View Full Version : Happy New Year!!

30/12/2006, 11:55 AM
As I'm sitting in the pleasant surroundings of Clayton Square Shopping Centre, Liverpool, on the computer for the last time in 2006, I would to wish all the forumites on foot.ie a happy 2007. This time next year, Liverpool will be celebrating the new year by becoming the European City of Culture!! Hopefully I will be in this wonderful city for that.

BTW, they are still playing Christmas music in the store!!:eek: :D

Pauro 76
31/12/2006, 5:14 PM
Ill be in Hendon, NW London with the mot, so ill wish you guys back home and all over the world a Happy New Year! Hope 2007 brings ya what you're after! ;)

31/12/2006, 8:02 PM
Right I'm logging out now. Probably won't be on again til next year so happy new year! Hope it's a good one.

01/01/2007, 1:21 AM
Just arrived back from pub after seeing in New Year with family and friends, but wanted to take first opportunity to wish all foot.ier's a very Happy and prosperous New Year, even those those from Cork :D and those who whom I have had a difference of opinion (or several differences) during the year.

Football is a great game and it is great when people express their opinions with knowledge, with arrogance (mainly from Cork :D) but most of all with passion for the game and for their clubs.

Bray will survive in 2007 and will ruffle feathers along the way. Love them or loathe them, it is good to see Rovers back in top flight.

It will be great to see both soccer and rugby in Croke Park.

Looking forward to trips to San Marino and the week away in September in Eastern Europe, but I still think we will come up short of qualifying (hope I am wrong).

Happy New Year to all on this forum.

01/01/2007, 1:59 AM
new year deadly buzz

01/01/2007, 2:20 AM
I'm fed up of 2007 already - can I trade it in for 2006 again please?:D

01/01/2007, 2:43 AM
Happy New Year from Japan, ほんねんもよろしくおねがいいたします。

01/01/2007, 1:37 PM
Only 8 years until Hoverboards!!!