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15/12/2006, 12:38 PM
David Breen has signed for Waterford.

Looks like he didnt take long to jump ship.

Can see a few more following him.

15/12/2006, 2:32 PM
Here we go again.:mad:
A little loyalty now and then would be good but i suppose the money talks.

15/12/2006, 4:38 PM
They will all take the money and run!!!

15/12/2006, 5:29 PM
i thought he wasn't that good this season murray carried him for a few games. falvey impressed me more the games he played when he wasn't injured

15/12/2006, 6:47 PM
I would agree but somehow breen managed to get in to the Team of the season!!

Mental Man
15/12/2006, 6:50 PM
Hi lads, word down here also is that cronin has held talks with Murray and warren from your club, what are they like?
Cronin is really strenghtening up the blues to get back into the premiere asap,we have money available now that we would have spent on players if we were in the premiere so hes shopping around,also he is sniffing around limerick to try and get back purcell and heffernan?

15/12/2006, 6:58 PM
rubbish! two of them are useless i'd stay well away if i was him!!!

Comic Book Guy
15/12/2006, 7:06 PM
I'd be surprised if they signed for ye especially now as both clubs are in the same division.

15/12/2006, 7:09 PM
especially warren he seems to be totally dedicated to ramblers, and very loyal.. hopefully they stay losing either one of them would be a massive blow for us.

16/12/2006, 9:36 AM
breen is from waterford so could see that coming

falvey = useless

heres an option..bring back willie byrne

16/12/2006, 11:52 AM
There were rumours at the end of the season that Murray and Holden would go to Waterford.

The players think they would have a better chance of getting promoted with Waterford then Cobh and if we lose a few of the players we had we will be in trouble.

Mental Man
16/12/2006, 2:56 PM
Cronin was just on local radio saying he is gonna move shortly in the next few days to discuss final contracts with players he has been talking to, looks like its warren and murray alright, we may be after willie doyle also , the chairman was also on and he said were pushing hard to win the league this year.
Keely is gonna sign for us also again, he likes the set up here locally, looks like we could be in for an interesting season ahead, see ye in the new season.

Dj Duffer
16/12/2006, 6:18 PM
Nismo youve gotta be joken, willy byrne?! Come on now like this is league of ireland football, he wouldnt be up too it anymore!! And i thought rams were going to be increasing their wage bill masively in order to have a very good chance of getting promoted?

16/12/2006, 6:47 PM
Increasing the wage bill!! We have gone from 2500 to 5000 a week and won a couple of points more. How much more do you think we need to pay?

16/12/2006, 7:48 PM
exactly dj duffer, willie byrne was class for us years ago, but years ago is no good to us now and hes only a average msl player.still a legend for what he has done in past years for us.falvey=useless is a shocking comment to make hes been class for us and still very young. its that negativity that shatters our own players confidence when they play in front of us..

Dj Duffer
16/12/2006, 8:54 PM
Supposedly with the new investors the wage bill will be the same as rovers last year- around the 12,000 mark! Falvey is looking good for the future aswell, very harsh and very wrong to call him useless..

don ramo
16/12/2006, 9:30 PM
sure we should sort the problems in the team out Now we dont want to have players playin for us next season, half dedicated cause they werent allowed go to waterford, first order of business get bruton back grab one our two young fellas on loan form maybe city our further afield if we can and grab a limerick player there is a whole squad to choose from up there, as for 12,000 wages a week forget it, we stay only part time one step at a time were not in the premier division, these figures will cripple the club we just got our premier licence which means the club is in great shape, no point in gettin ahead of ourselves, if we do get to the premier id say we stay part time bar maybe two our three very good players (look what happened to waterford when they got in and went pro straight away, same will happen to galway:D )and when we consolidate a good leauge position after a year our so we go pro, the investors arent guaranteed yet

17/12/2006, 5:49 PM
wilie bruton proved last season he has no interest in playing for us you were talking about half dedicated players, brutons not in dedicated to us anymore..

17/12/2006, 6:08 PM
(look what happened to waterford when they got in and went pro straight away, same will happen to galway:D )
sorry to go off-topic but waterford never went pro

don ramo
17/12/2006, 6:16 PM
they fooled me when they said it anyways, anyone else get fooled
sure thats why they went bust two years ago and they recovered only to be s****** anyways

18/12/2006, 11:55 AM
Blues never went pro. The most we had was about 5 pro's the time we were in the cup final.

Mental Man
18/12/2006, 12:40 PM
Heard from a player this morning that Willy Bruton is on his way back to the RSC, trying to get it confirmed but the player who told me knows Willy very well, we also confirmed the signing of Alan Keely ,so Cronin is assembling a very strong team and is expected to sign more within the next few days, was on local radio on saturday morning saying he hopes to have the full team nearly assembled by Xmas :cool: .

18/12/2006, 1:29 PM
ye can have willie bruton all ye want hopefully we can keep warren and murray..

don ramo
18/12/2006, 4:31 PM
what the hell is this willie bruton bashing about, hes a class player he stayed quiet, was made sit on the bench for two thirds of the season, started 13 games and got five goals(please tell me how thats bad), its hendos fault he didnt get more. what do you expect form him if hes not playin:mad:

Dj Duffer
18/12/2006, 5:06 PM
Also heard today that davin and keiran o reilly are heading to waterford aswell, i prayed to god this isnt true, well have no one left!!

18/12/2006, 5:19 PM
We might have to go to Waterford to see Ramblers play!!!

Has hendo signed anybody for the season ahead??

Mental Man
18/12/2006, 5:27 PM
Lads you are more than welcome up at the RSC, we will make you feel "at home" up at the back of block E with all the rest of the screwballs .
I was talking to a former ramblers player today:p and to be honest he didnt rate hendo at all, just a big mouth who loves to hear himself the whole time.
Ye better start looking for players cos the season wont be long catching up again.

18/12/2006, 5:47 PM
I dont rate Hendo at all if anything we have gone backwards this season over last season.

I think he lost it when he left Brossie go to Waterford. Has Brosie been signed by Waterford?

don ramo
18/12/2006, 6:25 PM
until i hear from the club i wouldnt believe davin would go and o reilly, hes been out for a year he hasnt even proved hes fitness so its all romours, i really doubt the club is that dumb to let these players go what can watereford offer them that ramblers cant there not that great they were just relegated, if the directors are comin in nobody will leave cause theres a nice payday comin

19/12/2006, 12:16 PM
I don't blame any player leaving for another club........ it's not about money either.. but ambition..... with Hendo at the Helm the players must know that they are going nowhere... the squad we've had over the last two seasons left to their own devices would have got themselves promoted.. Hendo has made too many mistakes and not learned from them... he's playing the committee like a fiddle which is astounding as he has won nothing for the club.
If all the players listed do leave then the chairman ultimately has to take the rap..... replace the manager...see what happens

don ramo
19/12/2006, 4:13 PM
ya true, it is hendos fault and hopefully when the directors come in they will sort out the problem

19/12/2006, 9:14 PM
hendo out...god i was slated a few months ago for saying that!!

20/12/2006, 12:36 AM
rightly so too. when he took us over we were at the bottom and were sh**. he has set the high standards we have at the club now and he has practically no support from most people on this website. think of how bad things were under liam mc mahon a end of the 90's when we were turning up to see how many goals the opposition will score. at the moment things are the best in years and i think it will only get better. but this is a big year for everybody at the club,and its up to us the supporters to turn up every week and get behind the team no matter what way the result is.

20/12/2006, 6:30 AM
Bellavistaman that was the same speech we heard from the chairman last year.

This is a big year and we need to get up etc etc etc.

Its like a broken record.

With the team we had last seasonthere should have been no excuses we should have got up. The reason we didnt is because of the manager not playing players in their preferred positions.

The start of the season he played different teams every week and in different positions he hadnt a clue what to do this ultimatly cost us.

He has been supported for just over 2 seasons and has not come up with the goods so in my opinion it is time to move on and try someone else.

don ramo
20/12/2006, 7:45 AM
jesus you forgot about davie hill he got us to the palyoffs and i agree with bellvistaman in the bar was set fairly high, i want promotion tomorrow not next year but its a young team, and we must support them and until hendo is gone which might not be till this time next year we must do our best to support the team, i really do hope if hes kept on he will wake up and stop playing around with the team play the players in there position taht way there is no one to blame but the player, and we know the players will always do there best when the crowd are behind them so f*** the charman and hendo well get the team up not them, :ball:

P.S i think we need to advertise for a total mainaic for next season, you know to get the club in the papers a bit more like the dundalk fella (but not suicidal thats a bit much) sure thats the criteria, sure it got rovers up why not us :D

20/12/2006, 10:49 AM
Harping on about the Liam McMahon era is not relevant at all. I personally don't see how getting another manager in at the moment will help anybody but the question has to be asked "has he done as well as he should have done with the resourses he's had?".

Going on about how it used to be when we hardly had a pot to p!ss in doesn't bring anything to the argument.

don ramo
20/12/2006, 2:22 PM
hes had the best resources a manager in the first division for us ever, id say we got to premier divison in the n 90's on less, we spent like animals when we got there and nearly went under but didint, and davie hill almost got us promoted a few years ago with not even half the budget hendo got last year, but like i said wheather he stays our goes i will be down supporting the team i follow, i wouldnt stop supporting my club cause of one man.

20/12/2006, 2:59 PM
yes but there was matches lst year where the starting team was the one we all wanted to see then we'd lose one or two nil and everybody would blame the manager and i think thats wrong. its a pity how we beat cork city and should have beat rovers twice at home but lose to monaghan we need to take that out of our game, same as man utd lat year beating arsenal on sunday and lose to portsmouth following saturday.. its wrong and some times up to the payers mentality not the manager selection. but agreed we all have to get behind the team next year and get up to the league we all want to be playing in..

20/12/2006, 3:22 PM
We have a chairman that probably doesn't know what a 4-4-2 formation is and thinks all of us supporters have as little or less knowledge than himself..... we've heard his promises on promotion and on what would happen to Hendo if he didn't deliver...well chairman, what excuses have you to offer because we all know the reasons.

don ramo
20/12/2006, 5:39 PM
well it doent matter if the chairman knows 4-4-2 cause hes the chairman not the manager hes job is to set the club up as best as possible for the future which hes doin, he got us a prmier license (which is great cause it say how well the club is run off the pitch) and hes bringing in directors who will invest money (it doesnt grow on trees) and then it will be the directors decision who they want as manager and not the chairmans, but you must say hes not an idiot if he could get somone better in he would, but pat fenlon and the likes dont want to come to the first division, sure if you want give a list of names to the chairman of who you want as manager and tell him check if there interested in the job and check it up yourself to, hendo isnt great by any means but who can we get thats better than him and will come to ramblers, thats the question

20/12/2006, 6:56 PM
ya mouthing off the chairman is a disgrace the past few years the agm's have been about how little money we have but with this chairman its all positive and we'll get the money if we need it and we always have it. new stadium new dressing rooms, new toilets, new roof in the bar and a premier license like don ramo said shows the work being done off the pitch so in my opinion mouthing off the chairman is a disgrace.

21/12/2006, 6:16 AM
Bellavistaman we are entitled to our opinions and I belive the Chairman has made a mistake with the manager in giving him all this money.
After last season we can only be in more debt. We were 125000 in debt last season on a wage bill of 2500 this has doubled to 5000 that means we will be at least 250000 in debt after this season.

The reason we are looking for directors is that the club will be in a bad way if he cannot bring in some big investment. By bringing Directors it will get him out of Jail on the money that has all ready been spent.

He is a vey shrewd man and well done to him he has done some great stuff off the field as you have pointed out. If he had as much influence on the Pitch maybe we would have got promoted.

don ramo
21/12/2006, 10:52 AM
well hes not out to bankrupt the club in hendos first full season he done great and the chairman rewarded him by getting as much money as possible for henderson which was a wage bill of 5000 a week (rovers wage bill was 120000) so after a good season of finnishing 3rd he was given more mony to get us up further and considering he gave so much money to hendo he could just stab him in the back without giving him a chance, then he would be in for even more critisim for the simple fact he didint stand by hes guns, and gave into the presure of the fans, im not happy we finnished a place lower but we are set for next year dundalks squad will be torn apart, cause they finnished 2nd and there players should move on now there in the first again after all there hard work and waterford might be the thoughest challenge well face next seaon, i hope the director have a good manager in mind and we should know by the AGM if anythings happenin by then

Mental Man
21/12/2006, 12:34 PM
Hi guys, Cronin was just on the radio here now and is talking about signing 2 strikers down your way, O'Reilly and bruton i think were mentioned, well we all know willy but whats the O'reilly chap like? Possibly Warren also, hopes to have these guys tied down in the next few days and start pre-season training in 2-3 weeks time.
He also re-signed Alan Keely and Stephen Cooling from Kildare county,anyway looking forward for our visits to St Colemans again :D .

Dj Duffer
21/12/2006, 4:17 PM
Well o reilly was player of the year in the first division last season so obviously hes one of the top strilers in the 1st division.. He was injured for most of this season so he will find it hard to regain his old form..

21/12/2006, 5:02 PM
still injured afaik

21/12/2006, 5:07 PM
Don Ramo at this point it does not look like we will have a squad for next season.They will be all down in Waterford running away from hendo.

don ramo
21/12/2006, 5:46 PM
ya they proably will, but id say the chairman would proably do something if it was that serious, its only bruton i really like him but its hes decision to go and i doubt o'relly will go sure hes only on his way back to fitness, we need to make changes to the team anyways, keep the core of the talent comeing through and well be fine, i very well doubth waterford are goin to take 5 players from us when they already have a decent squad anyway, they might have been relegated but not many players will leave id say sure where will they go

Mental Man
24/12/2006, 7:54 AM
Looks like Robert Brosnan is gonna put pen to paper also to re-new his contract at the Blues, the chap has been impressive for us when he played got an almighty cracker of a goal against cork city, solo run, pure class, says he loves it at the blues.

24/12/2006, 10:26 AM
but we are set for next year dundalks squad will be torn apart, cause they finnished 2nd and there players should move on now there in the first

Yes our squad is gonna be torn apart :rolleyes:

We have strengthened every position. We have a far stronger squad then last season. We released all the squad players that were not getting a game and signed better replacements. So far we have lost none of the 1st teamers from last season.