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04/01/2007, 12:28 PM
Seems like confirmation for Wexford Youths FC (and the God awful name). Anyone fancy they're chances? We all talk a good game on here but does anyone play one?

04/01/2007, 1:58 PM
Best of luck Mick!

04/01/2007, 2:34 PM
didn't realise pat dolan was in charge. where will the home games be played?

04/01/2007, 2:48 PM
I dunno, the Youths tag, the locals only policy and Dolan's involvement smacks of this being an acadamy for sending players accross the water.

04/01/2007, 2:55 PM
I think Wallace plans to be the manager with Dolan as coach. Surely we're not gong to have a senior side in the national league called youths ? It's a terrible name , we already have a college team, now it looks like a youth team , whats next? Glenamaddy under 12's ?

04/01/2007, 3:07 PM
They'll be playing at a place called Newcastle, Crossabeg it's on the outskirts of Wexford town just off the N11. I've reservations myself about the whole set-up becoming an academy/feeder club for Reading. Dolan is supposed to be head coach with Wallace as manager. Another article in Wexford People gives good insight into Wallace's playing philosophy and he likens one of his latest batch of youths to Kevin Doyle. I can't remember him signalling out an individual player in a similar manner before so might be one to watch.

It was fitting that the final goal should fall to Danny Furlong. I couldn't help thinking, as I watched Danny's movement, of a fine footballer from Adamstown who played in two All-Ireland finals for the Wexford Youths.

Here's the full article:

Jerry The Saint
04/01/2007, 3:18 PM
I dunno, the Youths tag, the locals only policy and Dolan's involvement smacks of this being an acadamy for sending players accross the water.

As has been pointed out on this board before, the de facto name for this new club will by 'FC Young Boys Ferns' - 'Wexford Youths' will be used for clerical purposes only.

04/01/2007, 3:37 PM
Looks like the Pat Dolan pimping school.

Maybe they name is a tribute to Young Boys in Switzerland. :D

Dolan coaching would be interesting. Maybe thats why he has lost so much weigh lately? Still can't see him allowing another Manager make decisions above him as he'd leave in a fit sooner or later moaning about lack of ambition...

04/01/2007, 3:38 PM
Well there's one less name for their schooligans to choose from.:D

04/01/2007, 3:44 PM
'Wexford Youths' will be used for clerical purposes only.

I see what you did there..... :cool:


04/01/2007, 7:54 PM
I think Wallace plans to be the manager with Dolan as coach. Surely we're not gong to have a senior side in the national league called youths ? It's a terrible name

yeah it'd be awfully amatuer, like that pathetic 'boca juniors' club.

04/01/2007, 8:22 PM
That's not why the used the name Juniors. Its pathetic and if Dolan wasn't involved you'd probably agree

04/01/2007, 8:47 PM
Just simply Wexford FC would have been fine ffs Mick.

No chance that this is just a provisional name?

Best of luck to them anyway.

04/01/2007, 9:27 PM
That's not why the used the name Juniors. Its pathetic and if Dolan wasn't involved you'd probably agree

why would the fat pimp's involvement colour my opinion?

Billy Lord
04/01/2007, 11:31 PM
It's a crap name, but so is Juventus ('Youth') and Sheffield Wednesday. Wallace's Wexford Wanderers is the obvious choice (what a great website address: www.www.ie), if a little egotistical.

09/01/2007, 6:38 AM
Billy Lord what an excellent idea and Website address :D

Wexford Youths as a name could run into problems. Especially if they sign a 36 year old veteran player to show the kids the ropes so to speak. They could have issues under the Trade Descriptions Act :D

The Wednesday got their name because they were made up of apprentices during their foundation who could only play on Wednesday afternoons as that was their half day off work.

09/01/2007, 9:50 AM
I've just copped that Juventus means Youth, Wallace is a season ticket holder at Juventus, explains a lot! Still possibly the worst name ever!

12/01/2007, 10:35 AM
Here's the latest on the trials from the Wexford People Newspaper. I'm sure the Pat's and Cork fans will be delighted to read the glowing tribute to Pat Dolan and Mick Wallace for their work with Kevin Doyle. ;)

15/01/2007, 6:15 PM
Here's an article this from weekend's Sunday Times on the subject...


Fingers crossed we get in!

15/01/2007, 7:59 PM
Does Wexford Youths have an official site yet? I am curious to do some reading

15/01/2007, 8:06 PM

16/01/2007, 12:30 PM
Great article about Wallace, he can come across badly in Tv interviews but give the man a newspaper column and he comes across as a sort of mythical hero. Legend. Sounds like Wexford Youths FC could have a great future. Here's hoping anyway...

16/01/2007, 12:44 PM
Great article about Wallace, he can come across badly in Tv interviews but give the man a newspaper column and he comes across as a sort of mythical hero. Legend.
To be honest I thought he came across as a mad man.

16/01/2007, 12:48 PM
That's kind of what makes him a legend! Combine the craziness with the business sense and social conscience and I think all might work out well.

Jerry The Saint
16/01/2007, 1:27 PM
Combine the craziness with the business sense and social conscience and I think all might work out well.

It didn't work out well for Maxi!

16/01/2007, 3:46 PM
I just think this is a great idea. Im surprised others do not see the potential here. Will this side be professional? Will they be contracted long term? Will this not allow these young players abroad? Do they have a website?

16/01/2007, 7:17 PM
To be honest I thought he came across as a mad man.

I've been playing on Mick's underage sides for 3 years now and can assure you that he's anything but a madman - although I can't blame anyone for having that opinion based on first impressions! The amount of work and time which he has put into underage soccer in Wexford is incredible, especially when you consider the numerous business interests which he has both at home and in Italy.

As for finnpark's questions - the side is going to be amateur, and as of yet he hasn't got a website up and running.

I suppose he'll have to wait to see if his team is allowed to get up and running first!

16/01/2007, 11:24 PM
That's kind of what makes him a legend! Combine the craziness with the business sense and social conscience and I think all might work out well.

Well - he's exhibited very little business sense by his first decision of naming the club Wexford Youths....

17/01/2007, 9:18 AM
In fairness it may be a terrible name but on a local scale, and even in national circles, Wexford Youths is what Mick Wallace is associated with. Wexford football people are very proud of the achievements of the various Wexford Youths teams over the years, so to tie in the name of the senior football side with whats been achieved in the past makes sense in the short term at least.

The name suggests local players who have been raised in the local leagues and who will give the whole county a team to get behind. In the long term I would imagine the name may change, but, short term I think it makes sense.

17/01/2007, 10:17 AM
The name suggests local players who have been raised in the local leagues and who will give the whole county a team to get behind.

No it doesn't. It just sounds like a bunch of kids / an amateur set-up - somebodies 'B' Team.

If he wants a team the whole county can get behind and relate to, then why not call it Wexford County.....? :confused:

Who cares if it's junior football that Mick Wallace has been associated with in the past. He's taking a step into the senior game now....

In the long term I would imagine the name may change, but, short term I think it makes sense.

I'll happily bet you €50 the name will be gone (one way or another) by the end of 2 seasons, if not before....

Jerry The Saint
17/01/2007, 10:30 AM
If he wants a team the whole county can get behind and relate to, then why not call it Wexford County.....?

BORING. He should call it Wexford 99, or Wexford Choc Ice or something like that.

17/01/2007, 10:33 AM
BORING. He should call it Wexford 99, or Wexford Choc Ice or something like that.

Agreed it's boring - but that wasn't the point.

A view was stated that a team called Wexford Youths would appeal to the whole county, which just doesn't make sense ! Wexford County would appeal to the whole county, but Wexford Youths...?!? :confused:

17/01/2007, 11:08 AM
I can see where your coming from, it's an obvious point. However, it has clearly been stated that this will be an amature team, closely associated with the junior league. Everyone involved with the junior game in Wexford wants to be associated with the success of Wallace's Youth teams, and as such this is where I make the conclusion that the name will attract support from the whole county.

I see the name as a nod to junior football in the county. Wallace will not want to alienate the junior leagues and have his team viewed as competition. I think this was a big problem for Limerick, very poor communication with, and rivalry with, junior soccer in the county. Limerick 37 seems to be following a similar strategy of closely associating itself with junior football (and choosing a crap name).

It's also been pointed out that Wallace is a Juventus season ticket holder and Juventus translates as youth. I do agree that within two seasons the name will most likely change and I wouldn't complain. I'd like to see Loch Garman FC personally. It'd be nice to have a team with a name as Gailge.

17/01/2007, 11:58 AM
It'd be nice to have a team with a name as Gailge.

I'd worry less about having club names in the language, and worry more about actually getting the name of the language right if I was you...! :o

You're as bad as that Galway fella over on the Limerick 37 thread.....


17/01/2007, 11:59 AM

17/01/2007, 12:01 PM

Pourquoi....? :confused:

Tá brón orm - cén fáth...? :confused:

17/01/2007, 12:28 PM
Níl a lan gaeilge agam!
Actually having thought about it and read your comments about the suggestion to call Galway by their Irish name in another thread I think the Irish name is a bit stupid... Not only that but I always detested the subject in school, Leaving Cert Honours Irish is enough to put anyone off it for life.
Wexford County is probably the best future way to go.
Or maybe something French....
Liberté, égalité, fraternité, ou la mort!

18/01/2007, 10:46 AM
I think that the name is a problem myself - Wexford Youths does not sound that great, not even as good even with the Youngboys Berne and Juventus. It is probably largely because he can claim to have led Wexford Youths to a few underage FAI cups and what have you and is wanting to cash in on the name, I suspect.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about the name. If they are very keen to be a team of former junior players, then they should bite the bullet and have that as part of the name - we will get used to it after a few years of laughter, like we have with Boca Juniors.

On top of that, I suspect that he sees the club as a place to "uncover" players to move on to the professional world. Surely this is no bad thing and also ought to be highlighted in the name. And it should be a dynamic word, so I feel a verb would be best. Something along the lines of "Unearthing" or "Investigating", though both sound quite weak and wouldn't convey the set up. What you want is a word that gives us the sense, as we watch, that we as spectators are examining, studying and attempting to comprehend the players of the future.

So I came up with the perfect name.

Reading Juniors:D

18/01/2007, 4:42 PM
I actually like the name Wexford Youths FC - it's different.

18/01/2007, 7:18 PM
What is the colour of the kit Wexford will play in?
It will most probably be the same as the youth teams. Do they all wear the same colours?
What are the chances it will be Juventus' black and white.

19/01/2007, 9:22 AM
I'd say black and white is most likely, from what i can remember that's what the youths teams wear at the moment. Wouldn't be surprised to see something yellow with purple trim for the away kit. That's still assuming they actually get a licence, and the league actually gets to start sometime this year...

19/01/2007, 1:27 PM
Agreed it's boring - but that wasn't the point.

A view was stated that a team called Wexford Youths would appeal to the whole county, which just doesn't make sense ! Wexford County would appeal to the whole county, but Wexford Youths...?!? :confused:

Kildare County is almost exclusively support by Newbridge locals - the county thing just doesn't work outside the GAA environment. Doning a purple kit such as Fiorentina with yellow trim would be a good move however.

19/01/2007, 5:30 PM
Kildare County is almost exclusively support by Newbridge locals - the county thing just doesn't work outside the GAA environment. Doning a purple kit such as Fiorentina with yellow trim would be a good move however.

I think it might work better in Wexford as the players are going to be almost exclusively from within the county. As for the colours, I'm nearly sure the home kit is going to be black, with an orange and white away kit (something like AS Roma's)

19/01/2007, 11:09 PM
Kildare County is almost exclusively support by Newbridge locals - the county thing just doesn't work outside the GAA environment. Doning a purple kit such as Fiorentina with yellow trim would be a good move however.

On Kildare County - I would disagree. If anything, support from Newbridgers has being lacking.

20/01/2007, 3:18 PM
True, I'm not from Newbridge and have seen a fair few faces from the during last season from the area I am from - Coill Dubh, Robertstown, Prosperous to mention a few.

25/01/2007, 4:26 PM
When is the decision finally due for this? I know they are more or less confirmed but when will there be an official announcement?

Apparently Wallace has the squad down to around 30 players now. Some of the local league teams will take a big hit, the likes of North End, Ajax, etc. And AFAIK, youth players on his squads will be allowed to go into the senior squad, but they will from then on not be allowed to play in the Wexford & district leagues. This years premier division will have some strange results and it will take a while for it to settle down again I'd say.

Poor Student
25/01/2007, 5:19 PM
G-Man, the whole Danny Drew (that's the Limerick FC owner is you're not up to speed) league injunction thingy is holding up the process.

25/01/2007, 7:38 PM
Apparently Wallace has the squad down to around 30 players now. Some of the local league teams will take a big hit, the likes of North End, Ajax, etc. And AFAIK, youth players on his squads will be allowed to go into the senior squad, but they will from then on not be allowed to play in the Wexford & district leagues.
G-Man, how has the league done in the Oscar Traynor Cup in recent years?
Will there be any players with eircom league experience in the squad?

26/01/2007, 7:49 AM
They've only done alright in the Oscar Traynor, some years better than others. But I know there wasnt a load of commitment to that team, it wasnt high on the priorities of a lot of lads. Players were turning it down because it just added to an already busy playing schedule, and a large number of players in Wexford would play GAA so added to that many werent prepared to put in the time needed. I havent seen the squad of players Wallace has assembled, but I couldnt see there being many with EL experience if any.

However, I wouldnt factor either if these 2 things into this team. The more important factor I think is the youths team, as this is the one that is taken very seriously in Wexford and has reaped a huge success. IMO, more people in Wexford would have a lot more of an interest in the Youths team than the Oscar Traynor team. They have had 4 All Ireland finals in 10 years, winning 2 and have made the 1/4 finals every year AFAIK. They were knocked out on at least 2 occassions on penalties. The reason I would take this more as an indicitave of the team as it contained the best players for the last 10 years, Wallace was over those teams and it was taken seriously, a huge effort was put into training these players and giving them as much exposure to semi professional playing as possible. Every year Wallace takes his underage teams to Turin for a tournament, and the squad stays with Torino out there and experience what it is like to be at a professional club.

At the moment Wallace is setting up the grounds and complying to all the safety standards set out, costing him a fair whack too, but sure he wont be complaining when he sees his team take to the field on the first day of the season!

26/01/2007, 8:39 AM
Thanks G-Man. I wish Wallace the best of luck (except when they come to play us of course!), this sounds like a very good development for the league