View Full Version : Strutter

18/01/2007, 6:44 PM
Anyone else addicted to this yet?
Weeknights, MTV. Half Ten.
Same guy who did Dennis Pennis.
A taste (http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mike+strutter)

Rory H
18/01/2007, 7:46 PM
dont like it....tries too hard

18/01/2007, 11:05 PM
maybe im getting old but does he have to swear so much its not big and its not clever:D :D

19/01/2007, 1:16 AM
Those smilies have me confused anto.
Are you serious?

19/01/2007, 9:05 AM
It's just like Kirsty's Home Videos, with excesses of swearing!
Not funny and I actually feel sorry for someone who's talents are so limited that they need to rely on being crass as a form of entertainment.

19/01/2007, 9:20 AM
did his best work as dennis pennis
see youtube for details - doorstepping Alan Hansen, steve martin, demi moore and taking them down a peg or two
also the korean police training for english hooligans at the world cup....you tube again

19/01/2007, 9:34 AM
Pennis from Heaven DVD is available i picked it up on cdwow for about 8 euro . again not as funny as i remembered it to be .

19/01/2007, 9:38 AM
agree - not as good on second viewing - but than it was yonks ago - and no one even thought of doing what he did at the time (Borat is kind of in the same vein years after the event)

19/01/2007, 10:24 AM
Used to enjoy Dennis Pennis on the Sunday morning show. he's best in short, sharp bites rather thana full programme to himself. Funniest moment was asking Steve Martin when did he stop being funny

19/01/2007, 10:28 AM
Watched 5 minutes of it & while some of the clips were funny the swearing wasn't half annoying. I presume targetted at teenager market.


Jerry The Saint
19/01/2007, 1:03 PM
To Tom Hanks:

- Did you enjoy playing Forrest last year?

Yes, very much.

- Do you think they'll miss Stan Collymore?:D

20/01/2007, 4:32 PM
Don't really like it. Is your man American or what?

His whole attitude sounds like something lifted from the Sopranos.

Anto McC
20/01/2007, 4:33 PM
I think it's great :D

The Stars
20/01/2007, 7:01 PM
Agree with Anto McC,think it is funny.
It is just Youve been Framed,but his commentary makes it funny

22/01/2007, 12:40 AM
I think its modelled on the lawyer of Carlito Brigante, Dave Kleinfeld from Carlitos Way.but maybe i'm wrong (http://www.joblo.com/newsimages1/pennsway.jpg)

22/01/2007, 9:39 AM
never heard of dennis pennis, but i was in walkabout on finchley road and this lad sits down in the couch beside us, and the missus goes oh look thats the guy who played dennis pennis, i was like who?!, dont remember the show or think ive seen it, but the fella was dressed like a right ****. plus he was drinking a glass of wine, so he must be a knob :D

Lim till i die
22/01/2007, 3:01 PM
Used to enjoy Dennis Pennis on the Sunday morning show. he's best in short, sharp bites rather thana full programme to himself. Funniest moment was asking Steve Martin when did he stop being funny

How about asking Jeffry Archer for a comment then pointing the microphone at Mr. Archers ar$e :D

declan hide
27/01/2007, 12:51 AM
jees why do comedians bother eh?