View Full Version : Limerick - Possible Legal Action by Danny Drew

04/01/2007, 10:18 AM
Article from RTE suggesting Danny Drew may make legal challenge to all sorts... http://www.rte.ie/sport/2007/0104/limerick.html?rss

A face
04/01/2007, 7:28 PM
Like it or not he probably has grounds to make a fairly decent attack on the powers that be.

04/01/2007, 9:16 PM
what did the FAI do legally wrong here? they refused to give a licence because repairs werent done. they werent done because no grant was forthcoming because Limerick FC have no lease.

While Fr Young seems to be playing hardball, we cannot have a professional club in without a board of directors. Let them stick to the licencing for once.

No no no no your wrong on all counts. DD has a case as limerick were gaining the lease which would have enabled them to pull down the grants last summer however the FAI stepped in and struck a deal with youngs local advisors to gain the lease on behalf of the FAI. This meant that the ground was now the responsablility of the FAI so why should Limerick/DD be dinied anything such as a licance if the fai owned ground was the issue? And btw the club/DD was failed on infastructural issues ie the ground. All other rumblings from marrion square at the time were smoke screens. Now the dog on the street know that Delaney refused the licence because of his relationship or lack of it with DD. A personal issue which is bringing the club down which could bring the league down if DD wins. Your right about one thing, lets stick to the licencing, which Delaney failed to do not limerick...

05/01/2007, 1:50 PM
Why did Young offer it to the FAI and not DD? He doesnt trust him with it

In fairness you don't seem to have a clue about how much of a swindling **** Father Joe Young is. Young played the FAI off Danny to see how much power/money he could get his grubby little hands on. Everything this man does is for his own gain, and not for the 'children of Southill' as he often says. He's ripped people off in the past, he's doing it presently and he'll do it in the future if given half a chance. It has nothing to do with Young not trusting Drew that he didn't give us the lease, Young would hand it to the Americans to build a concentration camp on if he thought it would better his interests around here

05/01/2007, 3:25 PM
DD made a lot of enemies in Merrion Square. I imagine the FAI would have little trouble justifying why they didn't give Limerick a licence. I can't see a legal action succeeding. However I wonder if he had a different relationship with those in Merrion Square would the club still have been given a bit of leeway. It's easy to look back with hindsight but there are no winners here.

05/01/2007, 4:05 PM
I can see it now. Limerick win court case so get licence back. Limerick then ejected from the FAI League as going to the courts is breach of League participation agreement. :rolleyes:

05/01/2007, 6:23 PM
dont think they are been asked to sign particapation agreement pete but I think dd case is simple he was not granted a licence on the grounds that that there ground was not up to spec however many other grounds are not up to proper spec and been awarded licences

05/01/2007, 6:55 PM
dont think they are been asked to sign particapation agreement pete but I think dd case is simple he was not granted a licence on the grounds that that there ground was not up to spec however many other grounds are not up to proper spec and been awarded licences

Thats the important bit for me.

pineapple stu
05/01/2007, 7:55 PM
Wasn't there a quote elsewhere which said that Limerick failed on every aspect apart from their ground? I'll try and dig it up.

Edit - hmmm...can't find it. Don't think I imagined it, but anyways.

Best of luck to Limerick on this one, I say. Licencing is a farce, and if Shels and Dublin City can get one, there's no reason why Limerick shouldn't be given one (I don't for a second acecpt the whole "new dawn" theory as Licencing was always controlled by the FAI). It's particularly strange if the ground and the lease is the issue if that's supposed to be the FAI's problem.

Alas, any hopes that another good scandal would hasten Delaney's exit are probably a bit wide of the mark, but still...

05/01/2007, 8:09 PM
That's the problem we've had with the FAI on this one, they said the ground wasn't up to scratch, and then said that they'd be willing to let another Limerick team use it as basis for their licence application. Then they say that Limerick failed on many items, but never told us exactly what they were. So the last few weeks has been spent speculating as to why we failed, was it Delaney's dislike of Drew, or because we didn't deserve to get one.

Personally I'm sure we failed to meet the criteria set down by the flawed licence committee, but then again I'm sure a few other clubs would have if it had been carried out to the letter of the law too. Still if it gets Danny away from Limerick FC than Delaney's underhanded tactics are okay in my book :)

06/01/2007, 12:22 AM
It would be better if they settle the arguement out of court, the FAI can not make their already shamble repetition get even worse, just give Limerick the License and every one is happy.

monkey magic
06/01/2007, 10:25 AM
It would be better if they settle the arguement out of court, the FAI can not make their already shamble repetition get even worse, just give Limerick the License and every one is happy.

thats just everything that's currently wrong with liscencing in a nutsehll - the "ah sure it'll be grand" attitude.

im behind the fai on this one, so long as their active in recruting a new limerick based team and give them the tools/support to get off the ground, which, to be fair they have so far. the fact is limerick were not, and have not been in good shape for a long time, and with the potential there it was inexcusable. now i know theres a lot of other teams in bad shape also but show me one club who are currently worse run than limerick - with a large, regionally significant catchment area who are perennial first division strugglers and havent had a ground or lease on a ground, and by all accounts prior to the liscencing failure were out of money anyways (drew was pimping the club to all and sundry for investment) and then you can call what the fai are doing as underhand and personal. (and dont mention shels cos in all honesty the fai were not/could not take the league chamions and most sucessful club over the las ten years... and anyways they're doin a fine job themselves in ensuring they wont be around in a few years:cool: )

Student Mullet
06/01/2007, 11:34 PM
Is it possible to support both sides in this case? I hope Limerick challenge the FAI an I hope that the FAI are forced to defend all their licensing decisions.

If the FAI have done everything properly, they have nothing to fear. If they have ever fudged an issue, it should be exposed.

pineapple stu
07/01/2007, 11:26 AM
Is it possible to support both sides in this case?
I suppose it's possible to say that the FAI may well be correct in their decision to deny Limerick a licence (I don't know one way or ther other, but certainly Limerick would be running the gauntlet close), but that their action in kicking Limerick out of the league is wrong. I don't see what benefit it would bring to the league to kick out an established team and try to bring in another one. Appropriate punishments would include Dublin City being denied promotion last year, Shels getting docked, say, ten points last season for financial irregularities and Cork getting docked maybe 5, but no team should be kicked out of the league.

07/01/2007, 12:20 PM
I suppose it's possible to say that the FAI may well be correct in their decision to deny Limerick a licence (I don't know one way or ther other, but certainly Limerick would be running the gauntlet close), but that their action in kicking Limerick out of the league is wrong. I don't see what benefit it would bring to the league to kick out an established team and try to bring in another one. Appropriate punishments would include Dublin City being denied promotion last year, Shels getting docked, say, ten points last season for financial irregularities and Cork getting docked maybe 5, but no team should be kicked out of the league.

Are they not the same thing?

I agree with you that it is strange to kick one side, an established side, out of the league and take a chance on a new team.

Also, I find it annoying that the FAI, who were pretty inflexible regarding Limerick FC, are willing to help out new teams to get things up to eL standard.

07/01/2007, 1:00 PM
No team/club has been kicked out of the league.
The Eircom League ceased last November.
As far as I was led to understand the league disbanded.
The new League run by the FAI has sent out invitations to established clubs to join. And an offer to newly formed clubs that pass the approval of the FAI.
If a contract was signed to be a part of the new League then Limerick could have an issue. But if the agreement that was signed/approved by the clubs was only to disband the Eircom League then that would be a different issue.

pineapple stu
07/01/2007, 2:08 PM
Are they not the same thing?
I think the official action taken against Shamrock Rovers in 2004 was to revoke their licence and give them an 8-point penalty, so it appears that kicking someone out of the league is not the only course of action available to a team who fail to get a licence.

No team/club has been kicked out of the league.
The Eircom League ceased last November.
I think you're reading far too much into this whole merger and disbanding thingy. Far all intents and purposes, the league is continuing as it ever has done. The FAI have always had power over licencing, and still do, so nothing has changed in that regard. Kicking someone out of the league is really the exact same as not letting into the league.

07/01/2007, 4:48 PM
Kicking someone out of the league is really the exact same as not letting into the league.

If they were never in it how could they be kicked out of it?
Has any club received their " invitation" to join the new League?

pineapple stu
07/01/2007, 6:36 PM
Again, you're taking the view that this new league is some super duper new fangled thing. It's not.

07/01/2007, 9:47 PM
The Eircom League ceased last November.
As far as I was led to understand the league disbanded.
The new League run by the FAI has sent out invitations to established clubs to join.

If they were never in it how could they be kicked out of it?
Has any club received their " invitation" to join the new League?
The league is the same league it always was, the difference is the FAI are in charge.

Where the fĂșck are you getting this invitation crap from?

pineapple stu
07/01/2007, 9:59 PM
From the blurb on the brochure.

It's technically correct, but not in the real world.

pineapple stu
07/01/2007, 10:19 PM
wse put up with the UCD fans telling us all year how seisimic this restructuring would be.
What's the restructuring got to do with licencing?

07/01/2007, 11:33 PM
you tell me, it was you and DmanDmythDledge who brought it up.
How could I have brought it up if I was responding to a point someone else made about it?:rolleyes:

07/01/2007, 11:36 PM
I believe that in the end Limerick will be the winners as a new club formed with a group of football dedicated people in the forefront will bring a strong and consolidated club into the League.
In years to come Danny Drew might just realise he is not the guy that was shafted by the FAI. But in fact was saved by the FAI. A phone call from Ronan Seery to DD might explain the reason.

Lim till i die
08/01/2007, 10:28 AM
Anyone on here more au fait with the law than me?? Can Danny Drew use Shels as an example of the shambles that is licencing or must he stick to putting across Limericks case without using any other clubs? If it's the former he has a pretty good case, if it's the latter he hasn't a leg to stand on

It's all moot anyway IMO because I reckon there's as much chance of Lord Lucan appearing in the High Court charged with having unlawful carnal knowledge of Shergar as there is of Mr. Drew making an appearance

08/01/2007, 12:08 PM
From the blurb on the brochure.

It's technically correct, but not in the real world.

But the legal system deals in technically correct facts so if it goes to court then the only complaint can be that Limerick didn't get invited to the new party.

Jerry The Saint
08/01/2007, 12:12 PM
But the legal system deals in technically correct facts so if it goes to court then the only complaint can be that Limerick didn't get invited to the new party.

I heard the invitations were going to be faxed to the clubs which would leave Derry in serious danger of missing out.

08/01/2007, 2:18 PM
Anyone on here more au fait with the law than me?? Can Danny Drew use Shels as an example of the shambles that is licencing or must he stick to putting across Limericks case without using any other clubs? If it's the former he has a pretty good case, if it's the latter he hasn't a leg to stand on

It's all moot anyway IMO because I reckon there's as much chance of Lord Lucan appearing in the High Court charged with having unlawful carnal knowledge of Shergar as there is of Mr. Drew making an appearance

Not my area of expertise by any manner of means but in short I don't think so.

08/01/2007, 3:56 PM
Not my area of expertise by any manner of means but in short I don't think so.

I doubt it either, it would be similar to getting caught speeding and attempting to get off by arguing that everybody else around you was speeding but you were the only one that got caught. In essence, the argument is "We're guilty, but we're not the only ones"
The main problem there is that by taking that approach it's an immediate admission of guilt and a judge may simply throw the case out then and there.

08/01/2007, 5:28 PM
not an expert on this but if dd can show that a precident had been set that allowed a club to gain a licence without completely compliing with the manual requirements then he may be able to show he was singled out for special trteatment

pineapple stu
08/01/2007, 5:37 PM
you tell me, it was you and DmanDmythDledge who brought it up.
It was sniffa who brought up the restructuring. Myself and DmanDmythDledge both said that was nonsense.

not an expert on this but if dd can show that a precident had been set that allowed a club to gain a licence without completely compliing with the manual requirements then he may be able to show he was singled out for special trteatment
Problem is that no-one's actually fallen foul of the licencing yet. You can't really fail under the current wordings because it's all "If the club have no other plans or an agreement in place or a budget", then the club "may not get a licence" which "may not allow them compete in the league". So actually everyone's probably complied with the manual - even Shels - because all it asks is that you take note of a few things and make up a budget or a plan to get rid of them.

08/01/2007, 5:40 PM
Problem is that no-one's actually fallen foul of the licencing yet. You can't really fail under the current wordings because it's all "If the club have no other plans or an agreement in place or a budget", then the club "may not get a licence" which "may not allow them compete in the league". So actually everyone's probably complied with the manual - even Shels - because all it asks is that you take note of a few things and make up a budget or a plan to get rid of them.

agree with the princible but that means ollies plans were acceptable while DD we not, now thats hard to take

pineapple stu
08/01/2007, 8:59 PM
but olly had plans and they were, somehow, within the rules.
Ah now. Think before you type.

Anyone could make up the plans Ollie made up. Even Danny Drew.

pineapple stu
08/01/2007, 9:50 PM
Shels don't have a board of directors either. What's your point?

Lim till i die
09/01/2007, 11:07 AM
Shels don't have a board of directors either. What's your point?

He's not sure

A lecture on board members from a Rovers fan :eek: :rolleyes: