View Full Version : The Top 3 most despised Dubs

Counting Crow
10/11/2002, 5:56 PM
It's time to name your 3 most hated Dubs.

Think hard about some of the crap we have had to put up with when they come down to the "Capital" and some of the unsavoury stuff we have to endure on away trips to Needle City.

I'll kick it off:

#3 - Trevor "Acid" Molloy - would probably sell his family for a fix ( rumor has it he actually did when he was younger. He originally had 7 brothers and 9 sisters but 5 of them are no where to be seen these days ).

#2 - Dick O'Hanlahan - I know, I know he's not from Dublin but he must have some connection - anyway I don't care what poll is being run I'll always include him in my most hated list.

And #1 - Has to be Colin "Hooter" Hawkins. How could anyone love him? He has to be the biggest trashbag that ever laced ( or stole ) a pair of boots. That carry on last Monday just capped it all.
Anyone remember him and the way he tried to antagonise the Shed when Pats went 2-1 up in that fatefull game a few years ago?

Word of advice to the 3 - don't even think of holidaying in Youghal or Garretstown or Inchadonny. We'll track you down and tattoo the cCork coat of arms on your AR$E'S

10/11/2002, 7:01 PM
1. Scumbag Molloy
2. Scumbag Molloy
3. Scumbag Molloy !!!!!!!

11/11/2002, 9:38 AM
1. Molloy.
2. Hawkins
3. the rest of them :)

11/11/2002, 10:49 AM

3. Clumsy Maurice O'Driscoll (Shu Gawd love him)

2. Billy Boy Molloy

1. Paul "Honker" Whelan

Whelan was definitely the most despised opponent ever to set foot in the Cross

11/11/2002, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Conor74
1. James Joyce - chancer...
2. That Cardinal/Archbishop O'Connell...
3. Alan Shatter - small and Fine Gael...
Oh was thinking only in football terms. if the net is to be cast a little wider, Desmond Connell definitely gets my vote, as does Bertie Ahern.
Revised list:
1. Bertie Ahern
2. Cardinal Connell
3. Trevor Molloy.

The Baker brothers, Pat Fenlon, Ollie Byrne and Dermot Keely- actually anything to do with Shels!- all get honourable mentions

11/11/2002, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Conor74
Eanna, if you want to diss Fianna Fail, find another board.
c´mere to me boy, I haven´t even started dissing fianna fáil. cos if i did i wouldn´t stop :) My hatred of Bertie is very closely connected to his palinness with Cardinal Connell, among other things

p.s. agree with ya on garett fitzgerald

11/11/2002, 12:52 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot about that little c*nt with the dead mouse on his top lip, stephen geoghan.......:D

11/11/2002, 6:34 PM
Originally posted by oddboy
Oh yeah, I forgot about that little c*nt with the dead mouse on his top lip
I believe thats now known as a "skanger tash" in Dublin. Bearing in mind the length of time hes been sporting the thing, that would make geoghan a pioneer of skangerdom :)

12/11/2002, 6:14 PM
stephen mcguinness

dessie baker

trevor molloy

12/11/2002, 6:31 PM
1 Colin Hawkins
2 Trevor Molloy
3 Bertie

12/11/2002, 9:59 PM
unless im very much mistaken hawkins is a galwah man unless of course the criteria was playing for dub clubs

13/11/2002, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by gustavo
unless im very much mistaken hawkins is a galwah man unless of course the criteria was playing for dub clubs
forgotten that. honker is indeed a galwegian, but he´s enough of a scumbag dirty knacker to be given honorary dublinship :)

13/11/2002, 10:58 AM
Leaving aside the lying little arsehole who calls himself the leader of the country, there seems to be one candidate emerging from the slime who inspires more disgust, revulsion and loathing than any of the other pond scum and that piece of toejam is the one and only Carlisle reject, the Maggot Molloy......;)

13/11/2002, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by oddboy
Leaving aside the lying little arsehole who calls himself the leader of the country, there seems to be one candidate emerging from the slime who inspires more disgust, revulsion and loathing than any of the other pond scum and that piece of toejam is the one and only Carlisle reject, the Maggot Molloy......;)
LOL. couldn´t have put it better myself :)