View Full Version : Directors

Dj Duffer
08/12/2006, 10:13 AM
I have heard that rams are setting up a board of directors and are getting a 500,000 euro investment!! Does anyone know if this is true?!

don ramo
08/12/2006, 4:19 PM
there in talks with potential investers, no names have been mention due to the obvious reason that they might not go ahead with it but, the proposal sounds good and if all is believed to be true it could be good for the club short term anyway, there probably will be long term issues but noting is been said of these only positives so far, it could be a good move for the club as the directors will be involed in runing the team wich will be set up in a company, and the club and its assets will belong to the members of the club, only the members can change the name of the team and the members are responsible for providing the ground so the club will be in charege of everything except the runing of the team, and the directors are in charge of the transfers and who the manager is,:eek:

Warning you may have to pinch youself:D

09/12/2006, 12:34 AM
it sounds good maybe too good.if anything sounds too good a deal it probably is. i dont know any of the details either and hate to be negative but there could be a few peple with their eye on a very, very good bit of land. that ground is in the middle of a residential area you'd fit at least 80 to well over a 100 terraced houses on it. your talking a multi-million euro asset.

wether the contract says so or not,if the club owe a company money, the company have to be paid and ramblers could lose their asset.

maybe im well off target and probably am, but one thing is for sure there must be a down side or a risk for the club, and i havent heard any of that. nobody invests that type of money for nothing, if i had that type of cash to spare i know i would invest and ye would too but im a loyal fan as are ye.

we,ll have to wait and see.

Comic Book Guy
09/12/2006, 9:07 AM
As long as the clubs assets are protected I would have no problem with it, obviously we don't know the identity of the new investors but I would imagine that they are fairly well off.
Anyone investing in a football club (apart from the so called G-14) is unlikely to make any significant returns on their investment. As long as the premises are protected then it should be a good move.

The Rebel Ram
09/12/2006, 9:56 AM
There was a meeting on Thursday night for season ticket holders to discuss the possibility of directors, I was away and couldn't make it, does anyone know what went on?

10/12/2006, 8:26 AM
Ya, proposal went through to appoint 5 directors,3 outside investors and 2 from existing club structure. As previous post states this is commercially only .i.e Club Profits or Club Losses, social club income etc. Ground and Clubhouse cannot be touched or Club renamed as Trustees would need to OK that. Could be good for the club and town if the right people are in charge.

10/12/2006, 8:30 AM
one of the failed bids for cork city turning their attentions to ramblers perhaps?

Dj Duffer
10/12/2006, 1:08 PM
one of the failed bids for cork city turning their attentions to ramblers perhaps?

Could be possible.. Theyre local investors but local could mean the whole of cork!

don ramo
10/12/2006, 3:36 PM
Ya, proposal went through to appoint 5 directors,3 outside investors and 2 from existing club structure. As previous post states this is commercially only .i.e Club Profits or Club Losses, social club income etc. Ground and Clubhouse cannot be touched or Club renamed as Trustees would need to OK that. Could be good for the club and town if the right people are in charge.

i was at the meeting thursday, when was this told, i heard there is posssibly three investers who will be the directors, its like a massive sponsership deal, but if there investing so much money why not have a say whats done with it, proably a smart bunch of people, as for the renameing of the club (which will never happen) the members can only change the name of the club, not the trustees,

one bad point i heard is that the club must give a set amount of money to the company for the runing of the team, if the club cannot pay the set amount of money the company could take the clubs assets, and then the directors wil own everything :mad:

10/12/2006, 3:51 PM
I cant see how anything can go through until the AGM!!

If people want to invest by all means let them but the assets of Cobh Ramblers need to be protected.

don ramo
10/12/2006, 5:14 PM
the AGM doesnt matter as its a cometee decsion, the directors will more than likely be in place by the AGM, only cometee members and trustees will see the contract, and can sign it if they like but its a cometee decsion, they said they wrote up a contract stateing the the assetts of the club stay with the club, but we all know that can change if curcumstancts dictate

11/12/2006, 4:06 PM
Surely that has to be the members desicion and not just the Commitee??

But then again this is Cobh Ramblers we are talking about!!

don ramo
11/12/2006, 4:16 PM
it a cometee decision for the simple fact the cometee were appionted by the members to run the club as best as possible, for one thing there will be many good times before anything goes wrong, as if the directors plan is to make money to rob us they will have to invest a lot of money first, and the cometee can concentrate more on the facilites that the club can provide without having to worry about team affairs, sure i agree most of the cometee are useless as i asked some of them many questions about the stand and they were baffeled by some of the question and didint even know how to describe the stand, so i gave up, and now ask the chairman who seems to be doin all the work and has all the answears.so at least we can have a good ground and good investors for 3-5 seasons and the good time will roll