy in the programme wrote (i paraphrase)- "foot.ie are too busy pre-occupied analysising gunthers twitch in his buttocks". says it all really;)
1. Surely that is a matter of opinion, dalo?
2. As a very regular contributor to foot.ie, for how long have you been concerned with Gunther's buttocks?

04/12/2002, 3:00 PM
Originally posted by oddboy
1. Surely that is a matter of opinion, dalo?
2. As a very regular contributor to foot.ie, for how long have you been concerned with Gunther's buttocks?

hold on here some guy wrote that not me:(

I am merely paraphrasing what the guy said.

as for opinion and voicing them yup this is the place for it. you have to admit though SSS is no slouch.

personally this pro/ anti/ grey area gunther thing is getting boring. myfault in part i guess as i am partly responsible but gee it does get tedious.

why can't we all live together man:D

04/12/2002, 3:01 PM
Originally posted by dalo
why can't we all live together man:D
whatever you're into yourself there dalo

but yeah the whole gunther thing is boooring now
would he ever fuppin retire so we can get on with argueing something else :D

04/12/2002, 3:06 PM
Originally posted by James
whatever you're into yourself there dalo

but yeah the whole gunther thing is boooring now
would he ever fuppin retire so we can get on with argueing something else :D

good idea!!!!!!

what about who is the most hated murphy of all time- frank, liam, bertie og, colin or bernie?


does james and noelle have a private love thang going on?

:D :D :D

04/12/2002, 3:37 PM
Originally posted by dalo
good idea!!!!!!

what about who is the most hated murphy of all time- frank, liam, bertie og, colin or bernie?


does james and noelle have a private love thang going on?

:D :D :D
Hmmm, instaed of arguing about Gunther, lets try to come up with the most outrageous piece of gossip about him that we can...;)

04/12/2002, 5:53 PM
Originally posted by oddboy
1. Hmm, for someone who is SO sensitive to any sort of comment, you seem quite handy at flinging a few around yourself.
2. As I can quite clearly read ALL the stuff you have posted, your endless attempts to make the same point over and over again has become boring at this stage. Find something else to say, or at least a new way of saying the same old thing.
As you seem to have serious difficulty in realising that I have got the point from your post a long time ago, could it be that you have a difficulty in getting the point of opposing opinions to yours?
3 So, why not relax, take a deep breath and get down off the high horse for awhile?

1. OK. But that's after the "rubbish", "head in ass", "you are wrong*2" etc etc I've been getting here all week..not to mention the snide "high horse" stuff above...but I do regret allowing myself to be dragged down to that level.

2. That's real funny given that Eanna, in fairness to him, after all the aggro this week, noted last night in one his posts that he may have now understood that where I was coming from was not the view that I people (paericularly you) were disagreeing with for the last five days. But hey, one man one vote. Lets levae it at that.

04/12/2002, 5:55 PM
Originally posted by GWA
Erra, you have to admire some of his stupidity in fairness oddboy.

Very constructive contribution GWA:rolleyes:

04/12/2002, 5:56 PM
s***e, I've done it again:D

I feel like Bill Bixby when I get on this board.

04/12/2002, 5:58 PM
Originally posted by dalo

as for opinion and voicing them yup this is the place for it. you have to admit though SSS is no slouch.

Well if a slouch is a permanently incorrect rubbish artist riding a high horse with his head up his ass, then maybe I am:D

Cheers dalo

04/12/2002, 6:02 PM
Originally posted by SSS
1. OK. But that's after the "rubbish", "head in ass", "you are wrong*2" etc etc I've been getting here all week..not to mention the snide "high horse" stuff above...but I do regret allowing myself to be dragged down to that level.

2. That's real funny given that Eanna, in fairness to him, after all the aggro this week, noted last night in one his posts that he may have now understood that where I was coming from was not the view that I people (paericularly you) were disagreeing with for the last five days. But hey, one man one vote. Lets levae it at that.
I said I may have misread one of your points, on the whole I disagree strognly with a lot of what you´re saying- but, hey, thats what the forum is for!

04/12/2002, 6:09 PM
Originally posted by Éanna
I said I may have misread one of your points, on the whole I disagree strognly with a lot of what you´re saying- but, hey, thats what the forum is for!

My bad English! What I meant was that it was the first post where there was an "understanding" ( not agreement) of the core point I had been making, and I've no problem with you disagreeing with that opinion - I was just tired of being pilloried & occasionally insulted for something I wasn't saying, if you know what I mean.

04/12/2002, 6:17 PM
Originally posted by Conor74
When you get mad, do you do the whole "turn green with a big jaw, a torn shirt and a really tight pants down to the knees" thing?

If that image does it for you....:D :D

(we can make it a torn City jersey if you like and merge the picture with Charlies Angels (the black haired one from the old version and Cameron from the new) and Sophie from Home and Away). That should do it.:D

05/12/2002, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by SSS
That's real funny given that Eanna, in fairness to him, after all the aggro this week, noted last night in one his posts that he may have now understood that where I was coming from was not the view that I people (paericularly you) were disagreeing with for the last five days. But hey, one man one vote. Lets levae it at that.
Exactly what does this piece of gibberish mean?

Originally posted by SSS
I was just tired of being pilloried & occasionally insulted for something I wasn't saying, if you know what I mean.
Turning a little ribbing and disagreement with your view into "pilloried....insulted" may tell you that you take things a little too much to heart,
and "lowering yourself" in postings here may tell you that the level of debate you yearn for is to be found elsewhere.

05/12/2002, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by oddboy
Exactly what does this piece of gibberish mean?

Turning a little ribbing and disagreement with your view into "pilloried....insulted" may tell you that you take things a little too much to heart,
and "lowering yourself" in postings here may tell you that the level of debate you yearn for is to be found elsewhere.

Oh god can we please get off this whole murphy business. to be honest at this stage I have forgotton what the whole point was in the first place. it's truning into one of those pointless undergrad pub debates - you know the NI question or the meaning of being working class etc etc. 6 southern comforts and I wouldn't have a clue what the orginal discussion was in the first place!!!!!

Oh yeah!!!! Now I remember- eanna doesn't like liam :D

05/12/2002, 3:52 PM
Split this cos it went off topic, but there´s still grounds for discussion on some of these issues :)