View Full Version : what about lennox?

14/11/2002, 12:30 PM
despite some of the obnoxious stuff of the daft anti murphy brigade what do people think of lennox's role in all this.

he after all had the final say in mulligan going.

I think there is more to this than meets the eye. why else leave the squad short a striker?

as for eanna's comment about "gunther leaving / falling with good players before" who?- herrick flanagan stephen o'flynn. cmon give me a break.

moreover the moron's who object to noelle role in the club really haven't a clue. just because ye go the games ye think ye deserve to insult people like her?

sorry lads but a lot of people who are MURPHY OUT!!!! are certainly little more than yobs and after hearing ye at richmond park last week ye are doing yereselves no favours

14/11/2002, 1:18 PM
Originally posted by dalo
despite some of the obnoxious stuff of the daft anti murphy brigade what do people think of lennox's role in all this.

Well as chairman unless hes going to remove Murphy in the short term then he has no other option but to back his manager.

Lennox has as far as i've noticed been at all city games this season so hes seeing our great home form & abismal away performances.

Unfortunately looks like hes writting off supporter anger as frustration on seeing their side lose heavily.

14/11/2002, 1:34 PM
Originally posted by pete

Well as chairman unless hes going to remove Murphy in the short term then he has no other option but to back his manager.

Unfortunately looks like hes writting off supporter anger as frustration on seeing their side lose heavily.

maybe the two are linked. i think a lot of gunther thing owes more to frustation at not being top of the league than anythingelse apart from eanna and a few others.

also the anti gunther group are just ****ing in the wind. i really doubt out of the 5,000 to 6,000 supporters they represent no more than a couple of hundred. 9i do think gunther should step down but i couldn't really say I identify with the anti-gunther brigade whose attacks are more personalised than anything else)

one must remmeber than apart form noel o'mahony we never did finish any higher than second. not that I am saying second is ever good enough (it isn't) but is gunther a worse manager than eamonn o'keefe, hindmarch, that awful mountfield and dare i say it dave barry?

14/11/2002, 2:05 PM
Originally posted by dalo
one must remmeber than apart form noel o'mahony we never did finish any higher than second. not that I am saying second is ever good enough (it isn't) but is gunther a worse manager than eamonn o'keefe, hindmarch, that awful mountfield and dare i say it dave barry?

Hindmarsh & Mountfield didn't last too long as we're very good. Dave Barry took the club from nowhere to somewhere - although he was unable to cope with Pats 3-5-2 on almost every occasion we played them.

Its always interestingly to here the opinions of sunshine supporters at the cross as they're opinions not biased by actually knowing who the players are.

Murphy is showing no signs of improvement & the away form for the last 2 seasons have been abismal. Does he have so much confidence in his players never to often encouragment or ideas from the bench?


14/11/2002, 2:30 PM
I was not shouting Murphy out at Richmond last Friday, but I agree completely with the sentiment.
He is not up to the job, and here is why I think so:
He is a loser.
He gives up.
He moans about our away form, but surely the buck stops with him.
With over a third of the league to go and 33 points to play for he says we cannot win the league.
We have one really great striker and one decent striker, who is still learning, in our squad. =>2 strikers. He releases a proven and experienced striker. If one of our 2 gets injured, we will now have to play either a midfielder or with just one up front.
He insists on playing D. Daly, a once great player, whose day is long gone.
He seems utterly incapable of solving problems during games.
He does not appear to command the respect or belief of some of the squad.
His preparation of the side going out to play a match is non-existent.
During games, the match just passes him by. He stands there as if he cannot do anything about anything.

Devine said on the echo tonight that "we have the best supported club in the country, some of the best players and the biggest crowds."
Why do we have one of the worst managers??

BTW, it was because of the rumours about him on this forum and Citynet that Devine spoke out.
So maybe the players are watching?
So, I'm REALLY, REALLY SORRY Billy and George....;)

14/11/2002, 2:54 PM
Gunther took over from Mountfield as they reckoned the man was not up to the job after a couple of months, why does Gunther get two years????
he has not proved himself, we are lucky that we have the best keeper in the el or else we would not have as good a home record as we do therefor we would not be in second place, we have a squad of good players, why shouldn't we expect results, after all various people in the management team had a hand in bringing mountfield stint to an end as they wanted to win silverware. I see no silverware why should he not be held accountable? If he feels he is being hard done by please explain how?

14/11/2002, 2:59 PM
Originally posted by Dricky
Gunther took over from Mountfield as they reckoned the man was not up to the job after a couple of months, why does Gunther get two years????
he has not proved himself, we are lucky that we have the best keeper in the el or else we would not have as good a home record as we do therefor we would not be in second place, we have a squad of good players, why shouldn't we expect results, after all various people in the management team had a hand in bringing mountfield stint to an end as they wanted to win silverware. I see no silverware why should he not be held accountable? If he feels he is being hard done by please explain how?

Hi guys we have heard all of this before but how do ye think lennox comes out of all this???????????????

14/11/2002, 3:10 PM
Originally posted by dalo

Hi guys we have heard all of this before but how do ye think lennox comes out of all this???????????????

Richer thats where he comes out of this :D :D

I think he is coming out of this poorly, he hasn't voiced his support for the actions of the manager, I think the club needs to be more transparent, they don't run a secret society, too many people have access to player etc the grapevine may not be accurate but the sad thing is that about a third of what comes from the grapevine is true.
Communication is lacking, Brian must realise that communication is a two way thing, if the information is given great but question have to be answered be through the media or web sites or even fan club meeting.

Shed End John
14/11/2002, 4:22 PM
Originally posted by pete

Well as chairman unless hes going to remove Murphy in the short term then he has no other option but to back his manager.

Unfortunately looks like hes writting off supporter anger as frustration on seeing their side lose heavily.

Exactly. A case in point, lest I open up a right can of worms, is Saipan. The players at the time backed Mick to a man. Now without him on the scene, at least one (McAteer), is more than willing to welcome Keane back into the fold.
Secondly, Gunther and Lennox can ignore the fans anger for only so long. Eventually the noise will get too loud to be ignored and something will have to be done, before the fans start voting with their feet.

Murphy Out Now!!!

14/11/2002, 7:43 PM
As always you are right Dalo. You are right about fans behaviour and you are dead right about Liam Murphy. :rolleyes:

Now as for your actual point - "what of Lennox", well i hate to say it, but i think that he is beginning to look bad. Okay, he will never look as bad as the last board, in that he seems enthusiastic and actually goes to matches, but a few problems are beginning to come to a head or indeed, have been festering for quite a bit ie the standard of stewarding, tannoy etc.

As for Noelle, well she has no right to tell anyone what to do ever. She is sticking her nose in where it aint wanted to much with too many people these days. Stick to the merchandising etc Noelle, you seem to be doing a good job there (although a few people tell me differently).

As for Gunther, well it strikes me as being odd that there has been no official press release with regard to Mulligan. Surely Lennox, Gunther, or both should have said something to the press to appease the fans curiosity. Also, with regard to Liam, I think that the guy hasnt taken the club anywhere in his 2 years as boss now. He brought in some quality players, but hasnt utilised them to their optimum ability. We were going very well, but if things keep going the way they are going, we will finish 5th IMO.

I reckon at this fan forum deally in a fortnight will tell an awful lot. I know i will have a few diplomatically worded questions. But what are the bets that it will be represented by Noelle and the SC chairman?

14/11/2002, 8:03 PM
Yes Dalo, we are all a bunch of yobs because we don't like Liam Murphy. And sure Dalo you're right about us being morons who havent a clue aswell.
You are giving out about insulting people yet you are doing you're best to insult people yourself.
You are giving out about our dislike of Liam Murphy yet if anyone dared to challenge your dislike of George O'Callaghan you would be up in arms.:rolleyes:

15/11/2002, 8:41 AM
Originally posted by GWA
As for Noelle, well she has no right to tell anyone what to do ever. She is sticking her nose in where it aint wanted to much with too many people these days. Stick to the merchandising etc Noelle, you seem to be doing a good job there (although a few people tell me differently).

Why exactly is Noelle being brought into the Lennox/Murphy discussion :confused:

Do you know what a PRO is supposed to do ? Stick her nose everywhere she can to raise the profile of the club. She's done great work for City through the years, even when the crowds were nearly non-existant, and the merchandising side of things has also vastly improved, so I don't think it's exactly fair to be bringin' her into all this......the only criticism I can think of is that the PRO side of things could be better, more pieces in the de paper (not just match reports) - although this is getting better as well, better advertising for upcoming games etc......

As for the original question, I think Lennox is starting to get a bit of the flak that's directed at Gunther....BL had to sign off on releasing Mull, so he has to be partly to blame, but do we know the full story ?? One thing is that I haven't read/seen any decent comments from Lennox as to how he thinks Gunther is performing etc....

15/11/2002, 8:49 AM
Originally posted by hoofball

Why exactly is Noelle being brought into the Lennox/Murphy discussion :confused:

Yes, she seems to be getting a bit of flak lately. Not being smart, but has she stepped on some people toes?

One thing is that I haven't read/seen any decent comments from Lennox as to how he thinks Gunther is performing etc....
Good point. You would have thought he would have given him his backing publicly, or made some sort of statement. A lot of posters on Citynet complain about Gunther too, and as we have seen from the Mickey Devine story, people in the club are aware of what is being posted on these forums. So, no public comment means that maybe Gunther is in his final couple of months?

15/11/2002, 9:04 AM
Originally posted by oddboy

Yes, she seems to be getting a bit of flak lately. Not being smart, but has she stepped on some people toes?

I don't all the stuff she does, so she could very well have, but I hadn't heard or seen anything (rumour or otherswise), which is why I was kinda surprised to see it......

So, no public comment means that maybe Gunther is in his final couple of months?

I was thinking along the same lines, maybe BL doesn't want to comment if he's going to let Gunther go at the end of January anyway. It could be as well that if he gives him the "Chairman's kiss of death" i.e. backing him publicly, Lennox could come in for more flak himself if results go against us afterwards....

15/11/2002, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by hoofball

BL had to sign off on releasing Mull, so he has to be partly to blame, but do we know the full story ??

A chairman will always support his manager. We never hear the full true story, that's the problem.

15/11/2002, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by niamh
A chairman will always support his manager. We never hear the full true story, that's the problem.

Yup, in public he'd have to be seen to support his manager up to the minute he sacks/releases him...

15/11/2002, 1:47 PM
Originally posted by oddboy

Yes, she seems to be getting a bit of flak lately. Not being smart, but has she stepped on some people toes?

A number of peoples toes, and she is ****ing an awful lot of people off, and not only fans but i know certain facts regarding her business acumen so to speak.

The reason I brought her into this conversation hoofball is because someone mentioned her previously with regard to something, but cant remember now and cant be arsed scrolling back :rolleyes: .

15/11/2002, 1:49 PM
Originally posted by dalo
despite some of the obnoxious stuff of the daft anti murphy brigade what do people think of lennox's role in all this.

he after all had the final say in mulligan going.

I think there is more to this than meets the eye. why else leave the squad short a striker?

as for eanna's comment about "gunther leaving / falling with good players before" who?- herrick flanagan stephen o'flynn. cmon give me a break.

moreover the moron's who object to noelle role in the club really haven't a clue. just because ye go the games ye think ye deserve to insult people like her?

sorry lads but a lot of people who are MURPHY OUT!!!! are certainly little more than yobs and after hearing ye at richmond park last week ye are doing yereselves no favours
Ah come on dalo, where do you get off boy? Just when you start talking sense you come out with this! I´ll try and limit myself to a few points on this:
1. I am fed up of anything thats anti-gunther being labelled as "Éanna etc" or "Éanna and gang" or whateveer- I speak for myself, no one else- if people agree/disagree with me, thats not my fault.

2.I´ll remind you that Kelvin was our top scorer on more than one occasion. The issue when he left those players go was that we had no cover for them.

3. I can´t say anything about the Noelle situation- I´ve been away for the last few months and haven´t had any dealings with her in that time, so I´m keeping my nose out of this one.

4. Most of the "Murphy Out" people who I know are the most committed city fans around. Not all of them make their feelings widely known for various reasons, but suffice it to say they are a sizeable percentage of the city support- I would estimate at least 70% of people I know.

5. The "Murphy Out" gang/organisation/group as such does not exist. There is no organised anti-gunther campaign- every person who does/says anything speaks for themself and themself alone. Naturally in that situation you will get some idiots- nothing I or anyone else can do about that.

6. Have a look at most of my posts on gunther dalo, and you will see sound and justified criticism of his shortcomings. Yes I have probably insulted the guy when I shouldn´t have, but that is out of frustration rather than any particular hatred of the man.

As for Lennox- as i said elsewhere, he has a choice: back gunther or sack gunther. There´s no middle ground. He has obviously chosen the former for the time being, which I regret but thats his decision. I think he´s made a good start as chairman but things are begining to hit rocky ground now- poor results, bad manager, mulligan, trouble at games. Now is the perfect time for Brian to reassert himself and take decisive action on the stewarding issue- if he believes murphy is the best manager for city right now, it´s his call, I won´t agree with it, but we have no choice but to accept it and hope for better times ahead.

15/11/2002, 1:56 PM
Originally posted by dalo
despite some of the obnoxious stuff of the daft anti murphy brigade

You seem to convieniently forget as well Dayglo that the Murphy Out "brigade" have had the exact same point all the time and are yet to be proved wrong about ANYTHING!!!

15/11/2002, 2:27 PM
Originally posted by pete
Yup, in public he'd have to be seen to support his manager up to the minute he sacks/releases him...
Thats the key to it. He had to make a decision one way or another, and he´s made his call

15/11/2002, 5:32 PM
Originally posted by GWA

The reason I brought her into this conversation hoofball is because someone mentioned her previously with regard to something, but cant remember now and cant be arsed scrolling back :rolleyes: .

Cheers GWA, was just wondering.......

Real ale Madrid
17/11/2002, 11:06 PM
There comes a time when it is obvious that a manager has taken a team as far as he can. If we want to be a top 5 team then:
let Gunther stay,
let Daly remain in the team
let's have a part time manager/players,
keep having cr*p away form
let's keep letting our best players leave.
My opinion on Gunther has wavered, I hardly ever get to go to away games because i can't afford it, so I only see what we do at home. I maen he's not the worst manager we have ever had but if we aspire to be champions then he must go because he is not good enough. Last nights game was a typical case in point.
First half and first ten minutes of scond half things going fine playing ok creating a few chances. But as soon as things go slightly wrong BANG we are like some kind of rudderless ship. No leadership. We have an extremely talanted bunch of players who are being mis-guided. How can a team show show much bottle one week(Bohs+Pats) and look like a bunch of disorientated players the next (Scum). Because the manager is poor. If you are happy with a top 4/5 team then Murphy IN. But if u aspire to be champions then Murphy OUT.

18/11/2002, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Real ale Madrid
How can a team show show much bottle one week(Bohs+Pats) and look like a bunch of disorientated players the next (Scum). Because the manager is poor. If you are happy with a top 4/5 team then Murphy IN. But if u aspire to be champions then Murphy OUT.
hear hear