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16/11/2002, 10:57 PM
I'm sure many will follow this post with their own version of tonights events but I'll just let you know what I saw.

The shed hada very weird atmosphere tonight. WAY too many 14-year-old drunks (summed up by the one standing next to me who asked me at the final whistle what the score was). There seemed to be a lot of chat or something. We would definately have left but for the cold and that legend Stephen O'Brien.

Anyway, throughout the game there were coins being tossed in our direction. I spotted the culprit but decided to let it go. Then one hit Colm with about 10 minutes to go. He went and got the stewards who came to take away the throwers. Then the throwers friends came and hoped on the stewards.

Stewards called for backup and police arrived. Eventually there were about six stewards and three pigs around us. At the final whistle, we asked what they were going to do about it and they started to tell us not to get cheeky with them.

James arrived with his camera and took some photos and they immediately went looking for the film fromthe digital camera. James was outnumbered seven to one so I went over to help him when I was told to "go home, this is a one-on-one conversation".

9pm hit and the stewards ****ed off bang on time, leaving us with some over-agressive pigs. We split us and Me, James, and Ruairi went to look for Brian. We explained it to him, he talked to the head steward, then to us. He basically said he knows the problem and he'd look into it.

Then I went back to the car to find a parking ticket!!! The same place I've parked for the past three years! I love those pigs!

17/11/2002, 1:11 PM
If Lennox doesn't do something quick there will be a riot in the Shed. Those little ****s throwing coins and bottles and antagonising people have to be kicked out and banned.

And it's no good hiring monkeys like the stewards they have at the moment. They need people who know what they are doing.

XXXXXXX XXXXX* is the name of the steward that was called to sort out the little ****ers in the Shed throwing coins. After one fella got a smack in the eye at the back of the Shed his response was "that's your own problem biy".

Lennox, get that XXXXXXX XXXXX* and his monkey colleagues out of the job if they can't do it. GET PROPER STEWARDS.

There was also a young Garda who assaulted the same fella who got a smack.

There was then 3 Garda and about 6 stewards harrassing a fella because he had taken photos of the incidents. Hard men alright!

So you have a situation where a fella gets a puck and the response is "that's your own problem" and a fella takes a few photos and there's about 10 threatening him.

Sort sh!t out or this will blow up in your face.....

* Boom, this probably isn't the place to going naming people - joe

17/11/2002, 1:45 PM
There was no banners in the Shed last night. Was it the same little bástards who were pulling them down at the Pats game? Is that why they weren't hung up last night?

17/11/2002, 2:13 PM
lads the scenes in the shed last night were disgusting.
this has been brewing for quite some time now.
the stewards hadnt a clue what they were doing and couldnt control a 15yo scumbag as tall as their chests...!

the gardai were a complete disgrace last night. not only for the 2 shouting 'up longford', but they then turn on a true fan who was clearly struck and was in some element of shock after talkin to him up to 30mins after the match but i mean the gardai then try and take him away???
i would have made my voice heard except i was afraid i might get arrested too. what way is this to feel about the pack of idiots who are apparently protecting us in this city???

i was trying to cheer the team on to get the unlikely second goal. but i was told to calm down by the gardai.
i'm watching the match - do your job and get them out!!!
the level of arrogance, obnoxiousness and sheer piggery displayed by those gardai last night has left me with very little respect for the force due to the appearance of these "law inforcers".

17/11/2002, 2:21 PM
Originally posted by rolo
the gardai were a complete disgrace last night. not only for the 2 shouting 'up longford', but they then turn on a true fan who was clearly struck
I heard that too. Fúckin hell like :mad:

Am I right in saying that the Gardaí there last night had no numbers on? The Garda who shouted 'Up Longford' is a great help alright. He's the same Garda who then assaulted the fella who was hit by the coin and who asked for something to be done.

Sort it out Lennox.....

17/11/2002, 2:43 PM
Originally posted by Neil
There was no banners in the Shed last night. Was it the same little bástards who were pulling them down at the Pats game? Is that why they weren't hung up last night?
The FourFiveOne banner was damaged at the Pats game. That's why it wasn't put up last night. It's depressing when City "fans" are trying to destroy Cork City flags...

17/11/2002, 2:45 PM
Ok, as most of you know I was the one who was punched in the eye and another fella also got a lesser smack. Two girls were hit in the side of the head with coins, there was a lot of pushing, abuse and stuff thrown onto the pitch.
One particular Guard acted in a completely disgraceful and unacceptable manner when I pointed out the scumbag that hit me. This "hard man" grabbed my arm agressively and told me to shut up and watch the match. In fairness though, when I said it to his superior officer, he was very understanding and said he too thought that it was unacceptable and he said that they think the shed is getting totally out of hand.
As for the stewards, well they are the biggest shower of useless overgrown apes I have ever set eyes on. One guy, who was named above, told my to **** off and it wasnt his problem. These stewards are a bunch of uneducated thugs who are not doing their jobs. It honestly wouldnt surprise me if the little scumbags causing the trouble were the stewards younger brothers because they appear to be the same kind of scum. I hope that Lennox sacks the whole lot of them and employs some professional, well trained security personnell .
The young knackers who were causing the trouble should never be allowed set foot in the cross again and anyone who recognises them at the next game should demand that they are ejected from the ground without delay. We the TRUE city supporters in conjunction with the club have to make sure that scum like that are kept out of our club.

Brian Lennox, the onus is on you to act...

17/11/2002, 2:50 PM
Originally posted by Neil
There was no banners in the Shed last night. Was it the same little bástards who were pulling them down at the Pats game? Is that why they weren't hung up last night? Yes Neil, it seems to be the same crowd at it the whole time. While its not only my call, I will be recommending that flags are not hung at the back of the shed again as they will only be damaged. It is a pity because they looked great but it shows that if they are damaging CORK CITY FLAGS then they cannot call themselves city fans.
Anyone got any suggestions on another suitable place within the ground to hang the flags?

17/11/2002, 3:06 PM
Originally posted by shedite
I'm sure many will follow this post with their own version of tonights events but I'll just let you know what I saw.

The shed hada very weird atmosphere tonight. WAY too many 14-year-old drunks (summed up by the one standing next to me who asked me at the final whistle what the score was). There seemed to be a lot of chat or something. We would definately have left but for the cold and that legend Stephen O'Brien.

Anyway, throughout the game there were coins being tossed in our direction. I spotted the culprit but decided to let it go. Then one hit Colm with about 10 minutes to go. He went and got the stewards who came to take away the throwers. Then the throwers friends came and hoped on the stewards.

Stewards called for backup and police arrived. Eventually there were about six stewards and three pigs around us. At the final whistle, we asked what they were going to do about it and they started to tell us not to get cheeky with them.

James arrived with his camera and took some photos and they immediately went looking for the film fromthe digital camera. James was outnumbered seven to one so I went over to help him when I was told to "go home, this is a one-on-one conversation".

9pm hit and the stewards ****ed off bang on time, leaving us with some over-agressive pigs. We split us and Me, James, and Ruairi went to look for Brian. We explained it to him, he talked to the head steward, then to us. He basically said he knows the problem and he'd look into it.

Then I went back to the car to find a parking ticket!!! The same place I've parked for the past three years! I love those pigs!

Sickening. This has to be dealt with now. No more excuses from the club, they´re going to lose fans if this continues

17/11/2002, 3:17 PM
it´s got totally out of hand

17/11/2002, 3:22 PM
This incident has to be brought up at the fans forum meeting.

17/11/2002, 3:24 PM
agreed. assurances MUST be sought AND given on that night that action will be taken.

17/11/2002, 3:33 PM
yet again the shed boys and the ars bandits are throwing bottles and coins
knock the shed now before they disgrace us anymore
come on the corner boys

17/11/2002, 3:42 PM
bye bye shed
no longer can you disgrace us other cork city supporters wit your hooligan antics
i hear there having auditions for the sequel to I.D.
the shed boys and the murphy out boys wit be perfect for it....
long live the corner boys

17/11/2002, 4:43 PM
[ Threads "disgrace in the shed" and "bye bye shed" merged. ]

17/11/2002, 4:58 PM
Originally posted by Conor74
But most of the Shed seemed very much "Murphy In" boys. Jees, they started a chant of "Murphy is a legend" at one stage that nearly made me fall over. I had to laugh, what else can you do? And the Shed booed many Murphy Out shouts.

I thought the "pro"-Murphy chants were sarcastic??
If not, then we had a section of the crowd who were only there to cause trouble. Is it a Saturday night thing?
I stand at the front and right (as you face the pitch) side of the shed, and long time City supporters who stand around there were all very anti-Murphy last night. I shouted at Daly a few times, and when one guy asked what my problem with Daly was, I told him that if he had been at Richmond Park a week earlier, he would know. I think he actually agreed with me then. Anyway my point was that, were these guys here simply because of the night it was? I don't think they are at City games all the time.
If they are going to be regularly allowed into matches, we are going to lose a lot of fans...

17/11/2002, 6:17 PM
Originally posted by oddboy

were these guys here simply because of the night it was? I don't think they are at City games all the time.
If they are going to be regularly allowed into matches, we are going to lose a lot of fans... I don't really think it is anything to do with what night it is because we had flag ripped down at the pats match (monday night) and at the Derry match (friday night) and there has been bottles and coins thrown at most matches this season.
The way I see it is that these little scumbags are ****ed out of their mind after a few cans of Dutch Gold and see Turners Cross/ The shed as a place to cause a bit of agro and act the knacker without getting caught.
Lennox has got to sort out security within the ground because the clowns who are supposed to be stewarding are, at present, nothing more than a complete waste of space and are only making matters worse.

Real ale Madrid
17/11/2002, 10:27 PM
Last night I was going to go into the shed. But as I had a few young lads with me I decided aginst it because I could see what was going to happen. There was a load of young lads up there shouting "up, up" whenever a ball got kicked out over the wall while the city were warming up. Now I know this is usually a bit of craic, but when young drunks are the ones shoting it, it becomes plain messing. So we sat in the derrynane end (unusual for me!) and I wached the game. We could see there was trouble all right.
IMO all the proper city fans should conregate at the ST. Annes end for the $hel$ game and when the trouble flares up, as it will at the next game the thugs will be isolated. It's terrible that it has to come to this but with the evening k.o.'s we seemed to have attacted some of the type of support we don't need. Also EVERYONE who was maligned should write to the club as I will because I think Mr. Lennox knows what should be done and will respond.
As if the game itself wasn't bad enough.

18/11/2002, 7:57 AM
This obviously has to be sorted out but I don't agree with this public idea. Anything brought up at the fans forum will be picked up by Prenderville and he'll have a field day.

18/11/2002, 8:18 AM
ill tell you whats worse.at the derry match(cup) and a cupple before it, theyre were those **** heads(the old fellas)-at the back of the shed with my lot.-before the match started and the crowds had come in the lads were there drinking away on a cupple of tinnies and the stewards after seeing them didnt do f~~K ALL to stop them.
the law are always over reactant in the shed then the stewards are lazy and ignorant.

18/11/2002, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by shedite
This obviously has to be sorted out but I don't agree with this public idea. Anything brought up at the fans forum will be picked up by Prenderville and he'll have a field day.
Fair point but I don´t see any other way of doing anything about it. The club has been warned time and time again about this problem and we´ve seen no action.

18/11/2002, 10:35 AM
Have to say after what happened in the shed, and what happened to Colm in particular, i won't be going back in a hurry. It was a feckin disgrace. The stewards were an absolute joke, they were getting stuck on colm for no feckin reason. And the Gardai were worse. "Turn around and watch the game" was their attitude, as opposed to actually doing something.

Lennox was very accomodating after the game it has to be said. He brought brought meself, James and Shedite into his office for about ten minutes. He wants the problem eradicated as much as we do, but whether or not anything will be done is anyone's guess. We suggested having a Garda and steward presence along the back wall of the shed, where they could see everything and kick out those responsible for throwing coins, bottles, fighting etc. A good idea in principle, but then again, whether or not it'll be done is another story.

And why are the stewards being paid to watch the game? Why don't they do their job and watch the feckin crowd?

18/11/2002, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Ruairi
Lennox was very accomodating after the game it has to be said. He brought brought meself, James and Shedite into his office for about ten minutes. He wants the problem eradicated as much as we do, but whether or not anything will be done is anyone's guess. We suggested having a Garda and steward presence along the back wall of the shed, where they could see everything and kick out those responsible for throwing coins, bottles, fighting etc. A good idea in principle, but then again, whether or not it'll be done is another story.
As far as I can see, now is a time for action not words

18/11/2002, 10:55 AM
i will always view the match from the shed, but my 2 buddies who i watched the match with have steadfastly told me they will never watch the game with me from the shed anymore.....

thats the way alot of support will go if this **** carries on....

18/11/2002, 11:06 AM
I think all the real sheddies should go to the St Annes end for the next game and make some kind of protest- maybe a banner saying "we want OUR shed back" or something

18/11/2002, 11:57 AM
Jeez didn't travel down for the game but sounds like the shed was a war zone last saturday.

I suggest maybe the stewards enforce an access area down the middle if the shed. Because theres no clear 'steps' in the shed i'd say its hard enough to wade in to extract trouble makers. If there was a gap down the middle of the shed with some stewards positioned along it mayb make trouble makers think twice?

From the descriptions above seems like genuine fans tried to act & were let down badly by the stewards & the club?

Sounds like the club need to act decisively on their previous threats of banning people as this isn't a problem that will be stopped at one game.


18/11/2002, 5:08 PM
btw only Guards in the Dublin City section are required to wear those number thingie on their shoulders.

Why they not required outside dublin city i think is a whole other discussion....

18/11/2002, 5:53 PM
Originally posted by pete
From the descriptions above seems like genuine fans tried to act & were let down badly by the stewards & the club?
Thats a first...........NOT :rolleyes:

18/11/2002, 7:03 PM
Blimey this is a depressing thread!
If any of you knew my vision for the future "Shed" I'm sure you'd work you backsides off to build it.

I haven't stood in the shed for over 5 years.
I don't have any tales of abuse or assault, I simply left to get a better view of the game.
I move around the pitch throughout the game so I hear the different levels of support from the different areas.
It's not uncommon to hear abuse being shouted from the stand so I'm not going condemn any particular area for "heat of the moment" comments.
What is apparent though is that the Shed houses the greater number of underage drinkers.
This is something which is glaringly obvious at many games and there is no excuse for the security staff not noticing it or being seen to deal with it.
While the game is in progress many of the club members present will be involved in one way or another and may not notice what is happening around the ground.
Therefore I think that the supporters club should "debrief" the witnesses and compile a short report on what they saw, how unprotected they felt and present it to the Club outlining what they think could be done immediately to nip this in the bud.
The club has achieved a lot off the pitch in the last season and Brian Lennox will not let that all be ruined by a handful of delinquents.
On an additional note the Gardaí could be accused of inciting the crowd, which is extremely irresponsible especially since the club has to pay to have them there.
If I were the people involved I wouldn't fail to highlight this.
Be intelligent and constructive and your club will share your concerns. With cohesive condemnation and prompt action this can be resolved before it escalates.

Is James the new Donal McIntyre?
(Just wanted to finish on a lighter note)

18/11/2002, 7:52 PM
Couldnt have put it better myself Paeder!

A face
18/11/2002, 9:47 PM
Originally posted by pete
From the descriptions above seems like genuine fans tried to act & were let down badly by the stewards & the club?

You bettter believe it ..... I didn't the stewards were that bad, but it seems they dont actually give a toss !!

Originally posted by Peadar
If I were the people involved I wouldn't fail to highlight this.
Be intelligent and constructive and your club will share your concerns. With cohesive condemnation and prompt action this can be resolved before it escalates.

Well said ..... a rational approach needs to be adopted, and it will not be that hard to resolve, and might change attitudes at the same time.

19/11/2002, 7:40 AM
I agree with you knocktheshad on that one. It was a total disgrace what happend in the shed last friday night.Ithink that if there was any other fans from other clubs at the match they are laughing at what happend and what they saw last friday night at the cross i my self was appold at what happend and you wood not see that happin in the corner cos it wood not be the right thing to do there cos they wood be stop strat away plus i cant wate tell they knock the shed.

19/11/2002, 10:00 AM
I was in the shed when the scum started all their crap on sat nite. Fair play to the real city fans for calling the stewards who in turn disgraced the club as much as the scum who were throwing the bottles and coins. The actions of the stewards and guardi were inexcusable. Pathetic is the more apropriate word to describe their actions.

The scum who threw the bottles/coins are not city fans and not regular shed enders. They come for a "laugh" and a mess around. Somewhere they can be drunk without having to hide from the guards in alleys and fields. Its easy to hide in a crowd.

I will continue to stand in the shed as I personnally don't like sitting down at matches. This may change if these scum are continued to be left into the ground. U15/U16 should have to be accompanied by an adult in my opinion if they want to be left into the ground. This will at least deter some of these little scumbags from going to the matches.

I also want to keep standing in the shed as I don't want the actions of a few little scumbags to cause every decent city supporter who frequent the shed to have to go and watch the game from another part of the ground. A shed full of real city supporters can still generate a brilliant atmosphere at the ground and that in my opinion is worth fighting for. We shouldnt give into the mindless few. Its time real city supporters claimed back our shed. To all the real city supporters, Point out and shame anyone who you see acting in a way that brings shame to our great club.

19/11/2002, 12:20 PM
Jesus, sounds like it's getting really out of hand. The stewards' inaction doesn't surprise me much on past experience.

You need to get the club to sort that out ASAP or it'll just get worse.

19/11/2002, 1:05 PM
Depressing reading alright.

19/11/2002, 1:34 PM
Originally posted by NorthoftheLee
A shed full of real city supporters can still generate a brilliant atmosphere at the ground and that in my opinion is worth fighting for. We shouldnt give into the mindless few. Its time real city supporters claimed back our shed. To all the real city supporters, Point out and shame anyone who you see acting in a way that brings shame to our great club.

Hear hear! get the little ****s out of the Shed and make it the best support in the league once more.

Peadar, some very good points in there, I found myself agreeing with you a worrying number of times:eek: ;)

19/11/2002, 1:34 PM
Originally posted by knocktheshed
bye bye shed
no longer can you disgrace us other cork city supporters wit your hooligan antics
i hear there having auditions for the sequel to I.D.
the shed boys and the murphy out boys wit be perfect for it....
long live the corner boys

You are a bit of a muppet Id say knocktheshed. What do the Murphy OUT boys have to do with anything in this thread. For once this is a chat regarding something else within the club which needs addressing as soon as possible.

19/11/2002, 1:45 PM
Originally posted by Peadar
Is James the new Donal McIntyre?

some good points there though peadar bar that!

19/11/2002, 4:06 PM
Originally posted by James

some good points there though peadar bar that!

so you were the guy getting shoved around the place by the cops?

the cops haven't a clue

Shed End John
19/11/2002, 4:07 PM
Yeah, I have tom agree with the tone of this thread. What happened was a disgrace. I had some fella squaring up to me after I told him to stop throwing coins and guess what one of the stewards said to me "Your problem, f**k off bud". Fantastic! Just inspires confidence doesn't it? Bunch of goddamn cowboys, only in it for the money.
Still though, I think special mention should go to Colm and the lads for showing such self-restraint under the most testing of circumstances. And a REALLY big 'thank you' to James for having the prescence of mind to catch on camera the shoddy job done by both stewards and Gardaí on the night.

Murphy Out Now!!!

19/11/2002, 5:21 PM
well, I've just read the report on the incidents in tonights echo,
-"Cork City will immediatly move to crush any young troublemakers in the Shed"
-Brian Lennox: "we will not tolerate that type of behaviour and there is no way we will allow a minority like that spoil a good nights football for our genuine supporters"

-they mention that bottle and coins were thrown, they neglect to mention that people were hit in the head by the coins.
-they also failed to mention that people were assaulted and that genuine City supporters were verbally abused throught the second half.

I can't decide whether it was a good or a bad thing that this even came out in the paper because if it's public knowledge it may dicourage decent people from coming to future games.
Also, I think calling these scumbags hooligans is giving them too much credit.

19/11/2002, 5:25 PM
Originally posted by dalo
so you were the guy getting shoved around the place by the cops?

nope i wasnt shoved around by the cops!

20/11/2002, 1:21 PM
Originally posted by COLM
Also, I think calling these scumbags hooligans is giving them
too much credit.
Agreed. Also saying that they will "crush young trouble makers in the shed" gives the impression that it´s the only part of the ground that has problems. No double standards- no messing- sort it out

22/11/2002, 11:56 AM
i am one of the girls that colm mentioned earlier that was hit on the head with coins.i went home from the game saturday night with a bruise on my arm and a few on my leg after being,pushed and kicked before being thrown backwards down the shed.luckily for me another supporter caught onto me before i landed on the ground.ive been going into the shed for four years and ive never ever had a problem with the people in there until this season.it wasnt too bad before the pats game but that night a little guy tried to hop onto me cos i said excuse me and tried to get past him.its a disgrace that our fellow "supporters" feel the need to start fights among themselves and drag other GENUINE supporters into it.only a few weeks ago a fella standing behind me in the shed told another supporter that if he didnt shut up he'd stab him.not sure if it was actually a knife he had in his hand but sure.

22/11/2002, 12:24 PM
Well Erika, you should be complaining long and loud to BL.
You've put a lot of time and effort into City and you don't have to put up with this kind of crap.

23/11/2002, 8:28 AM
Look here (http://www.rte.ie/aertel/p228.htm) to see what Rovers are doing with their morons.