View Full Version : Supporters Trust?

25/11/2002, 2:07 PM
Just thinking out loud here..... (this separte to any Murphy, Noelle, Lennox issues)

I wonder would their be an apetite both within CCFC & also from the wider CCFC supporting public for a Supporters Trust?

If say supporters could raised enough to buy 10-20% of the club & put a representative on the Board we'd have much better communication than we used to. I know Brian Lennox is a lot more communicative than previous versions but a Supporters Trust would guarantee an input into decisions made.

p.s. this nothing to do wioth removing Murphy as would be a long term thing...

Any thoughts?

25/11/2002, 2:14 PM
can you imagine the hassle a supporters representive would get form the rank and file if say he/she was there now. anyone would be mad to want to be on the board and in line for personal abuse weeke in week out.

you'd be better off being a linesman

25/11/2002, 2:17 PM
I think it would be a great idea. I know some suggestions have been made about it in the last 9/10 months or so but to no avail as far as i´ve heard.

25/11/2002, 2:22 PM
Originally posted by dalo
can you imagine the hassle a supporters representive would get form the rank and file if say he/she was there now. anyone would be mad to want to be on the board and in line for personal abuse weeke in week out.

I disagree, I'd say lack of information has one of the main reasons for supporter distrust in the past.

Also i think the cork public are generally sceptical of all "owners" of Cork clubs given what has happened in the past. Surely making the club part of the people would help remove that?

To simplify lets say 500 people* E100 = 50k which should be good enough for 10% of the club & funds reinvested into hwelp creating a fulltime structure on & off the pitch?

25/11/2002, 2:27 PM
Originally posted by pete
Surely making the club part of the people would help remove that?

To simplify lets say 500 people* E100 = 50k which should be good enough for 10% of the club & funds reinvested into hwelp creating a fulltime structure on & off the pitch?

I think fans knowing "one of us" was on the board (even if in observer status) would help improve relations between club and supporters.

Also, good point re the money 50k would do a fair bit.