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03/01/2007, 6:04 PM
On Off the Ball shortly...

03/01/2007, 6:08 PM
and saddem was not even allowed a final statement

03/01/2007, 6:28 PM
He is getting ratty now.

03/01/2007, 6:30 PM
He's always ratty to some degree..
I half-feel for him..

03/01/2007, 6:39 PM
I half-feel for him..

No way, he sounded exactly like the tossers who tried to kill Rovers - self-pitying and in denial. If Shels fans don't take their club back NOW they have no-one to blame but themselves for what's going to happen to their club.


03/01/2007, 6:51 PM
Is there a link online?

03/01/2007, 6:54 PM
I will have a link to the material kindly supplied to us by Newstalk. It will be up within the hour!!!

03/01/2007, 6:55 PM
Did I get the end of the interview right? Did Ollie say he won't step down at Shels, even if its to save the club?

03/01/2007, 7:00 PM


Mr A
03/01/2007, 7:04 PM
Thanks for that Gareth.

Mr A
03/01/2007, 7:04 PM
"At the end of the day, I have unfortunately given my life to Shelbourne football club"

03/01/2007, 7:06 PM
Fair play to Ollie but then they had Daniel McDonnell on again spouting his opinion on all of this. :eek:

The station is called Newstalk :rolleyes:

03/01/2007, 7:07 PM
"At the end of the day, I have unfortunately given my life to Shelbourne football club"Here's hoping....

03/01/2007, 7:08 PM
He said it "would be too much for him to relinguish all activity in the club"

03/01/2007, 7:09 PM
He refuses to discuss non-payment of wages.

03/01/2007, 7:10 PM
Maybe someone "up there" does'nt like me

Mr A
03/01/2007, 7:14 PM
Or maybe they do...

03/01/2007, 7:15 PM
Smoke and mirrors again.

"we had a bad year financially last year" - you've had a bad year EVERY year since 2003. You just postponed the inevitable by borrowing E6.5m.

"not getting revenue in the off-season is causing a cash-flow problem" No sh1t Sherlock, who'd have seen that one coming?! Its not a cash-flow problem, its a management problem!

Then wouldn't talk about wages outstanding.

Its like he's suddenly arrived at this doomsday situation and didn't see it coming, when the rest of football community has been talking about it for 18-24 months.


03/01/2007, 7:19 PM
Fair play to Ollie but then they had Daniel McDonnell on again spouting his opinion on all of this. :eek:

The station is called Newstalk :rolleyes:

No, its called Newstalk ;)

03/01/2007, 7:22 PM

Mp3 link for those of us banned on the Shels forum :D

03/01/2007, 7:23 PM
The guy wouldnt talk about Dillon situation or wages, sounds like a crabbnit fellow. Has he got a lisp? BTW whose idea was it to put an "s" in the word lisp?

03/01/2007, 7:26 PM
"the amount of young children attending games". He meant Skooligans. He's nearly crying!! HA HA HA HA :D :D

03/01/2007, 7:33 PM
he lost the biscuit once players were mentioned!!!:eek:

The Sheliban
03/01/2007, 7:38 PM
Reading between the lines, I thought it was fairly obvious that he'd agreed with Newstalk in advance what the subject of the interview would be, and then the interviewer ignored it and asked taboo questions anyway.

Two points - Newstalk presenters are too smug for their own good and Ollie just comes across bad in interviews.

03/01/2007, 7:40 PM
what did ollie come on to talk about so?

investors? lol...

03/01/2007, 7:51 PM
Ollie just comes across bad in interviews.and in the rest of his life.

Mr A
03/01/2007, 8:21 PM
Fair play to Ollie but then they had Daniel McDonnell on again spouting his opinion on all of this. :eek:

The station is called Newstalk :rolleyes:

Jeez, slight grudge going on there.....

A face
03/01/2007, 8:33 PM
Fair play to Ollie but then they had Daniel McDonnell on again spouting his opinion on all of this. :eek:

The station is called Newstalk :rolleyes:

To be fair he is only doing his job. It could be called 'investigative' reporting if anything. He had to expect he was going to be needled to some extent, if anything he got off lightly.

03/01/2007, 9:01 PM
To be fair he is only doing his job. It could be called 'investigative' reporting if anything. He had to expect he was going to be needled to some extent, if anything he got off lightly.

I think I'll email them about it. It's blatant false advertising the station is called Newstalk and they've someone on giving opinion - won't someone please think of the children who can't tell the difference.

You seem to have a good list of contacts face - info@fai.ie, imawhinginglanger@cork.ck etc etc

A face
03/01/2007, 9:07 PM
I think I'll email them about it. It's blatant false advertising the station is called Newstalk and they've someone on giving opinion - won't someone please think of the children who can't tell the difference.

You seem to have a good list of contacts face - info@fai.ie, imawhinginglanger@cork.ck etc etc

What say what now ??

Or was Galway Harps right when he said "Jeez, slight grudge going on there....." .... i mean if that is the case then i take back what i said and i'm staying out of it.

03/01/2007, 9:18 PM
The 'bad financial year' stuff was pathetic. Shels won the league. :rolleyes:

Had to laugh when interviewer (clearly prompted from someone else as he wouldn't have a clue about the eL) started to ask about the wages situation. Oilys 'right now that wasn't our agreement for puff piece' attempts were classic Oily :D

I don't want Shels to go bust but would nice to see them wounded & struggle in bottom half of gthe Premier.

03/01/2007, 9:37 PM
He's always ratty to some degree..
I half-feel for him..

'He's always kind-of mad' :D

04/01/2007, 1:52 AM
Reading between the lines, I thought it was fairly obvious that he'd agreed with Newstalk in advance what the subject of the interview would be, and then the interviewer ignored it and asked taboo questions anyway.

Two points - Newstalk presenters are too smug for their own good and Ollie just comes across bad in interviews.

Don't see any point in interviewing Ollie unless you're going to ask him pertinent questions so I'd say fair play to the lads for asking the questions they did. I'd say it often happens that interviewers ask questions they've agreed not to ask but sometimes it's the only way to get an answer to the questions you want answered.

The Sheliban
04/01/2007, 5:56 AM
Fair enough, but if you go ahead and ask those questions anyway, don't be surprised if the interviewee gets tetchy.
To be honest though, I found it all very vague and aspirational, nothing new and did little to inspire confidence.

04/01/2007, 10:57 AM
in fairness Ollie successfully assured us all of whats goin on

the final negotians on the death of shelbourne is the size of the pay off for Mr Byrne from his "investors" (ie the ppl doing the land deal out there- which he calls investors!) - they obviously wont budge

he wont budge

he'll be gone soon enough

04/01/2007, 5:13 PM
in fairness Ollie successfully assured us all of whats goin on

the final negotians on the death of shelbourne is the size of the pay off for Mr Byrne from his "investors" (ie the ppl doing the land deal out there- which he calls investors!) - they obviously wont budge

he wont budge

he'll be gone soon enough

I'm not so sure.

Ollie has nothing else in his life except Shelbourne. No wife, kids or grandkids to divert his energies to. No discernible hobbies outside of the game, and seemingly very few friends. He is therefore psychologically dependent upon Shelbourne FC to give his existence on earth some vague sort of meaning. If he loses Shelborune, he loses the only life he has. What is he supposed to spend his time on instead ?

Ollie is dependent upon Shelbourne like a drug, and it is that dependency that will see him destroy the very thing he needs....

Jerry The Saint
04/01/2007, 5:29 PM
Ollie is dependent upon Shelbourne like a drug, and it is that dependency that will see him destroy the very thing he needs....

Would he say that Shelbourne FC is his precioussssss? He does have a history of working with hobbits.

04/01/2007, 5:42 PM
Ollie is dependent upon Shelbourne like a drug, and it is that dependency that will see him destroy the very thing he needs....

Have to agree there - like a drug addict needs his heroin

or a smoker needs his cigarettes...

04/01/2007, 5:53 PM
I don't want Shels to go bust but would nice to see them wounded & struggle in bottom half of gthe Premier.

Sounds good to me:D A relegation struggle would do them the world of good.

04/01/2007, 6:47 PM

Ollie on TV3. Thanks to Raheny Red on the Shels forum

"We might have to look at going part time..."

Nothing really new.

04/01/2007, 7:41 PM
Watch it again - things have truly come to a sorry state in Tolka when Ollie can't even afford a bit of tape to hold his broken glasses together.

04/01/2007, 9:03 PM
His glasses are very cool the way they open and close.

04/01/2007, 9:24 PM
God, is there no end to the adulation of Ollie among you lot? :D

04/01/2007, 10:02 PM
Notice how he talks about how going part time is something that "we" will have to consider... It's just him!

He's skitzo and has broken glasses, this is great revealing journalism by TV3! :p

04/01/2007, 10:36 PM
I have always thought his galsses were very novel and if you owned a pair I would tip my hat your way too, even if your a Pats fan :)

As for the Tv3 bit, nothing new, nothing new.

04/01/2007, 10:43 PM

Is Ollies nose getting bigger?

04/01/2007, 11:08 PM
Poor Oily is like a less sophisticated version of Max Bialystock from 'The Producers'

04/01/2007, 11:13 PM
Poor Oily is like a less sophisticated version of Max Bialystock from 'The Producers'

Maybe he reckons he can make more money if the club is a failure... :confused: :D

04/01/2007, 11:20 PM
First old lady rolls up:
"Congratulations - you now own 50% of Shelbourne FC"

Second old lady rolls up:
Congratulations - you now own 50% of Shelbourne FC

Third old lady toddles up:
Congratulations - you now own 75% of Shelbourne FC

Fourth old lady rolls up:
Congratulations - you now own 162% of Shelbourne FC

and so on

04/01/2007, 11:21 PM
''No Way Outtttttt''